module Fog module AWS class CloudWatch class Real require 'rackspace-fog/aws/parsers/cloud_watch/list_metrics' # List availabe metrics # # ==== Options # * Dimensions<~Array>: a list of dimensions to filter against, # Name : The name of the dimension # Value : The value to filter against # * MetricName<~String>: The name of the metric to filter against # * Namespace<~String>: The namespace to filter against # * NextToken<~String> The token returned by a previous call to indicate that there is more data available # ==== Returns # * response<~Excon::Response>: # # ==== See Also # # def list_metrics(options={}) if dimensions = options.delete('Dimensions') options.merge!(AWS.indexed_param('Dimensions.member.%d.Name', dimensions.collect {|dimension| dimension['Name']})) options.merge!(AWS.indexed_param('Dimensions.member.%d.Value', dimensions.collect {|dimension| dimension['Value']})) end request({ 'Action' => 'ListMetrics', :parser => }.merge(options)) end end end end end