require 'net/http'
require 'net/https'
require 'merb_merchant/billing/response'
module MerbMerchant #:nodoc:
module Billing #:nodoc:
# == Description
# The Gateway class is the base class for all MerbMerchant gateway implementations.
# The standard list of gateway functions that most concrete gateway subclasses implement is:
# * purchase(money, creditcard, options = {})
# * authorize(money, creditcard, options = {})
# * capture(money, authorization, options = {})
# * void(identification, options = {})
# * credit(money, identification, options = {})
# Some gateways include features for recurring billing
# * recurring(money, creditcard, options = {})
# Some gateways also support features for storing credit cards:
# * store(creditcard, options = {})
# * unstore(identification, options = {})
# === Gateway Options
# The options hash consists of the following options:
# * :order_id - The order number
# * :ip - The IP address of the customer making the purchase
# * :customer - The name, customer number, or other information that identifies the customer
# * :invoice - The invoice number
# * :merchant - The name or description of the merchant offering the product
# * :description - A description of the transaction
# * :email - The email address of the customer
# * :currency - The currency of the transaction. Only important when you are using a currency that is not the default with a gateway that supports multiple currencies.
# * :billing_address - A hash containing the billing address of the customer.
# * :shipping_address - A hash containing the shipping address of the customer.
# The :billing_address, and :shipping_address hashes can have the following keys:
# * :name - The full name of the customer.
# * :company - The company name of the customer.
# * :address1 - The primary street address of the customer.
# * :address2 - Additional line of address information.
# * :city - The city of the customer.
# * :state - The state of the customer. The 2 digit code for US and Canadian addresses. The full name of the state or province for foreign addresses.
# * :country - The [ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 code]( for the customer.
# * :zip - The zip or postal code of the customer.
# * :phone - The phone number of the customer.
# == Implmenting new gateways
# See the {MerbMerchant Guide to Contributing}[]
class Gateway
include PostsData
include RequiresParameters
include CreditCardFormatting
include Utils
DEBIT_CARDS = [ :switch, :solo ]
cattr_reader :implementations
@@implementations = []
def self.inherited(subclass)
@@implementations << subclass
# The format of the amounts used by the gateway
# :dollars => '12.50'
# :cents => '1250'
class_inheritable_accessor :money_format
self.money_format = :dollars
# The default currency for the transactions if no currency is provided
class_inheritable_accessor :default_currency
# The countries of merchants the gateway supports
class_inheritable_accessor :supported_countries
self.supported_countries = []
# The supported card types for the gateway
class_inheritable_accessor :supported_cardtypes
self.supported_cardtypes = []
class_inheritable_accessor :homepage_url
class_inheritable_accessor :display_name
# The application making the calls to the gateway
# Useful for things like the PayPal build notation (BN) id fields
superclass_delegating_accessor :application_id
self.application_id = 'MerbMerchant'
attr_reader :options
# Use this method to check if your gateway of interest supports a credit card of some type
def self.supports?(card_type)
def self.card_brand(source)
result = source.respond_to?(:brand) ? source.brand : source.type
def card_brand(source)
# Initialize a new gateway.
# See the documentation for the gateway you will be using to make sure there are no other
# required options.
def initialize(options = {})
# Are we running in test mode?
def test?
Base.gateway_mode == :test
private # :nodoc: all
def name\:\:(\w+)Gateway/).flatten.first
# Return a String with the amount in the appropriate format
# TODO Refactor this method. It's a tad on the ugly side.
def amount(money)
return nil if money.nil?
cents = money.respond_to?(:cents) ? money.cents : money
if money.is_a?(String) or cents.to_i < 0
raise ArgumentError, 'money amount must be either a Money object or a positive integer in cents.'
if self.money_format == :cents
sprintf("%.2f", cents.to_f / 100)
# Ascertains the currency to be used on the money supplied.
def currency(money)
money.respond_to?(:currency) ? money.currency : self.default_currency
def requires_start_date_or_issue_number?(credit_card)
return false if card_brand(credit_card).blank?