// Span Syntax // =========== // Span [mixin] // ------------ // Set a spanning element using shorthand syntax. // - $span : @mixin span( $span ) { $inspect: $span; $span: parse-span($span); $output: span-math($span); $nesting: susy-get(span, $span); $clear: susy-get(clear, $span); $box: susy-get(box-sizing, $span); $content-box: if(susy-get(global-box-sizing) != 'border-box', true, false); $box: $box or if(is-inside($span) and $content-box, border-box, null); @if $clear == break { @include break; } @else if $clear == nobreak { @include nobreak; } @include susy-inspect(span, $inspect); @include output((box-sizing: $box)); @include float-span-output($output...); @if valid-columns($nesting, silent) { @include nested($span) { @content; } } @else { @content; } } // Span [function] // --------------- // Return the width of a span. // - $span : @function span( $span ) { @return get-span-width($span); } // Span Math // --------- // Get all the span results. // - $span: @function span-math( $span ) { $nest : if(susy-get(role, $span) == nest, true, false); $split-nest : if(is-split($span) and $nest, true, false); $edge : get-edge($span); $location : get-location($span); $float : from; $padding-before : null; $padding-after : null; $margin-before : null; $margin-after : null; // calculate widths $spread: index(map-values($span), spread); $span: if($split-nest and not $spread, map-merge($span, (spread: wide)), $span); $width: get-span-width($span); $gutters: get-gutters($span); // apply gutters @if is-inside($span) { @if not susy-get(role, $span) { $padding-before: map-get($gutters, before); $padding-after: map-get($gutters, after); } } @else { @if not ($split-nest) { $margin-before: map-get($gutters, before); $margin-after: map-get($gutters, after); } } // special margin handling @if susy-get(output, $span) == isolate and $location { $margin-before: get-isolation($span); $margin-after: -100%; } @else if $edge { $is-split: is-split($span); $pos: susy-get(gutter-position, $span); @if $edge == last { $float: susy-get(last-flow, $span); } @if not $is-split { @if $edge == full or ($edge == first and $pos == before) { $margin-before: 0; } @if $edge == full or ($edge == last and $pos == after) { $margin-after: 0; } } } @return ( width : $width, float : $float, margin_before : $margin-before, margin_after : $margin-after, padding_before : $padding-before, padding_after : $padding-after, flow : susy-get(flow, $span), ); } // Get Span Width // -------------- // Return span width. // - $span: @function get-span-width( $span ) { $span : parse-span($span); $n : susy-get(span, $span); $location : get-location($span); $columns : susy-get(columns, $span); $gutters : susy-get(gutters, $span); $spread : susy-get(spread, $span); $context : null; $span-sum : null; $width : null; @if $n == 'full' { $pos: susy-get(gutter-position, $span); $role: susy-get(role, $span); $n: if($pos == split and $role != nest, susy-count($columns), 100%); } @if type-of($n) != number { @warn "(#{type-of($n)}) #{$n} is not a valid span."; } @else if unitless($n) { $context: susy-sum($columns, $gutters, if(is-split($span), wide, narrow)); $spread: if(is-inside($span), $spread or wide, $spread); $span-sum: susy($n, $location, $columns, $gutters, $spread); $_math: susy-get(math, $span); $_column-width: susy-get(column-width, $span); @if $_math == static { $width: $span-sum * valid-column-math($_math, $_column-width); } @else { $width: percentage($span-sum / $context); } } @else { $width: $n; } @return $width; }