<% if User.current&.admin %> <% data = ForemanThemeSatellite.lifecycle_data %> <% text, icon, date = if data[:end_of_life].nil? [nil, nil, nil] elsif data[:end_of_life] < Time.zone.now [_('Satellite %{version} is estimated to have reached its End of Life on %{date}.'), 'danger', data[:end_of_life]] elsif data[:end_of_life] < 6.months.after [_('Satellite %{version} is estimated to reach its End of Life by the end of %{month} %{year}.'), 'warning', I18n.l(data[:end_of_life], format: "%B %Y")] end %> <% if text %>
<% if icon == 'warning' %> <%= text % { month: _(data[:end_of_life].strftime('%B')), year: data[:end_of_life].strftime('%Y'), version: data[:short_version] } %> <% else %> <%= text % { date: data[:end_of_life].to_date, version: data[:short_version] } %> <% end %>
<%= _("For up to date information about Satellite's lifecycle see ") %><%= _("Red Hat Satellite Product Life Cycle") %>. <%= _("Kindly plan to upgrade Satellite to the supported version, for upgrade guidance see ") %><%= _("Red Hat Satellite Upgrade Helper") %>.
<% end %> <% end %>