module Kaltura module Service ## # BaseEntryService is a service for generic entries. If you do not know what type of media you are working with, # this is a good service to use. You need to know what media type you are working with for MediaService. # # @example Retrieve a base entry: # client.base_entry_service.get('1_qua324a') # # @example Upload a new entry: # upload_file ="/path/to/media_file") # upload_token = client.base_entry_service.upload(upload_file) # base_entry = # = "WAFFLES ARE MY FRIEND" # client.base_entry_service.add_from_uploaded_file(base_entry,upload_token) # # @example Update an existing entry: # update_entry = # update_entry.description = "Pancakes are lame yo." # client.base_entry_service.update('1_qua324a',update_entry) # # @example Delete an existing entry: # client.base_entry_service.delete('1_qua324a') # # @example Update an Entry thumbnail via file upload: # thumbnail_file ='/path/to/thumbnail_file') # client.base_entry_service.update_thumbnail_from_jpeg('1_qua324a',thumbnail_file) # # @example Update an entry thumbnail from a url: # client.base_entry_service.update_thumbnail_from_url('1_qua324a','') # # @example Update an entry thumbnail from another entry: # client.base_entry_service.update_thumbnail_from_source_entry('1_qua324a','0_k24aj1b',5) ## class BaseEntryService < BaseService ## # Generic add entry using an uploaded file, should be used when the uploaded entry type is not known. # # @param [Kaltura::BaseEntry] entry A newly instantiated BaseEntry object filled in with appropriate fields. # @param [String] upload_token_id The upload token from the upload() method. # @param [Kaltura::Constants::Entry::Type] type The type of entry. This should be defaulted. Otherwise use the MediaService. # # @return [Kaltura::BaseEntry] Returns a Kaltura Entry. This is helpful to retrieve the entry_id. # # @raise [Kaltura::APIError] Default Kaltura errors. ## def add_from_uploaded_file(entry, upload_token_id, type=-1) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entry', entry) client.add_param(kparams, 'uploadTokenId', upload_token_id) client.add_param(kparams, 'type', type) perform_request('baseEntry','addFromUploadedFile',kparams,false) end ## # Gets a base entry by ID. # # @param [String] entry_id Kaltura entry. # @param [Integer] version Version of the entry. # # @return [Kaltura::BaseEntry] The requested Entry. # # @raise [Kaltura::APIError] Default Kaltura errors. ## def get(entry_id, version=-1) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id) client.add_param(kparams, 'version', version) perform_request('baseEntry','get',kparams,false) end ## # Updates a base entry. It is best to instantiate a new base entry for the second parameter and initilize # those fields for the changes you want to change instead of using an existing entry object. # # @param [String] entry_id The Kaltura entry to be updated. # @param [Kaltura::BaseEntry] base_entry A BaseEntry object with fields populated that you wish to change. # # @return [Kaltura::BaseEntry] Returns the Entry defined by entry_id with the updated fields. # # @raise [Kaltura::APIError] raises "ENTRY_ID_NOT_FOUND" if the entry_id isn't found in addition to default errors. ## def update(entry_id, base_entry) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id) client.add_param(kparams, 'baseEntry', base_entry) perform_request('baseEntry','update',kparams,false) end ## # Retrieves an array of BaseEntries when provided a comma seperated list of entry_id's. # # @param [String] entry_ids A comma delimited list of Kaltura entry_id's. # # @return [Array] Returns an array of Entries, based upon their format. # # @raise [Kaltura::APIError] Default Kaltura errors. ## def get_by_ids(entry_ids) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryIds', entry_ids) perform_request('baseEntry','getByIds',kparams,false) end ## # Deletes the specified Kaltura Entry. # # @param [String] entry_id The Kaltura entry to be deleted. # # @return [nil] Returns nothing. # # @raise [Kaltura::APIError] Default Kaltura errors. ## def delete(entry_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id) perform_request('baseEntry','delete',kparams,false) end ## # Lists base entries by the filter with paging support. # # @param [Kaltura::Filter::BaseEntryFilter] filter # @param [Kaltura::FilterPager] pager # # @return [Kaltura::Response::BaseEntryListResponse] wrapper for Kaltura::Response::BaseResponse. # # @raise [Kaltura::APIError] Default Kaltura errors. ## def list(filter=nil, pager=nil) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter) client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager) perform_request('baseEntry','list',kparams,false) end ## # Returns a count based on a specified base entry filter. # # @param [Kaltura::Filter::BaseEntryFilter] filter # # @return [Integer] Number of base entries within the filter. # # @raise [Kaltura::APIError] Default Kaltura errors. ## def count(filter=nil) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'filter', filter) perform_request('baseEntry','count',kparams,false) end ## # Uploads a file to the Kaltura server and returns a token to be used to create a Kaltura entry. # # @param [File] file_data The file to upload to Kaltura. # # @return [String] The file upload_token_id to be used by entry adding methods. # # @raise [Kaltura::APIError] Default Kaltura errors. ## def upload(file_data) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'fileData', file_data) perform_request('baseEntry','upload',kparams,false) end ## # Updates an entries thumbnail using a raw jpeg file. # # @param [String] entry_id The Kaltura entry. # @param [File] file_data The MIME type of 'image/jpg' file to be used as the entries thumbnail. # This will update the entries version and the thumbnail's version. # # @return [Kaltura::BaseEntry] The updated Kaltura entry. The primary change will be a version bump. # # @raise [Kaltura::APIError] Will raise 'PERMISSION_DENIED_TO_UPDATE_ENTRY' # if the user session doesn't have permissions to edit this particular entry. ## def update_thumbnail_jpeg(entry_id, file_data) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id) client.add_param(kparams, 'fileData', file_data) perform_request('baseEntry','updateThumbnailJpeg',kparams,false) end ## # Updates an entries thumbnail using a valid URL. # # @param [String] entry_id The Kaltura entry. # @param [File] url The URL to pull the thumbnail from. # This will update the entries version and the thumbnail's version. # # @return [Kaltura::BaseEntry] The updated Kaltura entry. The primary change will be a version bump. # # @raise [Kaltura::APIError] Will raise 'PERMISSION_DENIED_TO_UPDATE_ENTRY' # if the user session doesn't have permissions to edit this particular entry. ## def update_thumbnail_from_url(entry_id, url) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id) client.add_param(kparams, 'url', url) perform_request('baseEntry','updateThumbnailFromUrl',kparams,false) end ## # Updates the entries thumbnail from another entry given a specified time offset. # This is one truly odd API call. # # @param [String] entry_id The Kaltura entry to be changed. # @param [String] source_entry_id The Kaltura entry providing the change. # @param [Integer] time_offset The time in seconds to offset the source_entry_id thumbnail by. # # @return [Kaltura::BaseEntry] The updated Kaltura entry. The primary change will be a version bump. # # @raise [Kaltura::APIError] Will raise 'PERMISSION_DENIED_TO_UPDATE_ENTRY' # if the user session doesn't have permissions to edit this particular entry. ## def update_thumbnail_from_source_entry(entry_id, source_entry_id, time_offset) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id) client.add_param(kparams, 'sourceEntryId', source_entry_id) client.add_param(kparams, 'timeOffset', time_offset) perform_request('baseEntry','updateThumbnailFromSourceEntry',kparams,false) end ## # Flags an inappropriate Kaltura entry for moderation. # The entry ID is provided in the moderation_flag, so it isn't blatently obvious which entry you are # interacting with. The method also outputs nothing, so success/failure is more difficult than necessary # to track. # # @param [Kaltura::ModerationFlag] moderation_flag The Kaltura Entry being flagged is hidden down in the field 'flagged_entry_id'. # # @return [nil] Returns nothing. # # @raise [Kaltura::APIError] raises "ENTRY_ID_NOT_FOUND" if the entry_id isn't found in addition to default errors. ## def flag(moderation_flag) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'moderationFlag', moderation_flag) perform_request('baseEntry','flag',kparams,false) end ## # Rejects a Kaltura entry and marks any pending flags as moderated. # This makes the entry unplayable and is a much more sane method to flag content than the flag method. # # @param [String] entry_id The Kaltura entry to reject. # # @return [nil] Returns nothing. # # @raise [Kaltura::APIError] raises "ENTRY_ID_NOT_FOUND" if the entry_id isn't found in addition to default errors. ## def reject(entry_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id) perform_request('baseEntry','reject',kparams,false) end ## # Approves an entry and marks any pending flags as moderated. # This makes the entry playable. # # @param [String] entry_id The Kaltura entry to approve. # # @return [nil] Returns nothing. # # @raise [Kaltura::APIError] raises "ENTRY_ID_NOT_FOUND" if the entry_id isn't found in addition to default errors. ## def approve(entry_id) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id) perform_request('baseEntry','approve',kparams,false) end ## # Lists all pending moderation flags for the specified entry. # # @param [String] entry_id The Kaltura entry. # @param [Kaltura::FilterPager] pager An optional pager to use for a large list of pending moderation flags. # # @return [Kaltura::Response::ModerationFlagListResponse] Wrapper for Kaltura::BaseResponse. # # @raise [Kaltura::APIError] Raises default Kaltura errors. ## def list_flags(entry_id, pager=nil) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id) client.add_param(kparams, 'pager', pager) perform_request('baseEntry','listFlags',kparams,false) end ## # Anonymously ranks an entry. # There is no validation done on duplicate rankings. # # @param [String] entry_id The Kaltura entry to rank. # @param [Integer] rank The rank to assign. # # @return [nil] Returns nothing. # # @raise [Kaltura::APIError] Raises default Kaltura errors. ## def anonymous_rank(entry_id, rank) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id) client.add_param(kparams, 'rank', rank) perform_request('baseEntry','anonymousRank',kparams,false) end ## # Retrieves the context data from a Kaltura entry. This is not documented in the API. # I'd be cautious about actually using this method. # # @param [String] entry_id The Kaltura entry. # @param [Kaltura::EntryContextDataParams] context_data_params The only field not inherited from Kaltura::ObjectBase # is referrer, so I imagine that is what you should set. # # @return [Kaltura::EntryContextDataResult] Returns some context info, including is the entry restricted by country or session. # # @raise [Kaltura::APIError] Raises default Kaltura errors. ## def get_context_data(entry_id, context_data_params) kparams = {} client.add_param(kparams, 'entryId', entry_id) client.add_param(kparams, 'contextDataParams', context_data_params) perform_request('baseEntry','getContextData',kparams,false) end end #class BaseEntryService end end