0.0.19: Testing This release incorporates a new testing suite. I've added Aruba and Cucumber to create acceptance tests for the basic features of bookshop. This does not currently include any unit testing. I will be adding unit tests in a future release. Hopefully these basic acceptance tests will provide some essence of stability considering my recent cowboy coding. :-) 0.0.18: Features Added @output variable for use in ERB source files so conditionals can be used to define custom layouts based upon the type of output being built (e.g. html, pdf, etc) Abstracted the book-to-yaml class into it's own class under */commands/yaml/book.rb Documentation Edited the example book to demonstrate use of "output" conditionals in ERB source files. Added documentation in README's to show use of "output" conditionals in ERB source 0.0.17: Features Added config/book.yml, providing a data structure for elements accessible within the book/ source files. Added 'current date' to the end of the generated filename of builds. Clean-up Removed Template Generator for now, this has become part of the 0.2.0 milestone 0.0.16: Features Added importing <%= import(your_source_file.html.erb) %> functionality for ERB source files, providing subtemplating, allowing for cleaner code layouts. Documentation Edited the example book which is generated with 'bookshop new'. The new layout demonstrates how to utilize the <%= import(your_source_file.html.erb) %> for including sub-files. Removed 'Tools' subfolder including Kindlegen and Epubcheck - I will include them in a future release. But removed for now to save bandwidth and reduce gem size. Made 'book/' the assumed directory for source in 'bookshop build' command and removed 'book/' prefix in all of the layout imports 0.0.15: Features Added ERB functionality to the book source 0.0.14: Moved repository to blueheadpublishing and modified gem source to update all links Features Added CHANGELOG into project template to provide users with a best-practices in documenting version changes 0.0.13: Bug fixes Fixed build pdf command so it doesn't try to build epub 0.0.12: Doc fixes Added new post-install message to alert users to install wkhtmltopdf Removed old POST_INSTALL file 0.0.11: Complete rewrite Switched from docbook toolchain to html/css/javascript toolchain Removed all XML/XSLT/FOP dependencies since no longer using docbook Added wkhtmltopdf as the html-to-pdf processor Added Boom(.css) microformat to replace structural markup previously available via docbook Moved copyright to BlueHead Inc 0.0.4: Core Changes Added new mobi build Branding around World Uniting Press Added epubcheck for epub validations, v1.2 Added kindlegen for generating mobi 0.0.3: Core Changes Added Java toolsets, including all necessary .jars for working with Docbook and bookshop Updated documentation to include information on how to setup java tools and Classpaths on various systems Added MIT-LICENSE Application Generator now has dynamically generated dates and content Added epub build command Added pdf build command Significant rework of Command Line Interface and 'help' dialogues Bug Fixes (none as this was a substantial rework)