module Moromi module Error module Generators class ViewsGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path('../../../../../app/views/moromi/error', __FILE__) class_option :template_engine, type: :string, aliases: '-e', desc: 'Template engine for the views. Available options are "erb" and "slim".' def self.banner #:nodoc: <<-BANNER.chomp rails g moromi:error:views [options] Copies all partial templates to your application. BANNER end desc '' def copy_or_fetch #:nodoc: copy_html_templates copy_json_templates end private def copy_html_templates filename_pattern = File.join self.class.source_root, "*.html.#{template_engine}" Dir.glob(filename_pattern).map {|f| File.basename f}.each do |f| copy_file f, "app/views/moromi/error/#{f}" end end def copy_json_templates filename_pattern = File.join self.class.source_root, "*.json.jbuilder" Dir.glob(filename_pattern).map {|f| File.basename f}.each do |f| copy_file f, "app/views/moromi/error/#{f}" end end def template_engine options[:template_engine]&.to_s&.downcase || 'erb' end end end end end