class SycLink::Designer
Creates a designer that acts as a proxy between the user and the website. The designer will create a website with the provided title.
The website the designer is working on
Public Instance Methods
Adds a link based on the provided arguments to the website
# File lib/syclink/designer.rb, line 27 def add_link(url, args = {}) website.add_link(, args)) end
Reads arguments from a CSV file and creates links accordingly. The links are added to the websie
# File lib/syclink/designer.rb, line 33 def add_links_from_file(file) File.foreach(file) do |line| next if line.chomp.empty? url, name, description, tag = line.chomp.split(';') website.add_link(, { name: name, description: description, tag: tag })) end end
Creates the html representation of the website. The website is saved to the directory with websites title and needs an erb-template where the links are integrated to. An example template can be found at templates/syclink.html.erb
# File lib/syclink/designer.rb, line 144 def create_website(directory, template_filename) template =, website.title), 'w') do |f| f.puts website.to_html(template) end end
Deletes the website if it already exists
# File lib/syclink/designer.rb, line 134 def delete_website(directory) if File.exists? yaml_file(directory, website.title) FileUtils.rm(yaml_file(directory, website.title)) end end
Export links to specified format
# File lib/syclink/designer.rb, line 51 def export(format) message = "to_#{format.downcase}" if website.respond_to? message website.send(message) else raise "cannot export to #{format}" end end
Finds links based on a search string
# File lib/syclink/designer.rb, line 66 def find_links(search) website.find_links(search) end
Accepts and SycLink::Importer to import Links and add them to the website
# File lib/syclink/designer.rb, line 44 def import_links(importer) importer.links.each do |link| website.add_link(link) end end
List links contained in the website and optionally filter on attributes
# File lib/syclink/designer.rb, line 61 def list_links(args = {}) website.list_links(args) end
Loads a website based on the provided YAML-file and asigns it to the designer to operate on
# File lib/syclink/designer.rb, line 129 def load_website(website) @website = YAML.load_file(website) end
Merge links with same URL
# File lib/syclink/designer.rb, line 107 def merge_links website.merge_links_on(:url) end
Creates a new website where designer can operate on
# File lib/syclink/designer.rb, line 22 def new_website(title = "SYC LINK") @website = end
Deletes one or more links from the website. Returns the deleted links. Expects the links provided in an array
# File lib/syclink/designer.rb, line 113 def remove_links(urls) { |url| list_links({ url: url }) }.flatten.compact.each do |link| website.remove_link(link) end end
Check links availability. Takes a filter which values to return and whether to return available, unavailable or available and unavailable links. In the following example only unavailable links' url and response would be returned
report_links_availability(available: false, unavailable: false, columns: "url,response")
# File lib/syclink/designer.rb, line 77 def report_links_availability(opts) cols = opts[:columns].gsub(/ /, "").split(',') do |url, response| result = if response == "200" and opts[:available] { "url" => url, "response" => response } elsif response != "200" and opts[:unavailable] { "url" => url, "response" => response } end next if result.nil? cols.inject([]) { |res, c| res << result[c.downcase] } end.compact end
Saves the website to the specified directory with the downcased name of the website and the extension 'website'. The website is save as YAML
# File lib/syclink/designer.rb, line 121 def save_website(directory), website.title), 'w') do |f| YAML.dump(website, f) end end
Updates a link. The link is identified by the URL. If there is more than one link with the same URL, only the first link is updated
# File lib/syclink/designer.rb, line 92 def update_link(url, args) website.find_links(url).first.update(args) end
# File lib/syclink/designer.rb, line 96 def update_links_from_file(file) File.foreach(file) do |line| next if line.chomp.empty? url, name, description, tag = line.chomp.split(';') website.find_links(url).first.update({ name: name, description: description, tag: tag }) end end