require "abort_if" require "Newick" require "set" require "parse_fasta" require "shannon" require "tree_clusters/version" include AbortIf include AbortIf::Assert # Monkey patch of the NewickTree class class NewickTree # Like NewickTree.clades but returns NewickNodes instead of taxa # names. # # @return [Array] array of NewickNodes representing the # tree clades def clade_nodes clades = [] @root.descendants.each do |clade| clades.push(clade) if (!clade.children.empty?) end return clades end def unquoted_taxa { |str| %q{"'}, "" } end end # Top level namespace of the Gem. module TreeClusters # Given an ary of strings, find the most common string in the ary. # # @param bases [Array] an array of strings # # @return most_common_str [String] the most common string in the ary. # # @example Upper case and lower case count as the same. # TreeClusters::consensus %w[a A C T] #=> "A" # @example Ties take the one closest to the end # TreeClusters::consensus %w[a c T t C t g] #=> "T" # # @note Each string is upcase'd before frequencies are calculated. def consensus bases bases. map(&:upcase). group_by(&:itself). sort_by { |_, bases| bases.count }. reverse. first. first end def read_alignment aln_fname leaf2attrs = aln_len = nil do |rec| leaf2attrs[] = { aln: rec.seq.chars } aln_len ||= rec.seq.length abort_unless aln_len == rec.seq.length, "Aln len mismatch for #{}" end leaf2attrs end def low_ent_cols leaves, leaf2attrs, entropy_cutoff low_ent_cols = [] alns = leaf2attrs.attrs leaves, :aln aln_cols = alns.transpose aln_cols.each_with_index do |aln_col, aln_col_idx| has_gaps = aln_col.any? { |aa| aa == "-" } low_entropy = Shannon::entropy(aln_col.join.upcase) <= entropy_cutoff if !has_gaps && low_entropy low_ent_cols << (aln_col_idx + 1) end end low_ent_cols end # @note If there are quoted names in the tree file, they are # unquoted first. def check_ids tree, mapping, aln tree_ids = mapping_ids =, "rt").each_line.with_index do |line, idx| unless id, *rest = line.chomp.split mapping_ids << id end end aln_ids = do |rec| aln_ids << end if !(tree_ids == mapping_ids && mapping_ids == aln_ids) AbortIf::logger.error { "Seq IDs did not match in all input files" } tree_ids = tree_ids.to_a.sort mapping_ids = mapping_ids.to_a.sort aln_ids = aln_ids.to_a.sort AbortIf::logger.debug { ["tree_ids", tree_ids].join "\t" } AbortIf::logger.debug { ["mapping_ids", mapping_ids].join "\t" } AbortIf::logger.debug { ["aln_ids", aln_ids].join "\t" } raise AbortIf::Exit else true end end # Given a NewickTree, return an array of all Clades in that tree. # # @param tree [NewickTree] a NewickTree object # # @yieldparam clade [Clade] a clade of the tree # # @return [Enumerator] enumerator of Clade objects def all_clades tree, metadata=nil return enum_for(:all_clades, tree, metadata) unless block_given? tree.clade_nodes.reverse.each do |node| yield node, tree, metadata end end def snazzy_clades tree, metadata snazzy_clades = {} clades = self. all_clades(tree, metadata). sort_by { |clade| clade.all_leaves.count }. reverse metadata.each do |md_cat, leaf2mdtag| already_checked = single_tag_clades = {} p [md_cat, leaf2mdtag] clades.each do |clade| p [, clade.all_leaves] assert clade.all_leaves.count > 1, "A clade cannot also be a leaf" unless clade.all_leaves.all? do |leaf| already_checked.include? leaf end md_tags = do |leaf| assert leaf2mdtag.has_key?(leaf), "leaf #{leaf} is missing from leaf2mdtag ht" leaf2mdtag[leaf] end # this clade is mono-phyletic w.r.t. this metadata category. if md_tags.uniq.count == 1 clade.all_leaves.each do |leaf| already_checked << leaf end assert !single_tag_clades.has_key?(clade), "clade #{} is repeated in single_tag_clades for #{md_cat}" single_tag_clades[clade] = md_tags.first end end end single_tag_clades.each do |clade, md_tag| non_clade_leaves = tree.unquoted_taxa - clade.all_leaves non_clade_leaves_with_this_md_tag = do |leaf| [leaf, leaf2mdtag[leaf]] { |ary| ary.last == md_tag } if if snazzy_clades.has_key? clade snazzy_clades[clade][md_cat] = md_tag else snazzy_clades[clade] = { md_cat => md_tag } end end end end snazzy_clades end def read_mapping_file fname md_cat_names = nil metadata =, "rt").each_line.with_index do |line, idx| leaf_name, *metadata_vals = line.chomp.split "\t" if md_cat_names = metadata_vals else metadata_vals.each_with_index do |val, val_idx| metadata.add md_cat_names[val_idx], leaf_name, val end end end metadata end # A Hash table for genome/leaf/taxa attributes class Attrs < Hash # Returns the an AttrArray of Sets for the given genomes and # attribute. # # @note If a genome is in the leaves array, but is not in the hash # table, NO error will be raised. Rather that genome will be # skipped. This is for cases in which not all genomes have # attributes. # # @param leaves [Array] names of the leaves for which you # need attributes # @param attr [Symbol] the attribute you are interested in eg, # :genes # # @return [AttrArray] an AttrArray of Sets of # attributes # # @raise [AbortIf::Exit] if they leaf is present but doesn't have # the requested attr def attrs leaves, attr ary = do |leaf| if self.has_key? leaf abort_unless self[leaf].has_key?(attr), "Missing attr #{attr.inspect} for leaf '#{leaf}'" self[leaf][attr] else nil end end.compact ary end def add leaf, attr, val if self.has_key? leaf self[leaf][attr] = val else self[leaf] = { attr => val } end end end # Provides convenience methods for working with Arrays of Sets class AttrArray < Object::Array # Takes the union of all sets in the AttrArray # # @return [Set] def union self.reduce(&:union) end # Takes the intersection of all sets in the AttrArray # # @return [Set] def intersection self.reduce(&:intersection) end end # Represents a clade in a NewickTree class Clade attr_accessor :name, :all_leaves, :left_leaves, :right_leaves, :all_sibling_leaves, :each_sibling_leaf_set, :parent_leaves, :non_parent_leaves, :other_leaves, :single_tag_info, :all_tags # @note If a node name is quoted, then those quotes are removed # first. # # @param node [NewickNode] a NewickNode from a NewickTree # @param tree [NewickTree] a NewickTree def initialize node, tree, metadata=nil tree_taxa = tree.unquoted_taxa @name = unquote @all_leaves = descendant_leaves node if (children = node.children).count == 2 lchild, rchild = node.children @left_leaves = descendant_leaves lchild @right_leaves = descendant_leaves rchild end siblings = node.siblings # assert siblings.count == 1, # "Node #{} has more than one sibling." @each_sibling_leaf_set = siblings. map { |node| descendant_leaves node } @all_sibling_leaves = @each_sibling_leaf_set.flatten.uniq parent = node.parent assert parent, "Noge #{} has no parent. Is it the root?" @parent_leaves = descendant_leaves parent @other_leaves = - @non_parent_leaves = - if metadata @metadata = metadata @all_tags ||= get_all_tags @single_tag_info ||= get_single_tag_info else @single_tag_info = nil end end # Compares two Clades field by field. # # If all instance variables are == than the two clades are == as # well. def == clade ( == && self.all_leaves == clade.all_leaves && self.left_leaves == clade.left_leaves && self.right_leaves == clade.right_leaves && self.all_sibling_leaves == clade.all_sibling_leaves && self.each_sibling_leaf_set == clade.each_sibling_leaf_set && self.parent_leaves == clade.parent_leaves && self.other_leaves == clade.other_leaves && self.single_tag_info == clade.single_tag_info && self.all_tags == clade.all_tags ) end # Alias for == def eql? clade self == clade end private def get_single_tag_info do |md_cat, set| [md_cat, set.count == 1 ? set.to_a.first : nil] end.to_h end def get_all_tags # name2tag has leaf names => metadata tag and is an Attrs do |md_cat, name2tag| tag_info = do |leaf| assert name2tag.has_key?(leaf), "leaf #{leaf} is not present in name2tag ht for " + "md_cat #{md_cat}" name2tag[leaf] end [md_cat,] end.to_h end def descendant_leaves node if node.leaf? [unquote(] else node. descendants. flatten. uniq. select { |node| node.leaf? }. map { |node| unquote( } end end def unquote str %q{"'}, "" end end end