# -*- ruby -*- # frozen_string_literal: true require 'pg' unless defined?( PG ) # This class defines the mapping between PostgreSQL types and encoder/decoder classes for PG::BasicTypeMapForResults, PG::BasicTypeMapForQueries and PG::BasicTypeMapBasedOnResult. # # Additional types can be added like so: # # require 'pg' # require 'ipaddr' # # class InetDecoder < PG::SimpleDecoder # def decode(string, tuple=nil, field=nil) # IPAddr.new(string) # end # end # class InetEncoder < PG::SimpleEncoder # def encode(ip_addr) # ip_addr.to_s # end # end # # conn = PG.connect # regi = PG::BasicTypeRegistry.new.register_default_types # regi.register_type(0, 'inet', InetEncoder, InetDecoder) # conn.type_map_for_results = PG::BasicTypeMapForResults.new(conn, registry: regi) class PG::BasicTypeRegistry # An instance of this class stores the coders that should be used for a particular wire format (text or binary) # and type cast direction (encoder or decoder). # # Each coder object is filled with the PostgreSQL type name, OID, wire format and array coders are filled with the base elements_type. class CoderMap # Hash of text types that don't require quotation, when used within composite types. # type.name => true DONT_QUOTE_TYPES = %w[ int2 int4 int8 float4 float8 oid bool date timestamp timestamptz ].inject({}){|h,e| h[e] = true; h }.freeze private_constant :DONT_QUOTE_TYPES def initialize(result, coders_by_name, format, arraycoder) coder_map = {} arrays, nodes = result.partition { |row| row['typinput'] == 'array_in' } # populate the base types nodes.find_all { |row| coders_by_name.key?(row['typname']) }.each do |row| coder = coders_by_name[row['typname']].dup coder.oid = row['oid'].to_i coder.name = row['typname'] coder.format = format coder_map[coder.oid] = coder.freeze end if arraycoder # populate array types arrays.each do |row| elements_coder = coder_map[row['typelem'].to_i] next unless elements_coder coder = arraycoder.new coder.oid = row['oid'].to_i coder.name = row['typname'] coder.format = format coder.elements_type = elements_coder coder.needs_quotation = !DONT_QUOTE_TYPES[elements_coder.name] coder_map[coder.oid] = coder.freeze end end @coders = coder_map.values.freeze @coders_by_name = @coders.inject({}){|h, t| h[t.name] = t; h }.freeze @coders_by_oid = @coders.inject({}){|h, t| h[t.oid] = t; h }.freeze freeze end attr_reader :coders attr_reader :coders_by_oid attr_reader :coders_by_name def coder_by_name(name) @coders_by_name[name] end def coder_by_oid(oid) @coders_by_oid[oid] end end # An instance of this class stores CoderMap instances to be used for text and binary wire formats # as well as encoder and decoder directions. # # A PG::BasicTypeRegistry::CoderMapsBundle instance retrieves all type definitions from the PostgreSQL server and matches them with the coder definitions of the global PG::BasicTypeRegistry . # It provides 4 separate CoderMap instances for the combinations of the two formats and directions. # # A PG::BasicTypeRegistry::CoderMapsBundle instance can be used to initialize an instance of # * PG::BasicTypeMapForResults # * PG::BasicTypeMapForQueries # * PG::BasicTypeMapBasedOnResult # by passing it instead of the connection object like so: # # conn = PG::Connection.new # maps = PG::BasicTypeRegistry::CoderMapsBundle.new(conn) # conn.type_map_for_results = PG::BasicTypeMapForResults.new(maps) # class CoderMapsBundle attr_reader :typenames_by_oid def initialize(connection, registry: nil) registry ||= DEFAULT_TYPE_REGISTRY result = connection.exec(<<-SQL).to_a SELECT t.oid, t.typname, t.typelem, t.typdelim, ti.proname AS typinput FROM pg_type as t JOIN pg_proc as ti ON ti.oid = t.typinput SQL init_maps(registry, result.freeze) freeze end private def init_maps(registry, result) @maps = [ [0, :encoder, PG::TextEncoder::Array], [0, :decoder, PG::TextDecoder::Array], [1, :encoder, nil], [1, :decoder, nil], ].inject([]) do |h, (format, direction, arraycoder)| coders = registry.coders_for(format, direction) || {} h[format] ||= {} h[format][direction] = CoderMap.new(result, coders, format, arraycoder) h end.each{|h| h.freeze }.freeze @typenames_by_oid = result.inject({}){|h, t| h[t['oid'].to_i] = t['typname']; h }.freeze end def each_format(direction) @maps.map { |f| f[direction] } end def map_for(format, direction) @maps[format][direction] end end module Checker ValidFormats = { 0 => true, 1 => true }.freeze ValidDirections = { :encoder => true, :decoder => true }.freeze private_constant :ValidFormats, :ValidDirections protected def check_format_and_direction(format, direction) raise(ArgumentError, "Invalid format value %p" % format) unless ValidFormats[format] raise(ArgumentError, "Invalid direction %p" % direction) unless ValidDirections[direction] end protected def build_coder_maps(conn_or_maps, registry: nil) if conn_or_maps.is_a?(PG::BasicTypeRegistry::CoderMapsBundle) raise ArgumentError, "registry argument must be given to CoderMapsBundle" if registry conn_or_maps else PG::BasicTypeRegistry::CoderMapsBundle.new(conn_or_maps, registry: registry).freeze end end end include Checker def initialize # The key of these hashs maps to the `typname` column from the table pg_type. @coders_by_name = [] end # Retrieve a Hash of all en- or decoders for a given wire format. # The hash key is the name as defined in table +pg_type+. # The hash value is the registered coder object. def coders_for(format, direction) check_format_and_direction(format, direction) @coders_by_name[format]&.[](direction) end # Register an encoder or decoder instance for casting a PostgreSQL type. # # Coder#name must correspond to the +typname+ column in the +pg_type+ table. # Coder#format can be 0 for text format and 1 for binary. def register_coder(coder) h = @coders_by_name[coder.format] ||= { encoder: {}, decoder: {} } name = coder.name || raise(ArgumentError, "name of #{coder.inspect} must be defined") h[:encoder][name] = coder if coder.respond_to?(:encode) h[:decoder][name] = coder if coder.respond_to?(:decode) self end # Register the given +encoder_class+ and/or +decoder_class+ for casting a PostgreSQL type. # # +name+ must correspond to the +typname+ column in the +pg_type+ table. # +format+ can be 0 for text format and 1 for binary. def register_type(format, name, encoder_class, decoder_class) register_coder(encoder_class.new(name: name, format: format).freeze) if encoder_class register_coder(decoder_class.new(name: name, format: format).freeze) if decoder_class self end # Alias the +old+ type to the +new+ type. def alias_type(format, new, old) [:encoder, :decoder].each do |ende| enc = @coders_by_name[format][ende][old] if enc @coders_by_name[format][ende][new] = enc else @coders_by_name[format][ende].delete(new) end end self end # Populate the registry with all builtin types of ruby-pg def register_default_types register_type 0, 'int2', PG::TextEncoder::Integer, PG::TextDecoder::Integer alias_type 0, 'int4', 'int2' alias_type 0, 'int8', 'int2' alias_type 0, 'oid', 'int2' begin require "bigdecimal" register_type 0, 'numeric', PG::TextEncoder::Numeric, PG::TextDecoder::Numeric rescue LoadError end register_type 0, 'text', PG::TextEncoder::String, PG::TextDecoder::String alias_type 0, 'varchar', 'text' alias_type 0, 'char', 'text' alias_type 0, 'bpchar', 'text' alias_type 0, 'xml', 'text' alias_type 0, 'name', 'text' # FIXME: why are we keeping these types as strings? # alias_type 'tsvector', 'text' # alias_type 'interval', 'text' # alias_type 'macaddr', 'text' # alias_type 'uuid', 'text' # # register_type 'money', OID::Money.new register_type 0, 'bytea', PG::TextEncoder::Bytea, PG::TextDecoder::Bytea register_type 0, 'bool', PG::TextEncoder::Boolean, PG::TextDecoder::Boolean # register_type 'bit', OID::Bit.new # register_type 'varbit', OID::Bit.new register_type 0, 'float4', PG::TextEncoder::Float, PG::TextDecoder::Float alias_type 0, 'float8', 'float4' # For compatibility reason the timestamp in text format is encoded as local time (TimestampWithoutTimeZone) instead of UTC register_type 0, 'timestamp', PG::TextEncoder::TimestampWithoutTimeZone, PG::TextDecoder::TimestampWithoutTimeZone register_type 0, 'timestamptz', PG::TextEncoder::TimestampWithTimeZone, PG::TextDecoder::TimestampWithTimeZone register_type 0, 'date', PG::TextEncoder::Date, PG::TextDecoder::Date # register_type 'time', OID::Time.new # # register_type 'path', OID::Text.new # register_type 'point', OID::Point.new # register_type 'polygon', OID::Text.new # register_type 'circle', OID::Text.new # register_type 'hstore', OID::Hstore.new register_type 0, 'json', PG::TextEncoder::JSON, PG::TextDecoder::JSON alias_type 0, 'jsonb', 'json' # register_type 'citext', OID::Text.new # register_type 'ltree', OID::Text.new # register_type 0, 'inet', PG::TextEncoder::Inet, PG::TextDecoder::Inet alias_type 0, 'cidr', 'inet' register_type 1, 'int2', PG::BinaryEncoder::Int2, PG::BinaryDecoder::Integer register_type 1, 'int4', PG::BinaryEncoder::Int4, PG::BinaryDecoder::Integer register_type 1, 'int8', PG::BinaryEncoder::Int8, PG::BinaryDecoder::Integer alias_type 1, 'oid', 'int2' register_type 1, 'text', PG::BinaryEncoder::String, PG::BinaryDecoder::String alias_type 1, 'varchar', 'text' alias_type 1, 'char', 'text' alias_type 1, 'bpchar', 'text' alias_type 1, 'xml', 'text' alias_type 1, 'name', 'text' register_type 1, 'bytea', PG::BinaryEncoder::Bytea, PG::BinaryDecoder::Bytea register_type 1, 'bool', PG::BinaryEncoder::Boolean, PG::BinaryDecoder::Boolean register_type 1, 'float4', PG::BinaryEncoder::Float4, PG::BinaryDecoder::Float register_type 1, 'float8', PG::BinaryEncoder::Float8, PG::BinaryDecoder::Float register_type 1, 'timestamp', PG::BinaryEncoder::TimestampUtc, PG::BinaryDecoder::TimestampUtc register_type 1, 'timestamptz', PG::BinaryEncoder::TimestampUtc, PG::BinaryDecoder::TimestampUtcToLocal register_type 1, 'date', PG::BinaryEncoder::Date, PG::BinaryDecoder::Date self end alias define_default_types register_default_types DEFAULT_TYPE_REGISTRY = PG.make_shareable(PG::BasicTypeRegistry.new.register_default_types) private_constant :DEFAULT_TYPE_REGISTRY end