# encoding: utf-8 require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper') describe Android::AXMLParser do let(:bin_xml_path){ File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/data/sample_AndroidManifest.xml') } let(:bin_xml){ File.open(bin_xml_path, 'rb') {|f| f.read } } let(:axmlparser){ Android::AXMLParser.new(bin_xml) } describe "#parse" do subject { axmlparser.parse } context 'with sample_AndroidManifest.xml' do it { should be_instance_of(REXML::Document) } specify 'root element should be element' do subject.root.name.should eq 'manifest' end specify 'should have 2 elements' do subject.get_elements('/manifest/uses-permission').should have(2).items end end context 'with nil data as binary xml' do let(:bin_xml) { nil } specify { expect{ subject }.to raise_error } end end describe "#strings" do context 'with sample_AndroidManifest.xml' do subject { axmlparser.strings } before do axmlparser.parse end it { should be_instance_of(Array) } # ugh!! the below test cases depend on sample_AndroidManifest.xml it { should have(26).items} # in sample manifest. it { should include("versionCode") } it { should include("versionName") } it { should include("minSdkVersion") } it { should include("package") } it { should include("manifest") } end end end