## Version 2.0.2 (2013-09-08) Patch: * GH-14: escape single quotes at beginning of lines See the "CONTROL CHARACTERS" section in the groff(7) manual for details. Thanks to Nick Fagerlund for reporting this bug. * inhibit periods at line beginnings with \& escape * escape text line backslashes as "\e" per groff(7) * better documentation for escaping in normal_text() * it's better to escape backslashes as \[rs] than \e See "Single-Character Escapes" section in groff(7). Other: * switch from double-quoted strings to single quotes ## Version 2.0.1 (2013-08-29) Patch: * Use a proper CDN to access Bootstrap 2.3.2 styling in HTML output. * Ensure that man/ directory exists for the `md2man:web` Rake task. * Specify license in gemspec file to fix warning when building gem. Thanks to Bastien Dejean for contributing this patch. Other: * Upgrade dependent gems by running `bundle update`. * minitest 4.7.5 provides spec library via autorun. ## Version 2.0.0 (2013-05-05) This release renames md2man executables and libraries to highlight the fact that md2man provides two processing pathways: one for Roff and one for HTML. Major: * Rename md2man(1) executable to md2man-roff(1). * Rename `Md2Man::Engine` to `Md2Man::Roff::Engine`. * Rename "manpage-reference" CSS class to "md2man-xref" in HTML output. * The `Md2Man::Document#reference()` method now takes only two parameters: * `input_match` - MatchData object for the reference in Markdown input containing the following named capture groups: * `:page` - name of the manual page * `:section` - section number of the manual page * `output_match` - MatchData object for the reference in output document containing the following named capture groups: * `:addendum` - non-space characters immediately after the reference in the output document Patch: * Prevent cross-references from being expanded inside HTML tags. Other: * Add md2man(5) manual page detailing md2man's markdown file format. ## Version 1.6.2 (2013-05-05) Patch: * Fix "uninitialized constant Md2Man::VERSION" error in `md2man/rakefile`. * HTML manual page CSS: justify the lines of text just like man(1) does. * HTML manual page CSS: resize body to allot 78ex width for manpage text. ## Version 1.6.1 (2013-05-04) Patch: * Replace multi-column CSS with single centered body. Other: * Fix manpage xrefs in README and VERSION documents. ## Version 1.6.0 (2013-03-10) Minor: * Added an md2man-rake(1) executable that lets you run md2man's rake(1) tasks _directly_ from the command line: without the need for a "Rakefile" in your working directory that loads the `md2man/rakefile` library. * In web pages generated by the `md2man:web` Rake task: * extract CSS into a separate `man/style.css` file * center manpage on screen & auto-split into columns Patch: * In web pages generated by the `md2man:web` Rake task: * don't rely on being emitted into a `man/` directory Other: * add README and VERSION to generated HTML man pages ## Version 1.5.1 (2013-03-06) Patch: * All this time, this project's documentation stated that Redcarpet's `no_intra_emphasis` option was enabled, but in reality, it was not. The documentation has been corrected and the option remains disabled. * In web pages generated by the `md2man:web` Rake task: * deactivate cross references to external manual pages * don't assume that NAME section contains a tagline * sort man/ subdirectories in the HTML index page * fix link to index page from webs directly in man/ * add generator META tag to HTML output template * only apply special styling to the first H1 child * parse title from first paragraph containing hyphen Other: * rename HISTORY to VERSION so it sorts after README * tests should exercise engines with default options ## Version 1.5.0 (2013-02-24) Minor: * The `md2man:web` task from `md2man/rakefile` now: * emits valid HTML5 with helpful HTML page titles * uses Twitter Bootstrap styling for HTML man pages * emits only ONE index page for all HTML man pages Other: * README: better organize the subsections of "Usage" * include md2man rake tasks in developer's rakefile ## Version 1.4.1 (2013-02-23) Patch: * rakefile: arbitrary directory structure under man/ https://github.com/sunaku/md2man/pull/3#issuecomment-9429077 Thanks to Postmodern for raising this issue. * hook into 'build' task only if using Bundler tasks https://github.com/sunaku/md2man/pull/7#issuecomment-9467621 Thanks to Postmodern for raising this issue. * GH-8: Redcarpet requires Ruby 1.9 and so must we https://github.com/sunaku/md2man/issues/8#issuecomment-9509240 Thanks to Postmodern for raising this issue. Other: * README: add md2man-html(1) and Md2Man::HTML usage * LICENSE: use GitHub profile URLs instead of e-mail ## Version 1.4.0 (2012-10-14) Minor: * roff: emit non-first H1 headings as H2 headings * html: add `Md2Man::HTML::Engine` class for HTML manual page generation * html: add md2man-html(1) bin script for command line access to the above * html: add ID attributes on all headings for easy permalinking * rake: add `md2man/rakefile` to process markdown files in man/ This library provides a `rake md2man` task that builds UNIX and HTML manual pages from Markdown files (with ".markdown", ".mkd", or ".md" extension) inside your `man/man*/` directories. It also provides sub-tasks to build *only* UNIX or HTML manual pages separately. It also hooks into Bundler's gem packaging tasks to automatically build your manual pages for packaging into a gem. See the README for details. ## Version 1.3.2 (2012-10-13) Patch: * roff: escape backslashes inside codespan nodes too * roff: escape backslashes inside block\_code nodes ## Version 1.3.1 (2012-10-09) Patch: * roff: do not render references inside code blocks. * roff: do not render references inside code spans. * roff: fix single-line indented paragraph detection. * roff: also indent block\_code just like block\_quote. * roff: add paragraph above block\_quote for spacing. * roff: render code blocks as paragraphs for spacing. Otherwise there's not enough space between the previous paragraph and the code block: it appears on the next line and appears ugly in man(1). * document: make reference regexp match more manpages. Other: * document: stronger digest encoding using NUL bytes. * document: super() can't reach Redcarpet's renderer classes. See https://github.com/vmg/redcarpet/issues/51 for details. ## Version 1.3.0 (2012-09-27) Minor: * Intra-word emphasis is now enabled *by default* in `Md2Man::ENGINE`. To not be affected by this change, you may still construct your own Redcarpet::Markdown engine with your own set of processing options. ## Version 1.2.1 (2012-07-05) Patch: * GH-4: ruby 1.8.7 lacks negative lookbehind regexps. Thanks to Postmodern for reporting this issue. Other: * GH-1: use `~>` for gem version constraints. See http://docs.rubygems.org/read/chapter/16 Thanks to Postmodern for this contribution. ## Version 1.2.0 (2012-02-06) Minor: * The `Md2Man::Document` module now handles paragraph() nodes and dispatches their content accordingly to hook methods for indented, tagged, and normal paragraphs. A Redcarpet markdown parser need only include that module and implement those hook methods in order to benefit from md2man's extensions to markdown syntax programmatically. Other: * README: mention features; revise markdown; cleanup. * LICENSE: @tanoku created initial Manpage renderer. ## Version 1.1.0 (2012-02-02) Minor: * Add `Md2Man::Document` module for programmatic processing of cross-references to other UNIX manual pages within Redcarpet. Other: * README: not all systems support `man -l` option. * gemspec: upgrade to redcarpet 2.1.0. * bundler suggests moving all dev deps into gemspec. * README: fix installation commands for development. * README: simplify project slogan to be more memorable. ## Version 1.0.2 (2012-01-09) Patch: * Blockquote's leading paragraph regexp was not anchored. * Freezing internal constants prevents monkey patching. Other: * Upgraded to Binman 3 for better interoperability with Bundler. * Added example input file from the Linux Man Page Howto. * Forgot to change project slogan in the gem package. ## Version 1.0.1 (2011-12-06) Major: * Renamed the project from "redcarpet-manpage" to "md2man". * `RedcarpetManpage::Renderer` is now `Md2Man::Engine`. * `RedcarpetManpage::RENDERER` is now `Md2Man::ENGINE`. * Tagged paragraphs no longer require the first line to begin with italic or bold styling. All that matters is that the subsequent lines are indented. Minor: * Added md2man(1) executable for command-line usage. * Added support for all HTML 4.0 and XHTML 1.0 entities. * Added support for tables, horizontal rules, and more. * Added `Md2Man::Roff` mixin for advanced Redcarpet2 usage. * Improved README with some new and revised documentation. Other: * Rewrote entire Markdown to Roff conversion from scratch while doing TDD. ## Version 0.0.1 (2011-10-13) First release! Happy birthday! Woohoo! :-)