module Fae module ViewHelper def fae_date_format(datetime, timezone = @option.time_zone) datetime.in_time_zone(timezone).strftime('%m/%d/%y') if is_date_or_time?(datetime) end def fae_datetime_format(datetime, timezone = @option.time_zone) datetime.in_time_zone(timezone).strftime("%b %-d, %Y %l:%M%P %Z") if is_date_or_time?(datetime) end def fae_path Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.fae_path[1..-1] end def fae_image_form(f, image_name, label: nil, alt_label: nil, caption_label: nil, show_alt: nil, show_caption: nil, required: nil, helper_text: nil, alt_helper_text: nil, caption_helper_text: nil, attached_as: nil) render 'fae/images/image_uploader', f: f, image_name: image_name, label: label, alt_label: alt_label, caption_label: caption_label, show_alt: show_alt, show_caption: show_caption, required: required, helper_text: helper_text, alt_helper_text: alt_helper_text, caption_helper_text: caption_helper_text, attached_as: attached_as end def fae_file_form(f, file_name, label: nil, helper_text: nil, required: nil) render 'fae/application/file_uploader', f: f, file_name: file_name, label: label, required: required, helper_text: helper_text end def fae_content_form(f, attribute, label: nil, hint: nil, helper_text: nil, markdown: nil, markdown_supported: nil, input_options: nil) render 'fae/application/content_form', f: f, attribute: attribute, label: label, hint: hint, helper_text: helper_text, markdown: markdown, markdown_supported: markdown_supported, input_options: input_options end def fae_index_image(image, path = nil) return if image.blank? || image.asset.blank? || image.asset.thumb.blank? content_tag :div, class: 'image-mat' do link_to_if path.present?, image_tag(image.asset.thumb.url), path end end def attr_toggle(item, column) active = item.send(column) link_class = active ? 'slider-yes-selected' : '' model_name = item.class.to_s.gsub('::','__').underscore.pluralize url = fae.toggle_path(model_name,, column) link_to url, class: "slider-wrapper #{link_class}", method: :post, remote: true do '
'.html_safe end end # for backwards compatibility alias_method :fae_toggle, :attr_toggle def fae_clone_button(item) return if item.blank? link_to "#{@index_path}?from_existing=#{}", method: :post, title: 'Clone', class: 'js-tooltip table-action', data: { confirm: t('fae.clone_confirmation') } do concat content_tag :i, nil, class: 'icon-copy' end end def fae_delete_button(item, delete_path = nil, *custom_attrs) return if item.blank? delete_path ||= polymorphic_path([main_app, fae_scope, item.try(:fae_parent), item]) attrs = { method: :delete, title: 'Delete', class: 'js-tooltip table-action', data: { confirm: t('fae.delete_confirmation') } } attrs.deep_merge!(custom_attrs[0]) if custom_attrs.present? link_to delete_path, attrs do concat content_tag :i, nil, class: 'icon-trash' end end def fae_sort_id(item) return if item.blank? klass ='/','__') "#{klass}_#{}" end def fae_filter_form(options = {}, &block) options[:collection] ||= @items options[:action] ||= "#{@index_path}/filter" options[:title] ||= "Search #{@klass_humanized.pluralize.titleize}" options[:search] = true if options[:search].nil? options[:cookie_key] ||= false return if options[:collection].blank? form_hash = { class: 'js-filter-form table-filter-area' } form_hash['data-cookie-key'] = options[:cookie_key] if options[:cookie_key].present? filter_header = content_tag(:div, class: 'table-filter-header') do concat content_tag :h4, options[:title] concat filter_search_field if options[:search] end form_tag(options[:action], form_hash) do concat filter_header if block_given? filter_group_wrapper = content_tag(:div, class: 'table-filter-group-wrapper') do concat capture(&block) concat content_tag(:div, content_tag(:a, 'Reset Search', class: 'js-reset-btn button -small hidden', href: '#'), class: 'table-filter-group') end end concat filter_group_wrapper # I know this `unless !` looks like it should be an `if` but it's definitely supposed to be `unless !` concat submit_tag 'Apply Filters', class: 'hidden' unless !options[:search] end end def fae_filter_select(attribute, options = {}) options[:label] ||= attribute.to_s.titleize options[:collection] ||= default_collection_from_attribute(attribute) options[:label_method] ||= :fae_display_field options[:placeholder] = "All #{options[:label].pluralize}" if options[:placeholder].nil? options[:options] ||= [] options[:grouped_by] ||= nil options[:grouped_options] ||= [] # grouped_by takes priority over grouped_options if options[:grouped_by].present? select_options = filter_generate_select_group(options[:collection], options[:grouped_by], options[:label_method]) elsif options[:grouped_options].present? select_options = grouped_options_for_select(options[:grouped_options]) else select_options = options_from_collection_for_select(options[:collection], 'id', options[:label_method]) select_options = options_for_select(options[:options]) if options[:options].present? end content_tag :div, class: 'table-filter-group' do concat label_tag "filter[#{attribute}]", options[:label] concat select_tag "filter[#{attribute}]", select_options, prompt: options[:placeholder] end end def fae_avatar(user = current_user) hash = Digest::MD5.hexdigest( "{hash}?s=80&d=mm" end def fae_paginate(items) content_tag :nav, class: 'pagination' do paginate items, theme: 'fae' end end private def filter_search_field content_tag :div, class: 'table-filter-keyword-wrapper' do concat text_field_tag 'filter[search]', nil, placeholder: 'Search by Keyword' concat content_tag(:i, '', class: 'icon-search') end end def filter_generate_select_group(collection, grouped_by, label_method) labels = { |c| c.send(grouped_by).try(:fae_display_field) }.uniq grouped_hash = {} labels.each do |label| values = { |c| c.send(grouped_by).try(:fae_display_field) == label } grouped_hash[label] = { |v| [v.send(label_method),] } end grouped_options_for_select(grouped_hash) end def default_collection_from_attribute(attribute) attribute.to_s.classify.constantize.for_fae_index rescue NameError [] end def is_date_or_time?(datetime) datetime.present? && ( datetime.kind_of?(Date) || datetime.kind_of?(Time) || datetime.kind_of?(ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone) ) end end end