# frozen_string_literal: true module Discorb # # Error class for Discorb. # @abstract # class DiscorbError < StandardError private def enumerate_errors(hash) res = {} _recr_items([], hash, res) if res == { "" => nil } res = {} end res end def _recr_items(key, item, res) case item when Array item.each_with_index do |v, i| _recr_items (key + [i]), v, res end when Hash item.each do |k, v| _recr_items (key + [k]), v, res end else res[key.join(".").gsub("_errors.", "")] = item end end end # # Represents a HTTP error. # @abstract # class HTTPError < DiscorbError # @return [String] the HTTP response code. attr_reader :code # @return [Net::HTTPResponse] the HTTP response. attr_reader :response # @!visibility private def initialize(resp, data) @code = data[:code] @response = resp super(data[:message]) end end # # Represents a 400 error. # class BadRequestError < HTTPError # @!visibility private def initialize(resp, data) @code = data[:code] @response = resp DiscorbError.instance_method(:initialize).bind(self).call( [data[:message], enumerate_errors(data[:errors]).map do |ek, ev| "#{ek}=>#{ev}" end.join("\n")].join("\n") ) end end # # Represents a 401 error. # class UnauthorizedError < HTTPError end # # Represents a 403 error. # class ForbiddenError < HTTPError end # # Represents a 404 error. # class NotFoundError < HTTPError end # # Represents a error because of a cloudflare ban. # class CloudFlareBanError < HTTPError def initialize(resp, client) @client = client @client.close! message = <<~MESSAGE The client is banned from CloudFlare. Hint: Try to decrease the number of requests per second, e.g. Use sleep in between requests. MESSAGE $stderr.puts message DiscorbError.instance_method(:initialize).bind(self).call(message) end end # # Represents a error in client-side. # class ClientError < DiscorbError end # # Represents a timeout error. # class TimeoutError < DiscorbError end # # Represents a warning. # class NotSupportedWarning < DiscorbError def initialize(message) super("#{message} is not supported yet.") end end end