### [Git-flow](https://github.com/nvie/gitflow) The Git branching model for this repository follows the guidelines of [gitflow](http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/). In particular, the central repository holds two main branches with an infinite lifetime: * `<%= FalkorLib::GitFlow.branches(:master) %>`: the *production-ready* branch * `<%= FalkorLib::GitFlow.branches(:develop) %>`: the main branch where the latest developments interviene. This is the *default* branch you get when you clone the repository. Thus you are more than encouraged to install the [git-flow](https://github.com/nvie/gitflow) extensions following the [installation procedures](https://github.com/nvie/gitflow/wiki/Installation) to take full advantage of the proposed operations. The associated [bash completion](https://github.com/bobthecow/git-flow-completion) might interest you also. ### Releasing mechanism The operation consisting of releasing a new version of this repository is automated by a set of tasks within the root `<%= options[:rake] ? 'R' : 'M' %>akefile`. In this context, a version number have the following format: ..[-b] where: * `< major >` corresponds to the major version number * `< minor >` corresponds to the minor version number * `< patch >` corresponds to the patching version number * (eventually) `< build >` states the build number _i.e._ the total number of commits within the `<%= FalkorLib::GitFlow.branches(:develop) %>` branch. Example: \`1.0.0-b28\` The current version number is stored in the root file `VERSION`. __/!\ NEVER MAKE ANY MANUAL CHANGES TO THIS FILE__ For more information on the version, run: $> <%= options[:make] ? 'make versioninfo' : 'rake version:info' %> If a new version number such be bumped, you simply have to run: $> <%= options[:make] ? 'make start_bump_{major,minor,patch}' : 'rake version:{major,minor,patch}' %> This will start the release process for you using `git-flow`. Once you have finished to commit your last changes, make the release effective by running: $> <%= options[:make] ? 'make release' : 'rake version:release' %> it will finish the release using `git-flow`, create the appropriate tag in the `<%= FalkorLib::GitFlow.branches(:master) %>` branch and merge all things the way they should be.