import type Dropzone from 'dropzone' import {FileChecksum} from '../activestorage/file_checksum' import type { ActiveStorageDirectUploadParams, ActiveStorageDirectUploadResponse } from './types' declare global { interface Window { WCC: any, jQuery: typeof jQuery, Dropzone: typeof Dropzone, } } window.WCC ||= {} const $ = window.jQuery window.Dropzone.autoDiscover = false interface WCCDropzoneFile extends Dropzone.DropzoneFile { uploadURL: string, uploadMethod: string, uploadHeaders: Record | undefined, signedID: string, } interface WCCDropzoneOptions extends Dropzone.DropzoneOptions { directUploadURL: string, } const BaseDropzone = window.Dropzone class WCCDropzone extends BaseDropzone { readonly options!: WCCDropzoneOptions /** * Performs a direct upload to the signed upload URL created in "accept". * On complete, calls the Dropzone "success" callback. */ uploadFile(file: WCCDropzoneFile): void { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest() file.xhr = xhr, file.uploadURL, true) let response: any = null const handleError = () => { (this as any)._errorProcessing([file], response || this.options.dictResponseError?.replace("{{statusCode}}", xhr.status.toString()), xhr) } const updateProgress = (e?: any) => { let progress: number if (e) { progress = 100 * e.loaded / file.upload = { ...file.upload, progress: progress, total:, bytesSent: e.loaded } as Dropzone.DropzoneFileUpload } else { // Called when the file finished uploading progress = 100 let allFilesFinished = false if (file.upload!.progress == 100 && file.upload!.bytesSent == file.upload!.total) { allFilesFinished = true } file.upload!.progress = progress file.upload!.bytesSent = file.upload?.total! // Nothing to do, all files already at 100% if (allFilesFinished) { return } } this.emit("uploadprogress", file, progress, file.upload!.bytesSent) } xhr.onload = (e) => { if (file.status == WCCDropzone.CANCELED) { return } if (xhr.readyState != 4) {return } response = xhr.responseText if (xhr.getResponseHeader("content-type") && xhr.getResponseHeader("content-type")!.indexOf("application/json") >= 0) { try { response = JSON.parse(response) } catch(e) { response = "Invalid JSON response from server." } } updateProgress() if (xhr.status < 200 || xhr.status >= 300) handleError() else { (this as any)._finished([file], response, e) } } xhr.onerror = () => { if (file.status == WCCDropzone.CANCELED) { return } handleError() } // Some browsers do not have the .upload property let progressObj = xhr.upload ?? xhr progressObj.onprogress = updateProgress let headers = { "Accept": "application/json", "Cache-Control": "no-cache", "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest", } if (this.options.headers) { Object.assign(headers, this.options.headers) } if (file.uploadHeaders) { Object.assign(headers, file.uploadHeaders) } for (let [headerName, headerValue] of Object.entries(headers)) { xhr.setRequestHeader(headerName, headerValue) } this.emit("sending", file, xhr) xhr.send(file) } uploadFiles(files: WCCDropzoneFile[]): void { for (const file of files) { this.uploadFile(file as WCCDropzoneFile) } } } const uploadPendingWarning = "File uploads have not yet completed. If you submit the form now they will not be saved. Are you sure you want to continue?" const kb = 1000 const mb = 1000 * kb const gb = 1000 * mb /** * Called on page load to initialize the Dropzone */ function tessaInit() { $('.tessa-upload').each(function(i: number, item: HTMLElement) { const $item = $(item) const directUploadURL = $'direct-upload-url') || '/rails/active_storage/direct_uploads' const options: WCCDropzoneOptions = { maxFiles: 1, // With a single PUT operation, you can upload a single object up to 5 GB in size. // maxFilesize: 5 * gb, addRemoveLinks: true, url: 'UNUSED', dictDefaultMessage: 'Drop files or click to upload.', accept: createAcceptFn({ directUploadURL }), ...$"dropzone-options") } if ($item.hasClass("multiple")) { options.maxFiles = undefined } const dropzone = new WCCDropzone(item, options) /** * On load, if an asset already exists, add it's thumbnail to the dropzone. */ $item.find('input[type="hidden"]').each(function(i: number, input: HTMLElement) { const $input = $(input) const mockFile = $"meta") if (!mockFile) { return } mockFile.accepted = true dropzone.options.addedfile?.call(dropzone, mockFile) dropzone.options.thumbnail?.call(dropzone, mockFile, mockFile.url) dropzone.emit("complete", mockFile) dropzone.files.push(mockFile) }) const inputName = $'input-name') || $item.find('input[type="hidden"]').attr('name'); /** * On successful dropzone upload, create the hidden input with the signed ID. * On the server side, ActiveStorage can then use the signed ID to create an attachment to the blob. */ dropzone.on('success', (file: WCCDropzoneFile) => { $(`input[name="${inputName}"]`).val(file.signedID) }) /** * On dropzone file removal, delete the hidden input. This removes the attachment from the record. */ dropzone.on('removedfile', (file: WCCDropzoneFile) => { $item.find(`input[name="${inputName}"]`).val('') }) }) $('form:has(.tessa-upload)').each((i, form) => { const $form = $(form) $form.on('submit', (event: any) => { let safeToSubmit = true $form.find('.tessa-upload').each((j, dropzoneElement) => { (dropzoneElement.dropzone.files as WCCDropzoneFile[]).forEach((file) => { if (file.status && file.status != WCCDropzone.SUCCESS) { safeToSubmit = false } }) }) if (!safeToSubmit && !confirm(uploadPendingWarning)) { // prevent form submission return false } }) }) } interface AcceptOptions { directUploadURL: string } /** * Accepts a file upload from Dropzone, and creates an ActiveStorage blob via the Tessa::RackUploadProxy. * * Upon successfully creating the blob, retrieves a signed upload URL for direct upload. The * signed URL is attached to the File object which is then passed to "uploadFile". * * @param file Binary file data uploaded by the user * @param done Callback when file is accepted or rejected by the Tessa::RackUploadProxy */ function createAcceptFn({ directUploadURL }: AcceptOptions) { return function(this: WCCDropzone, file: WCCDropzoneFile, done: (error?: string | Error) => void) { console.log('check file size', file.size, this.options.maxFilesize) if (this.options.maxFilesize && file.size > this.options.maxFilesize) { return done( `Uploads are limited to ${Math.floor(this.options.maxFilesize / gb)} Gigabytes.` + ` Your file is ${(file.size / gb).toFixed(2)} GB.` + ` Please contact helpdesk for assistance.` ) } const postData: ActiveStorageDirectUploadParams = { blob: { filename:, byte_size: file.size, content_type: file.type, checksum: '' } } FileChecksum.create(file, (error, checksum) => { if (error) { return done(error) } if (!checksum) { return done(`Failed to generate checksum for file '${}'`) } postData.blob['checksum'] = checksum $.ajax(directUploadURL, { type: 'POST', data: postData, success: (response: ActiveStorageDirectUploadResponse) => { file.uploadURL = response.direct_upload.url file.uploadMethod = 'PUT' // ActiveStorage is always PUT file.uploadHeaders = response.direct_upload.headers file.signedID = response.signed_id done() }, error: (response: any) => { console.error(response) done("Failed to initiate the upload process!") } }) }) } } $(tessaInit)