module Raisin module DSL %w(get head post put delete).each do |via| class_eval <<-EOF, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{via}(path = '/', options = {}, &block) path = normalize_path(path) method_name = options.key?(:as) ? options[:as].to_s : extract_method_name(path, :#{via}) klass = self.const_set method_name.camelize,, &block) if current_namespace && current_namespace.expose? current_namespace.exposures.each do |name, b| klass.send(:expose, name, &b) end end current_namespace.add(method_name) if current_namespace routes << [:#{via}, path, default_route(method_name)] end EOF end def included(&block) self.action_klass.class_eval(&block) if block_given? end def member(&block) namespace(':id') do resource = self.api_name.singularize expose(resource) { resource.camelize.constantize.send :find, params[:id] } instance_eval(&block) end end def nested_into_resource(parent) parent = parent.to_s sing = parent.singularize id = "#{sing}_id" @_namespaces <<"#{parent}/:#{id}") current_namespace.expose(sing) { sing.camelize.constantize.send :find, params[id.to_sym]} @_namespaces << @_prefix = nil end def single_resource @_single_resource = true @_prefix = @_prefix.singularize if prefix? end def prefix(prefix) @_prefix = prefix end def description(desc) # noop end def expose(*args, &block) current_namespace.expose(*args, &block) end def namespace(path, &block) path = path.sub(%r(\A/?#{@_prefix}), '') if prefix? @_namespaces.push yield process_filters @_namespaces.pop end %w(before around after).each do |type| class_eval <<-EOF, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{type}(*args, &block) return unless current_namespace current_namespace.filter(:#{type}, args, &block) end EOF end protected def prefix? !!@_prefix end def single_resource? !!@_single_resource end def current_namespace end def current_namespace? @_namespaces.length > 0 end def process_filters current_namespace.filters.each_pair { |type, filters| filters.each do |name, block| superclass.send("#{type}_filter", name, only: current_namespace.methods, &block) end } end def default_route(method) "#{modules_prefix}#{self.api_name}##{method}" end def modules_prefix @modules_prefix ||= begin modules ='::').slice(0..-2) modules.empty? ? '' : "#{!(&:downcase).join('/')}/" end end # # Get method name from path # Example: # / => :index # /users/:id => :users # /users/:id/addresses => :addresses # def extract_method_name(path, via) return method_name_for_single_resource(path, via) if single_resource? if path =~ %r(\A/?#{@_prefix}\z) return via == :get ? 'index' : 'create' end parts = path.split('/').reverse! return parts.find { |part| !part.start_with?(':') } if parts.first != ':id' case via when :get 'show' when :put 'update' when :delete 'destroy' else raise "Cannot extract method name from #{path}" end end def method_name_for_single_resource(path, via) if path =~ %r(\A/?#{@_prefix}\z) case via when :get 'show' when :post 'create' when :put 'update' when :delete 'destroy' end else path.split('/').reverse!.last end end # # Creates path with version, namespace and # given path, then normalizes it # def normalize_path(path) parts = [] parts << @_prefix unless !prefix? || path =~ %r(\A/?#{@_prefix}) parts.concat @_namespaces.reject { |n| path =~ %r(/#{n.path}) }.map!(&:path) if current_namespace? parts << path.to_s unless path == '/' parts.join('/') end end end