- Authenticate user at entry point - Authenticate in parent class initializer - Auth methods should be instance - Move all app deploy interactive details to constants OR globe file Code should be enough smart to handle exceptions - BadTarget - AuthError - TargetError - We can store app_url details into local YML - Zip_code, should have proper dir(Probably app_name, May user will have multiple apps) - Rest multipart, should be dynamic for multiple calls - Need to improve help class - Need to improve helpers class, All common methods will move to helper. - App update need to work - Separate methods for root help and command help - Shell command and description should be dynamic(get from pass server) - Remove extarcted app dir from .app42 - Exception for invalid argument - Rspec test case for all class and methods #app_name = 'demo' ##source_url = '/home/ubuntu/workspace/Deploycode/sinatra/test.zip' ##source_url = '/home/ubuntu/workspace/Deploycode/ruby/demo.zip' #source_url = '/home/ubuntu/workspace/Deploycode/java/Calendar.war'