MZ@ !L!This program cannot be run in DOS mode. $<߅RRRRPRRichRPEdk/Q`" 0K`A #T.rdata@@@.rsrc @@k/Q`TTk/Q` k/Q` TRSDSwݦn :M@gD:\workspace\_work\1\s\artifacts\obj\coreclr\Windows_NT.x64.Release\src\dlls\mscorrc\Release\mscorrc.pdbT.rdataT.rdata$zzzdbg p.rsrc$01p;H.rsrc$02   (O@Xp0H`!x#$%&(./ 486PAhBCEQRScq(r@sXtpuvwxyz { |0 }H ~` x        8 P h        ( @ X p        0 H Q` Rx d e      8 P h       (@Xp!#$%&(./01H2`3x456ABCD E8QPRhSTUXaceq(@Xp0H ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P ` p             0 @ P `hMTpo2Zdplgm`PIDJFJBxKLQRT`WX&0\NVd`0ah@`@@{^}8M~gv2xxgRhLR X`pq$ 83x*E @H0HXn6nH@Г( OJ` P'&H Z  APzb@(KLorw|>;pRtX H(؅]N( "J` dlȪX<(@hа~P~бpt(Ⱥr`h|`TP`PZ@f~(8`HnH hH6`np, @b6T8p;4VS_VERSION_INFO@ @ ?StringFileInfo040904B0LCompanyNameMicrosoft Corporationj!FileDescriptionMicrosoft .NET Runtime resources@FileVersion5,0,521,16609 @Commit: 2f740adc1457e8a28c1c072993b66f515977eb51PInternalNameFX_VER_INTERNALNAME_STR.LegalCopyright Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.XOriginalFilenameFX_VER_INTERNALNAME_STR@ProductNameMicrosoft .NET@ProductVersion5,0,521,16609 @Commit: 2f740adc1457e8a28c1c072993b66f515977eb51LCommentsFlavor=URTBLDENV_FRIENDLYDVarFileInfo$Translation 0This object cannot be marshaled as an IDispatch.BInternal limitation: method signature is too complex or too large.;Internal limitation: structure is too complex or too large.*Array size exceeds addressing limitations.Struct or class fields cannot be of type StringBuilder. The same effect can usually be achieved by using a String field and preinitializing it to a string with length matching the length of the appropriate buffer. <Unknown>Thread has not been started.An instance of the __ComObject type cannot be created unless the type has been obtained using GetTypeFromProgID or GetTypeFromCLSID. <Unknown %1>/Marshaler restriction: Excessively long string.(Vararg calling convention not supported.ErrorApplication ErrorApplication has generated an exception that could not be handled. Process ID=0x%x (%d), Thread ID=0x%x (%d). Click OK to terminate the application. Click CANCEL to debug the application.INTERNAL ERROR: Unhandled exception in Debugger::HandleIPCEvent. Event ID=0x%x. Exception code=0x%08x, Eip=0x%08x. Process ID=0x%x (%d), Thread ID=0x%x (%d). HA thread has entered fiber mode and therefore debugging must be stopped.*Version %d.%d is not a compatible version.#Shared memory '%hs' already exists.No metadata was found./Database file is corrupt and may not be usable.Index %s not found.No records found.Internal error 0x%08x.9A token passed to a metadata function has the wrong type.?The custom attribute is not valid for the target object's type.Incorrect argument value.NUnable to process the custom attribute value - it may be corrupt or incorrect.5Custom attribute argument %*s should not be repeated.,Unrecognized custom attribute argument: %*s.Unexpected argument type.4Unexpected property found in custom attribute value.8Argument '%s' cannot be applied to objects of this type.Incorrect UUID format.WMarshalAs attribute has fields set that are not valid for the specified unmanaged type.1Specified unmanaged type is only valid on fields.#Parameter index cannot be negative.!Constant size cannot be negative.)SizeConst is required for a fixed string.KA MarshalType or MarshalTypeRef setting is required for a custom marshaler.{[%1] InternalsVisibleTo declarations cannot have a version, culture, public key token, or processor architecture specified.f[%1] Strong-name signed assemblies must specify a public key in their InternalsVisibleTo declarations.OError (Structural): Table=0x%08x, Col=0x%08x, Row=0x%08x, has rid out of range.WError (Structural): Table=0x%08x, Col=0x%08x, Row=0x%08x, has an invalid String offset.UError (Structural): Table=0x%08x, Col=0x%08x, Row=0x%08x, has an invalid GUID offset.UError (Structural): Table=0x%08x, Col=0x%08x, Row=0x%08x, has an invalid BLOB offset.>Error: TypeDef is not marked Nested but has an enclosing type.AError: MemberRef signature has invalid calling convention=0x%08x.Error: Signature has zero size.7Error: Signature has invalid calling convention=0x%08x.OError: Method is marked Static but calling convention=0x%08x is marked HASTHIS.XError: Method is not marked Static, but calling convention=0x%08x is not marked HASTHIS.6Error: Signature has no argument count at byte=0x%08x.XError: Signature missing element type after modifier (modifier: 0x%02x; offset: 0x%08x).2Error: Signature missing token after element 0x%x.FError: Signature has an invalid token (token: 0x%08x; offset: 0x%08x).9Error: Signature missing function pointer at byte=0x%08x.LError: Signature has function pointer missing argument count at byte=0x%08x.-Error: Signature missing rank at byte=0x%08x.KError: Signature missing count of sized dimensions of array at byte=0x%08x.CError: Signature missing size of dimension of array at byte=0x%08x.GError: Signature missing count of lower bounds of array at byte=0x%08x.=Error: Signature missing lower bound of array at byte=0x%08x.SError: Signature has invalid ELEMENT_TYPE_* (element type: 0x%08x; offset: 0x%08x).EError: ELEMENT_TYPE_SENTINEL is only allowed in MemberRef signatures.AError: Signature containing ELEMENT_TYPE_SENTINEL must be VARARG.3Error: Multiple ELEMENT_TYPE_SENTINEL in signature.*Error: Signature is missing argument # %d.Error: Field of ByRef type./Error: Illegal use of type 'void' in signature.aError: GenericParam is a method type parameter and must be non-variant, not co-or-contra variant.2Error: PInvoke item (field,method) must be Static.,Error: Attempt to access unloaded AppDomain.=The module '%1' was expected to contain an assembly manifest.^Cannot load executable '%1' because it contains extra relocations or has relocations stripped.aThe assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime, and cannot be loaded.+Error: Missing method '%2' from class '%1'.Unable to load file '%1'.`The located assembly's manifest definition with name '%1' does not match the assembly reference.JThe found private assembly, '%1', was located outside the ApplicationBase.GA module specified in the manifest of assembly '%1' could not be found./Assembly '%1' is required to be strongly named.Strong name signature verification failed for assembly '%1'. The assembly may have been tampered with, or it was delay signed but not fully signed with the correct private key.7The given assembly name or codebase, '%1', was invalid.AHTTP download of assemblies has been disabled for this appdomain.4The check of the module's hash failed for file '%1'.The assembly returned from the host store has a different strong name signature than the corresponding one in GAC. Assembly: '%1'ULoadFrom(), LoadFile(), Load(byte[]) and LoadModule() have been disabled by the host.&Failed to add file to AppDomain cache.sThe requested assembly version conflicts with what is already bound in the app domain or specified in the manifest.{The requested assembly name was neither found in the GAC nor in the manifest or the manifest's specified location is wrong.6Unexpected error while parsing the specified manifest.fType '%1' cannot be marshaled as an unmanaged structure; no meaningful size or offset can be computed.Type '%1' cannot be marshaled as an unmanaged structure; its native layout contains a recursive definition so no meaningful size can be computed.1Hash validation failed for file or assembly '%1'.JCould not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because the format is invalid.VCould not create array type '%1' from assembly '%2' because the element type is ByRef.[Could not create array type '%1' from assembly '%2' because the element type is ByRef-like.XCould not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because the method '%3' could not be loaded.MMethod '%3' in type '%1' from assembly '%2' cannot be a static and a virtual.IDerived method '%3' in type '%1' from assembly '%2' cannot reduce access.RCould not get PINVOKE information for method '%3' in type '%1' from assembly '%2'.]Array of type '%1' from assembly '%2' cannot be created because base value type is too large.LMethod '%3' in type '%1' from assembly '%2' does not have an implementation.NCould not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because the parent does not exist.TCould not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because the parent type is an interface.TCould not load interface '%1' from assembly '%2' because it must extend from Object.0Policy exception occurred while processing '%1'.5Failed to grant required minimum permissions to '%1'.+Failed to grant permission to execute '%1'.0Strong name validation failed for assembly '%1'.2Assembly '%1' is missing the required strong name.-The public key for assembly '%1' was invalid.cThe allocated signature slot for assembly '%1' does not correspond to the generated signature size.MAn internal error happened in the Common Language Runtime's Execution Engine."A security violation has occurred.UAn error relating to serialization occurred during the load of file or assembly '%1'.1A procedure imported by '%1' could not be loaded.=Target-dependent SIMD vector types may not be used with ngen.LThe generic type specified by the IBC data is not available to this assemblyNThe generic method specified by the IBC data is not available to this assembly.Hardware intrinsics may not be used with ngen.UMethod implementation on an interface '%1' from assembly '%2' must be a final method.Could not call method '%1' on interface '%2' with type '%3' from assembly '%4' because there are multiple incompatible interface methods overriding this method.Could not make constrained call to method '%1' on interface '%2' with type '%3' from assembly '%4'. Dispatch to default interface methods is not supported in this situation.Could not call method '%1' on type '%2' with an instance of '%3' from assembly '%4' because there is no implementation for the method.\Method '%3' on type '%1' from assembly '%2' is overriding a method that has been overridden.jMethod '%3' on type '%1' from assembly '%2' is overriding a method that is not visible from that assembly.bMethod '%3' on type '%1' from assembly '%2' tried to override a method with a different signature.iType '%1' from assembly '%2' tried to override method '%3' but does not implement or inherit that method.pMethod '%3' on type '%1' from assembly '%2' must be virtual to implement a method on an interface or super type.cCould not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because the method '%3' has no implementation (no RVA).;Size of field of type '%1' from assembly '%2' is too large.Cannot connect to URL for '%1'.?Type '%1' from assembly '%2' cannot extend from any other type.+Type '%1' from assembly '%2' has zero size.+Could not load TypeSpec from assembly '%2'.<Type '%1' from assembly '%2' has a field of an illegal type.jBody referenced in a method implementation must be defined in the same type. Type: '%1'. Assembly: '%2'.+The server or proxy was not found for '%1'.>CriticalHandles cannot be marshaled from unmanaged to managed.9Ref and out CriticalHandle parameters cannot be abstract.Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (CriticalHandles must not have a MarshalAs attribute set and cannot be used in arrays).,Returned CriticalHandles cannot be abstract.:CriticalHandle derived types cannot be stored in Variants.yMethod '%3' on type '%1' from assembly '%2' tried to implicitly override a method with weaker type parameter constraints."Invalid custom attribute provided.'Invalid custom attribute provided: '%1'3Thread is running or terminated; it cannot restart.&Unable to retrieve thread information.,Thread is dead; priority cannot be accessed.)Thread is dead; state cannot be accessed.Thread in invalid state.)Thread is suspended; attempting to abort.,PInvoke restriction: cannot return variants. Connection timeout for URL '%1'.)File or assembly name '%1' was not found.Access is denied: '%1'.'The format of the file '%1' is invalid.=Security problem encountered when connecting to URL for '%1'.*Function 0x%08x had not yet been compiled.7The ID 0x%08x had not yet been fully loaded or defined.1Profiling error: the method has no associated IL.OProfiling error: the thread is unmanaged and has never run managed code before.QProfiling error: this function may only be called during profiler initialization.@Profiling error: the requested information is not yet available.7Error: Module must be loaded in Edit-and-Continue mode.0Field cannot be added to a value or layout type.)JIT unable to update internal structures.Could not execute CVTRES.EXE.@Unable to find an entry point named '%2' in shared library '%1'.COM is not supported,The target method returned a null reference.FCannot set initonly static field '%1%' after type '%2' is initialized.0Unable to find an entry point named '%1' in DLL.;Unable to find an entry point named '%1' in shared library.:Cannot marshal a string by-value with the [Out] attribute.7Classes with copy-ctors can only be marshaled by value..NET Core does not support marshalling delegates to the _Delegate interface provided by the .NET Framework COM Type Library. To marshal a delegate as an interface, marshal it as an IDispatch pointer.4The system does not support the %1 thread apartment.AMarshalling as IInspectable is not supported in the .NET runtime.2Method's type signature is not PInvoke compatible.<Invalid PInvoke or UnmanagedFunctionPointer metadata format.6Unable to load DLL '%1' or one of its dependencies: %25Unable to find an entry point named '%2' in DLL '%1'.2Method's type signature is not Interop compatible.<Synchronized attribute cannot be used with this method type.rInvalid PInvoke calling convention. Thiscall requires that the first parameter is present and can be enregistered.dMultiple unmanaged calling conventions are specified. Only a single calling convention is supported.0Main method for type '%1' has invalid signature.FThe method returned a COM Variant type that is not Interop compatible.Not a PInvoke method."No exception available to rethrow.!Specified OLE variant is invalid.\The list of COM source interfaces for type '%1' contains non interface or generic type '%2'.XObject cannot be coerced to the original type of the ByRef VARIANT it was obtained from.4The new wrapper type must have an empty constructor.kStandard DISPID member name is formed incorrectly. The name must be in the following format: [DISPID=XXX].(COM target does not implement IDispatch.uAll named parameters must be specified as [DISPID=XXX] when invoking on a standard members specified as [DISPID=XXX}.cVariant returned from an Invoke call with a DISPID of -4 does not contain a valid IUnknown pointer.COM object that has been separated from its underlying RCW cannot be used. The COM object was released while it was still in use on another thread.JCOM object that has been separated from its underlying RCW cannot be used.kFunction can only be called from inside the class constructor of a class derived from a COM imported class.:Base type has already registered a type creation callback.?Invalid PInvoke or UnmanagedFunctionPointer calling convention.Method '%3' on type '%1' from assembly '%2' tried to implicitly implement an interface method with weaker type parameter constraints.Method '%3' on type '%1' from assembly '%2' tried to explicitly implement a local method with weaker type parameter constraints.Method '%3' on type '%1' from assembly '%2' tried to explicitly implement a parent method with weaker type parameter constraints.Method '%3' on type '%1' from assembly '%2' tried to explicitly implement an interface method with weaker type parameter constraints.[Invalid PInvoke calling convention. Vararg functions must use the cdecl calling convention.Could not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because a covariant or contravariant type parameter was used illegally in the signature for an argument in method '%3'.Could not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because a covariant or contravariant type parameter was used illegally in the signature for the result type in method '%3'.Could not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because a covariant or contravariant type parameter was used illegally in an inherited interface.Could not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because a covariant or contravariant type parameter was used illegally in a type parameter constraint in method '%3'.Could not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because it declares a covariant or contravariant type parameter and is not an interface or delegate.oCould not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because it uses an illegal variance annotation on a type parameter.)Assembly with same name is already loadedLDynamically emitted assemblies are unsupported during host-based resolution.=Assembly is already bound to an incompatible binding context.,Native image cannot be loaded multiple times@A ByRef-like type cannot be used as the type for a static field.\A ByRef-like type cannot be used as the type for an instance field in a non-ByRef-like type.Unable to load shared library '%1' or one of its dependencies. In order to help diagnose loading problems, consider setting the LD_DEBUG environment variable: %2Unable to load shared library '%1' or one of its dependencies. In order to help diagnose loading problems, consider setting the DYLD_PRINT_LIBRARIES environment variable: %2QType '%1' from assembly '%2' contains an invalid method implementation signature.%Internal limitation: too many fields.UA library name must be specified in a DllImport attribute applied to non-IJW methods.SGenericArguments[%1], '%2', on '%3' violates the constraint of type parameter '%4'.PMethod %1.%2: type argument '%3' violates the constraint of type parameter '%4'.ZType '%1' from assembly '%2' contains more methods than the current implementation allows.|Enumerated types cannot have any generic type parameters, beyond any inherited from their enclosing type (for nested enums).XCould not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because it has recursive generic definition.GThe JIT compiler encountered invalid IL code or an internal limitation.GThe specified user does not have a valid profile. Unable to load '%1'.=Cannot create/shadow copy '%1' when that file already exists.ErrorError 0x%08x. %s.fRetrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID %2 failed due to the following error: %1 %3.Field not found: '%1'.Method not found: '%1'.XThe interface does not support late bound calls since it does not derive from IDispatch.Unhandled exception.BCannot print exception string because Exception.ToString() failed.Could not load the structure '%1' from assembly '%2'. The structure is marked as eligible for type equivalence, but it has a method.Could not load the structure '%1' from assembly '%2'. The structure is marked as eligible for type equivalence, but it has a static or non-public field.5Signature for the entry point has too many arguments.'Entry point not found in assembly '%1'.=Specified entry point in assembly '%1' is not a legal method.Entry point must be static.JEntry point must have a return type of void, integer, or unsigned integer.sInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (String fields must be paired with LPStr, LPWStr, LPTStr, or ByValTStr).9Custom marshalers cannot be used on fields of structures.9Fixed sized array fields cannot have a SizeConst of zero.qInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Classes with layout fields must be paired with Struct or Interface).YInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Array fields must be paired with ByValArray).Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Strings cannot be paired with LPTStr for parameters and return types of methods in interfaces exposed to COM).fMismatch has occurred between the runtime type of the array and the sub type recorded in the metadata.OSafeArray of rank %1 has been passed to a method expecting an array of rank %2.+Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination.YInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (chars must be paired with I1, I2, U1, or U2).ZInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (booleans must be paired with I1, U1, or Bool).UInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Byte/SByte must be paired with I1 or U1).WInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Int16/UInt16 must be paired with I2 or U2).WInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Int32/UInt32 must be paired with I4 or U4).Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Decimal parameters and return types must be paired with Struct, LPStruct, or Currency).cInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (the Guid class must be paired with Struct or LPStruct).[Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (the DateTime class must be paired with Struct).cInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Arrays can only be marshaled as LPArray or ByValArray).-There is no marshaling support for this type.<Object type must be __ComObject or derived from __ComObject.pSource object cannot be converted to the destination type since it does not support all the required interfaces.KStructures marked with [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Auto)] cannot be marshaled.3This type can only be marshaled in restricted ways.xAsAny cannot be used on return types, ByRef parameters, ArrayWithOffset, or parameters passed from unmanaged to managed.YInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Arrays of CriticalHandles are not supported).*Cannot marshal field '%2' of type '%1': %3Cannot marshal '%1': %2Type '%1' has a ComVisible(false) parent '%2' in its hierarchy, therefore QueryInterface calls for IDispatch or class interfaces are disallowed.}Retrieving the COM class factory for remote component with CLSID %2 from machine %3 failed due to the following error: %1 %3.xCreating an instance of the COM component with CLSID %2 from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: %1 %3.Creating an instance of the licensed COM component with CLSID %2 from the IClassFactory failed due to the following error: %1 %3.Unable to cast COM object of type '%2' to interface type '%3'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '%4' failed due to the following error: %1."Unable to cast COM object of type '%2' to event interface type '%3'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '%4' failed due to the following error: '%1' and the COM component does not support the source interface with IID '%5'.$Unable to cast COM object of type '%2' to interface type '%3'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID '%4' failed due to the following error: '%1' and the COM component does not support IDispatch::Invoke calls for DISPID_NEWENUM.Unable to cast COM object of type '%2' to standard managed interface type '%3'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the managed interface with IID '%4' failed due to the following error: '%1' and the QueryInterface call for the native interface with IID '%5' that corresponds to this managed interface failed due to the following error: %6.Unable to cast COM object of type '%1' to class type '%2'. COM components that enter the CLR and do not support IProvideClassInfo or that do not have any interop assembly registered will be wrapped in the __ComObject type. Instances of this type cannot be cast to any other class; however they can be cast to interfaces as long as the underlying COM component supports QueryInterface calls for the IID of the interface.WInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Int64/UInt64 must be paired with I8 or U8).\Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Int/UInt must be paired with SysInt or SysUInt).KInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Single must be paired with R4).KInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Double must be paired with R8).^Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (pointers must not have a MarshalAs attribute set).;The type definition of this type has no layout information.}Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (String parameters and return types must be paired with LPStr, LPWStr, or LPTStr).iInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (StringBuilders must be paired with LPStr, LPWStr, or LPTStr).dInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Delegates must be paired with FunctionPtr or IDispatch)._Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (function pointers must be paired with FunctionPtr).VInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Interfaces must be paired with Interface).aInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (this type must be paired with LPStruct or Interface).XInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (this value type must be paired with Struct).Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (the Object class must be paired with Interface, IUnknown, IDispatch, AsAny, or Struct).|Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (the Object class must be paired with Interface, IUnknown, IDispatch, or Struct).aInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Marshaling to and from COM VARIANTs isn't supported).kInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Marshaling to and from COM interface pointers isn't supported).WInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Decimal fields must be paired with Struct).&[A]%1 cannot be cast to [B]%2. %3. %4.@Type %s originates from '%s' in the context '%s' in a byte arrayAType %s originates from '%s' in the context '%s' at location '%s'VThe type '%1' in assembly '%2' has a contracting interface set for some instantiations9Attempted to load a 64-bit assembly on a 32-bit platform.EType names passed to Assembly.GetType() must not specify an assembly.,Unexpected assembly-qualifier in a typename.%Typename needs an assembly qualifier.(Could not load file or assembly '%1'. %2$Signature is not Interop compatible.vInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (String[] must be paired with an ArraySubType of LPStr, LPWStr, or LPTStr).Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Object[] or System.Array must be paired with an ArraySubType of Struct, Interface, IUnknown or IDispatch).fInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (DateTime[] must be paired with an ArraySubType of Struct).eInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Decimal[] must be paired with an ArraySubType of Struct).UInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Arrays of SafeHandles are not supported).VCustom marshalers are only allowed on classes, strings, arrays, and boxed value types.GCOM import type '%1' from assembly '%2' cannot have layout information.5Type '%1' has an invalid default COM interface: '%2'.DType '%1' does not support the specified default COM interface: '%2'?The specified record cannot be mapped to a managed value class.1Cannot marshal: Encountered unmappable character.:SafeHandles cannot be marshaled from unmanaged to managed.5Ref and out SafeHandle parameters cannot be abstract.9SafeHandles cannot be returned from managed to unmanaged.~Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (SafeHandles must not have a MarshalAs attribute set and cannot be used in arrays).Safe handle has been closedApplication has generated an exception that could not be handled. Process ID=0x%x (%d), Thread ID=0x%x (%d). Click OK to terminate the application. Click CANCEL to debug the application.Application has encountered a user-defined breakpoint. Process ID=0x%x (%d), Thread ID=0x%x (%d). Click ABORT to terminate the application. Click RETRY to debug the application. Click IGNORE to ignore the breakpoint.FIllegal attempt to replace or redimension a fixed or locked SafeArray.QInvalid unmanaged calling convention: must be one of stdcall, cdecl, or thiscall.`Could not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because field '%3' was not given an explicit offset.~Type could not be marshaled because the length of an embedded array instance does not match the declared length in the layout.TThe value of the LCID conversion attribute must not exceed the number of parameters.1There is no marshaling support for nested arrays.eSafe handle's handle field can only be set if the safe handle is not closed and has a ref count of 1.(Returned SafeHandles cannot be abstract.6SafeHandle derived types cannot be stored in Variants.eInvalid managed/unmanaged type combination (System.Array must be paired with SafeArray or Interface).-VariantWrappers cannot be stored in Variants.JThe structure contains fields that are not supported in unmanaged records.[The generic type '%1' was used with the wrong number of generic arguments in assembly '%2'.[Could not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because field '%3' was given a negative offset.Unable to set thread priority.[VBByRefStr can only be used in combination with in/out, ByRef managed-to-unmanaged strings.\ArrayWithOffsets can only be marshaled as inout, non-ByRef, managed-to-unmanaged parameters.'ArgIterators cannot be marshaled ByRef.BHandleRefs cannot be marshaled ByRef or from unmanaged to managed.4Unable to cast COM object of type '%1' to class type '%2'. Instances of types that represent COM components cannot be cast to types that do not represent COM components; however they can be cast to interfaces as long as the underlying COM component supports QueryInterface calls for the IID of the interface.7Unable to cast COM object of type '%1' to class type '%2'. Instances of types that represent COM components cannot be cast to different types that represent COM components; however they can be cast to interfaces as long as the underlying COM component supports QueryInterface calls for the IID of the interface.%10Non-blittable generic types cannot be marshaled.Thread was being aborted.,Thread was interrupted from a waiting state.=Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program.<Generic types cannot be marshaled to COM interface pointers.NTypes with non-abstract methods cannot be marshaled to COM interface pointers.GMethod '%1' in ComImport class '%2' must implement an interface method.bInsufficient memory within specified address space range to continue the execution of the program.*Array dimensions exceeded supported range.NThe generic type '%1' was used with an invalid instantiation in assembly '%2'.0The length for ByValTStr strings cannot be zero. Code size/Cannot load a reference assembly for execution.5Attempt by method '%1' to access field '%2' failed.%36Attempt by method '%1' to access method '%2' failed.%34Attempt by method '%1' to access type '%2' failed.%3YBody token used in a method implementation is out of range. Type: '%1'. Assembly: '%2'.`Declaration token used in a method implementation is out of range. Type: '%1'. Assembly: '%2'.kDeclaration referenced in a method implementation cannot be on a sealed type. Type: '%1'. Assembly: '%2'.iDeclaration referenced in a method implementation cannot be a final method. Type: '%1'. Assembly: '%2'.iDeclaration referenced in a method implementation must be a virtual method. Type: '%1'. Assembly: '%2'.lSignature of the body and declaration in a method implementation do not match. Type: '%1'. Assembly: '%2'.`Signature for the body in a method implementation cannot be found. Type: '%1'. Assembly: '%2'.gSignature for the declaration in a method implementation cannot be found. Type: '%1'. Assembly: '%2'.hReturn type in method '%1' on type '%2' from assembly '%3' is not compatible with base type method '%4'.]Could not load type '%1' from assembly '%2'. Internal limitation: Too many generic arguments.,Could not load type '%1' from assembly '%2'.QCould not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because the interface does not exist.eCould not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because it attempts to implement a class as an interface.aCould not load the value type '%1' from assembly '%2' because it has an instance field of itself.^Could not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because generic types cannot have explicit layout.0'%1' from assembly '%2' has too many dimensions.DNative method '%3' on type '%1' from assembly '%2' is not supported.oCould not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because its enclosing type is not specified with a type definition.Could not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because it contains an object field at offset %3 that is incorrectly aligned or overlapped by a non-object field.NCould not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because the parent type is sealed.7Type '%1' from assembly '%2' has a method with no name.]Constructor '%3' on type '%1' from assembly '%2' does not have the correct name or signature.UMethod override '%3' on type '%1' from assembly '%2' cannot find a method to replace.&Method declaration is not a methoddef.=Duplicate definition for runtime implemented delegate method.Ecalls must have a 0 RVA.The metadata is corrupt.The signature is incorrect.!Full Name of Typeref is too long.Invalid Typeref token./The ClassInterface custom attribute is invalid.?ClassInterface custom attribute does not have the right format.0Illegal or unimplemented ELEM_TYPE in signature.Bad element type in SizeOf.DCannot load a mixed assembly into a collectible AssemblyLoadContext.RType '%1' from assembly '%2' is attempting to implement an inaccessible interface.OAssembly '%1' security permission grant set is incompatible between appdomains./Unverifiable assembly '%1' failed policy check.BAssembly '%1' already loaded without additional security evidence.PCannot override runtime implemented method '%3' on type '%1' from assembly '%2'.XCollectible type '%1' has unsupported FixedAddressValueTypeAttribute applied to a field.Could not load type '%1' from assembly '%2'. The type is marked as eligible for type equivalence, but either it has generic parameters, or it is not a structure, COM imported interface, enumeration, or delegate.oCould not execute the method because either the method itself or the containing type is not fully instantiated.[Could not load file or assembly '%1'. This assembly was compiled for a different processor.Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID %2 using CoCreateInstanceFromApp failed due to the following error: %1 %3. Please make sure your COM object is in the allowed list of CoCreateInstanceFromApp.0Unable to cast object of type '%1' to type '%2'.4Object contains non-primitive or non-blittable data.VA call to GetInstance() for custom marshaler '%1' returned null, which is not allowed.3Array size control parameter index is out of range.0Array size control parameter type not supported.wSafeArray cannot be marshaled to this array type because it has either nonzero lower bounds or more than one dimension.oType of the VARIANT specified for a parameter with a custom marshaler is not supported by the custom marshaler.oTypes extending from COM objects should override all methods of an interface implemented by the base COM class.5Security custom attribute has invalid SecurityAction.The path is too long after being fully qualified. Make sure the full path is less than 260 characters and the directory name is less than 248 characters.NMethod '%1' of COM event interface '%2' is not present on event provider '%3'.uMethods on COM event interfaces must take a single delegate derived class as a parameter and have a void return type.HCustom marshaler '%1' does not implement the ICustomMarshaler interface.Custom marshaler '%1' does not implement a static GetInstance method that takes a single string parameter and returns an ICustomMarshaler.`Metadata method count does not match method enumeration length for type '%1' from assembly '%2'.^Metadata field count does not match field enumeration length for type '%1' from assembly '%2'.YType '%1' from assembly '%2' must be declared as a value type to be used as a value type.8Type contains improperly formed type variance signature.\Could not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because it declares a field in a covariant type.(An unexpected field signature was found.fA valid typedef or typeref token is expected to follow a ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS or ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE.3A ELEMENT_TYPE_FNPTR cannot have a field signature.'A ELEMENT_TYPE_FNPTR cannot be generic.RA valid typedef or typeref token is expected to follow a ELEMENT_TYPE_GENERICINST.EAn ELEMENT_TYPE_TYPEDBYREF cannot have a ELEMENT_TYPE_BYREF modifier. Application: unknownCoreCLR Version: FDescription: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.Exception Info: oDescription: The application requested process termination through System.Environment.FailFast(string message). Message: UDescription: The process was terminated due to an internal error in the .NET Runtime >Description: The process was terminated due to stack overflow.Stack:at at IP %1 (%2) with exit code %3.'exception code %1, exception address %2+The remainder of the message was truncated.FThe CLR received a request to attach a profiler. Profiler CLSID: '%s'.The profiler currently in use has requested to be detached from the process. The CLR has disabled communication with the profiler and will unload the profiler when it is safe to do so.5The CLR has fully detached and unloaded the profiler.There was an internal failure in the profiling API detach infrastructure. The profiler will not be able to be detached. Error code: %d.pThe profiler has requested that the CLR instance not load the profiler into this process. Profiler CLSID: '%s'.Loading profiler failed. The profiler that was configured to load was designed for an older version of the CLR. You can use the COMPlus_ProfAPI_ProfilerCompatibilitySetting environment variable to allow older profilers to be loaded by the current version of the CLR. Please consult the documentation for information on how to use this environment variable, and the risks associated with it. Profiler CLSID: '%s'.A profiler designed for an older version of the CLR was loaded because of the environment variable setting below. Older profilers will continue to work in many cases, but if you encounter problems, please consider upgrading the profiler or changing the setting of the environment variable. Please consult the documentation for information on how to use this environment variable, and the risks associated with it. Environment variable setting: %s=%s. Profiler CLSID: '%s'.*Profilers will not be loaded by the current version of the CLR because of the environment variable setting below. Please consult the documentation for information on how to use this environment variable, and the risks associated with it. Environment variable setting: %s=%s. Profiler CLSID: '%s'.Description: The application encountered a bug. A managed code contract (precondition, postcondition, object invariant, or assert) failed.Contract details: &Profiler timed out on waiting for concurrent GC to finish after '%d' milliseconds. Please configure your profiler to increase its attaching time out value or consult the documentation for the COMPlus_ProfAPI_AttachProfilerMinTimeoutInMs environment variable and try again. Profiler CLSID: '%s'. [field sig]<Method parent has circular class type parameter constraints.6Method has circular method type parameter constraints. RTL_FalseInvalid token type.Invalid token.%Unable to get nested type properties.Method token out of range.Method name too long.Method in an Enum.&Method with non-zero RVA in an Import."Abstract method with non-zero RVA.-Runtime-implemented method with non-zero RVA.'Internal call method with non_NULL RVA.&Abstract method in non-abstract class.Non-virtual abstract method.0Non-abstract, non-.cctor method in an interface.#Virtual PInvoke implemented method.Virtual Static Method.Virtual Instance Constructor.&Virtual Non-Abstract Interface Method.%Nonvirtual Instance Interface Method."Synchronized Method in Value Type.Non-Static Global Method.Global Instance Constructor.iGeneric method or method in generic class is internal call, PInvoke, or is defined in a COM Import class.-Generic method is marked runtime-implemented."Bad use of Runtime Impl attribute."Bad flags on delegate constructor.,Unknown runtime implemented delegate method.0Generic methods should always be mcInstantiated.Field token out of range.Invalid Field Access Flags.Field is Literal and InitOnly.Non-Static Global Field.Instance Field in an Interface.No Instance Field in an Enum.+Non-virtual methods should not be searched.'Managed native not presently supported.Bad implementation flags.Bad unmanaged code entry point. Generic code may not be varargs.gCould not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because it cannot inherit directly from the delegate class.TCould not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' because delegate classes must be sealed.;Enclosing type(s) not found for type '%1' in assembly '%2'.;Illegal definition for runtime implemented delegate method.DMissing definition for required runtime implemented delegate method./Duplicate type with name '%1' in assembly '%2'.Bad method token.4ECall methods must be packaged into a system module.Could not get classlayout.1Signature is not IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_LOCAL_SIG.Bad class token. Bad IL range.$MethodDef without TypeDef as Parent.3MethodSpec or MemberRef has parent with no members.(Invalid token saved in ManifestResource.Empty assembly simple name.Bad IL format.GCould not load type '%1' from assembly '%2' due to value type mismatch."Malformed custom attribute header.Bad string token. No string associated with token.SImage has a platform-specific fixup type that is not compatible with this platform.BToken specifying generic type must be either a typeref or typedef.Array rank may not be zero.*Single-dimensional array rank must be one.LClassLayout has invalid PackingSize; valid set of values is {1,2,4,...,128}.Array type not expected here.Bad type visibility flag value./Family flag is not allowed on global functions.)Could not find exported type in metadata.Expected array type.:Generic member ref must be of type MethodDef or MemberRef.Loading profiler failed. COR_ENABLE_PROFILING was set properly, but COR_PROFILER was not. COR_PROFILER must be set to the CLSID of the profiler to load.|Loading profiler failed due to an internal profiling services initialization failure. Profiler CLSID: '%s'. HRESULT: 0x%x.XLoading profiler failed. COR_PROFILER is set to an invalid CLSID: '%s'. HRESULT: 0x%x.Loading profiler failed. COR_PROFILER is set to a CLSID of a COM object that does not implement the interface GUID (IID) requested by the CLR. This often indicates that the profiler does not support this version of the CLR. Profiler CLSID: '%s'. Requested IID: '%s'.WLoading profiler failed during CoCreateInstance. Profiler CLSID: '%s'. HRESULT: 0x%x.Loading profiler failed. The profiler COM object was instantiated, but the profiler failed during its initialization callback. Profiler CLSID: '%s'. HRESULT: 0x%x..Process ID (decimal): %d. Message ID: [0x%x].<The profiler was loaded successfully. Profiler CLSID: '%s'.Loading profiler failed. COR_ENABLE_PROFILING and COR_PROFILER were set properly, but COR_PROFILER_PATH was not. COR_PROFILER_PATH must be set to the full path of the profiler DLL to load with no more than 260 charaters including the null terminator.Loading profiler failed. The profiler COM object was instantiated, but the profiler does not support attaching to a live process. The profiler must be loaded at application startup by using a launcher program included with the profiler (if any) or by setting the COR_ENABLE_PROFILING and COR_PROFILER environment variables before launching the application to be profiled. Profiler CLSID: '%s'Loading profiler failed. There was an unhandled exception while trying to instantiate the profiler COM object. Please ensure the CLSID is associated with a valid profiler designed to work with this version of the runtime. Profiler CLSID: '%s'.8Cannot use JMC on this code (likely wrong JIT settings).SThe stack walk has reached the end of the stack. There are no more frames to walk.2Internal frame markers have no associated context.'The current frame is not a child frame.9The provided CONTEXT does not match the specified thread.KThe stackwalker is now past the end of stack. No information is available.Func eval cannot update a variable stored in a register on a non-leaf frame. The most likely cause is that such a variable is passed as a ref/out argument.#The state of the thread is invalid.'This process has already been attached.LReturned from a call to Continue that was not matched with a stopping event.cvtres.exe not found.Type has been unloaded.*Attempted to access an unloaded appdomain. Error while unloading appdomain.Assembly is still being loaded.8The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.hAttempt to load an unverifiable executable with fixups (IAT with more than 2 sections or a TLS section.)aThis assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and cannot be loaded.NThe module cannot be loaded because only single file assemblies are supported.1Host detected a deadlock on a blocking operation.Invalid operation.1CLR has been disabled due to unrecoverable error.-Process exited due to ThreadAbort escalation.+Process exited due to AD Unload escalation.)Process exited due to Timeout escalation.-Process exited due to OutOfMemory escalation.&The check of the module's hash failed.QThe located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference.?The private assembly was located outside the appbase directory.1A module specified in the manifest was not found.&A strongly-named assembly is required.Strong name signature could not be verified. The assembly may have been tampered with, or it was delay signed but not fully signed with the correct private key.0The given assembly name or codebase was invalid.AHTTP download of assemblies has been disabled for this appdomain.FAssembly in host store has a different signature than assembly in GAC.ULoadFrom(), LoadFile(), Load(byte[]) and LoadModule() have been disabled by the host.&Failed to add file to AppDomain cache.sThe requested assembly version conflicts with what is already bound in the app domain or specified in the manifest.{The requested assembly name was neither found in the GAC nor in the manifest or the manifest's specified location is wrong.6Unexpected error while parsing the specified manifest.xReference assemblies should not be loaded for execution. They can only be loaded in the Reflection-only loader context.mThe native image could not be loaded, because it was generated for use by a different version of the runtime.Contract Windows Runtime assemblies cannot be loaded for execution. Make sure your application only contains non-contract Windows Runtime assemblies.Ambiguous implementation found.Error occurred during a read.Error occurred during a write.Old version error.RCreate of shared memory failed. A memory mapping of the same name already exists.%No .CLB data in the memory or stream.:Importing scope is not compatible with the emitting scope.File is corrupt.8Cannot open a incrementally build scope for full update.Index not found.Record not found on lookup.Record is emitted out of order.A blob or string was too big.8A token of the wrong type passed to a metadata function./Typelib export: Type library is not registered./Merge: Inconsistency in meta data import scope.Bad binary signature.Bad input parameters.Cannot resolve typeref.2No logical space left to create more user strings.#Unmark all has been called already.)Must call UnmarkAll first before marking.)Known custom attribute on invalid target.)Known custom attribute had invalid value.+Known custom attribute blob has bad format.8Known custom attribute blob has repeated named argument.5Known custom attribute named argument not recognized.-Known attribute parser found unexpected type.;Known attribute parser only handles fields, not properties.YKnown attribute parser found an argument that is invalid for the object it is applied to.#The format of the UUID was invalid.[The MarshalAs attribute has fields set that are not valid for the specified unmanaged type.5The specified unmanaged type is only valid on fields.'The parameter index cannot be negative.%The constant size cannot be negative.A fixed string requires a size.6A custom marshaler requires the custom marshaler type./SaveDelta was called without being in EnC mode.LInternalsVisibleTo can't have a version, culture, or processor architecture.Rid is out of range.String offset is invalid.GUID offset is invalid.Blob offset if invalid.)MemberRef has invalid calling convention."Signature specified is zero-sized.0Method signature has invalid calling convention.SMethod is marked static but has HASTHIS/EXPLICITTHIS set on the calling convention.?Method is not marked static but is not HASTHIS or EXPLICITTHIS./Method signature is missing the argument count.Signature missing element type.Signature missing token.Signature has bad token.&Signature is missing function pointer.6Signature has function pointer missing argument count.(Signature is missing rank specification./Signature is missing count of sized dimensions.'Signature is missing size of dimension.+Signature is missing count of lower bounds.#Signature is missing a lower bound.Signature has bad element type. TypeDef not nested has encloser.4Field or method is PInvoke but is not marked Static.$E_T_SENTINEL in MethodDef signature.E_T_SENTINEL <=> VARARG.Multiple E_T_SENTINELs.Signature missing argument.Field of ByRef type.Unrecoverable API error.Process was terminated.Process not synchronized.A class is not loaded.9An IL variable is not available at the current native IP.;A reference value was found to be bad during dereferencing.KA field in a class is not available, because the runtime optimized it away.2'Native-frame-only' operation on non-native frame."The code is currently unavailable.AAttempt to get a ICorDebugFunction for a function that is not IL.SetIP is not possible because SetIP would move EIP from outside of an exception handling finally clause to a point inside of one.{SetIP is not possible because it would move EIP from within an exception handling finally clause to a point outside of one.SetIP is not possible, because SetIP would move EIP from outside of an exception handling catch clause to a point inside of one.8SetIP cannot be done on any frame except the leaf frame.SetIP is not allowed.*Func eval cannot work. Bad starting point.%This object value is no longer valid.:CordbEval::GetResult called before func eval has finished.KA static variable is not available because it has not been initialized yet.%SetIP cannot leave or enter a filter./JIT settings for ZAP modules cannot be changed.ySetIP is not possible because it would move EIP from within a finally clause to a point outside of one on this platforms.wSetIP is not possible because it would move EIP from within a catch clause to a point outside of one on this platforms.+Cannot perfrom SetValue on non-leaf frames.YTried to do Edit and Continue on a module that was not started in Edit and Continue mode.&SetIP cannot be done on any exception.UThe 'variable' does not exist because it is a literal optimized away by the compiler.Process has been detached.8Adding a field to a value or layout class is prohibited.1GetStaticFieldValue called on a non-static field.NReturned if someone tries to call GetStaticFieldValue on a non-instance field.'The JIT is unable to update the method.5Internal Runtime Error while doing Edit-and-Continue.EThe field was added via Edit and Continue after the class was loaded.Module not loaded.Cannot set a breakpoint here.RDebugging is not possible due to an incompatibility within the CLR implementation.bA kernel debugger is enabled on the system. User-mode debugging will trap to the kernel debugger.bA kernel debugger is present on the system. User-mode debugging will trap to the kernel debugger.:The debugger's protocol is incompatible with the debuggee.:The debugger can only handle a finite number of debuggees.#Interop debugging is not supported.>Cannot call RemapFunction until have received RemapBreakpoint.Object is in a zombie state.Function not yet compiled.'The ID is not fully loaded/defined yet. The Method has no associated IL.-The thread has never run managed code before.?The function may only be called during profiler initialization.+Requested information is not yet available.@The given type is a generic and cannot be used with this method.DThe given function is a generic and cannot be used with this method.OLoading this assembly would produce a different grant set from other instances.&Unverifiable code failed policy check.=Assembly already loaded without additional security evidence.PolicyException thrown.,Failed to grant minimum permission requests.&Failed to grant permission to execute.XML Syntax error.Strong name validation failed.Assembly is not strong named.Invalid assembly file format.Invalid assembly public key.Signature size mismatch.'Failure during Cryptographic operation.#Unexpected Cryptographic operation.Invalid security action code.General ExceptionSystem.Exception'An argument was out of its legal range.;Attempted to store an object of the wrong type in an array.9Attempted to marshal an object across a context boundary.Operation timed out.Internal CLR error.Access to this field is denied.Array subscript out of range./An operation is not legal in the current state.'An error relating to security occurred.,An error relating to serialization occurred.$A verification failure has occurred. Access to this method is denied.Field does not exist.Member does not exist.Method does not exist.4Attempt to combine delegates that are not multicast.Operation is not supported.FArithmetic, casting or conversion operation overflowed or underflowed.GAn array has the wrong number of dimensions for a particular operation.8This operation must be called from a synchronized block.,Thread was interrupted from a waiting state. Access to this member is denied.1Thread is in an invalid state for this operation.Thread is stopping.Could not find or load a type.2Could not find the specified DllImport entrypoint.+Could not find the specified DllImport Dll.%An invalid __ComObject has been used. Not a Number.;An object appears more than once in the wait objects array.$Reached maximum count for semaphore.&No semaphore of the given name exists.-The wait completed due to an abandoned mutex.Thread has aborted. OLE Variant has an invalid type.:An expected resource in the assembly manifest was missing.hA mismatch has occurred between the runtime type of the array and the sub type recorded in the metadata..Uncaught exception during type initialization.Invalid marshaling directives.An expected satellite assembly containing the ultimate fallback resources for a given culture was not found or could not be loaded.DThe format of one argument does not meet the contract of the method.dA mismatch has occurred between the runtime rank of the array and the rank recorded in the metadata.,Operation is not supported on this platform.Invalid IL or CLR metadata.The operation was cancelled.DA datatype misalignment was detected in a load or store instruction.WA managed code contract (ie, precondition, postcondition, invariant, or assert) failed.Access to this type is denied.SFail to access a CCW because the corresponding managed object is already collected.0The given key was not present in the dictionary.Insufficient stack to continue executing the program safely. This can happen from having too many functions on the call stack or function on the stack using too much stack space.Application exception<The given filter criteria does not match the filter content.NCould not find or load a specific class that was requested through Reflection.7Attempt to invoke non-static method with a null Object.>Uncaught exception thrown by method called through Reflection.$Custom attribute has invalid format.Error during managed I/O.'Could not find or load a specific file.%The object has already been disposed.BRuntime operation halted by call to System.Environment.FailFast().&The host has forbidden this operation.ZAttempted to call into managed code when executing inside a low level extensibility point.Failed to load the runtime.BA runtime has already been bound for legacy activation policy use. [field sig]<Method parent has circular class type parameter constraints.6Method has circular method type parameter constraints.Illegal 'void' in signature.@GenericParam is a method type parameter and must be non-variant.MThread is not scheduled. Thus we may not have OSThreadId, handle, or context.Handle has been disposed. Cannot intercept this exception.<The intercept frame for this exception has already been set..There is no native patch at the given address.0This API is only allowed when interop debugging./There is already a native patch at the address.3A wait timed out, likely an indication of deadlock."Cannot use the API on this thread.!Method was not JIT'd in EnC mode.>Method is in a callable handler/filter. Cannot increase stack.$Attempt to perform unsupported edit.@The LS is not in a good spot to perform the requested operation.nWe failed to resolve assembly given an AssemblyRef token. Assembly may be not loaded yet or not a valid token.IMust be in context of LoadModule callback to perform requested operation.CRequested operation cannot be performed during an attach operation.:NGEN must be supported to perform the requested operation. Trying to shutdown out of order.6Debugging fiber mode managed process is not supported.LMust be in context of CreateProcess callback to perform requested operation.UAll outstanding func-evals have not completed, detaching is not allowed at this time.UAll outstanding steppers have not been closed, detaching is not allowed at this time.5Cannot have an ICorDebugStepper do a native step-out.XAll outstanding breakpoints have not been closed, detaching is not allowed at this time.5The operation is illegal because of a stack overflow.5The operation failed because it is a GC unsafe point.9The operation failed because the thread is in the prolog.:The operation failed because the thread is in native code.=The operation failed because the thread is in optimized code.9A supplied object or type belongs to the wrong AppDomain.&The thread's context is not available.QThe operation failed because debuggee and debugger are on incompatible platforms.<The operation failed because the debugging has been disabled9Detach is illegal after an Edit and Continue on a module.>Cannot intercept the current exception at the specified frame.VThe debugger helper thread cannot obtain the locks it needs to perform this operation.EThe operation failed because the debugger could not get the metadata.#The debuggee is in a corrupt state.DDetach failed because there are outstanding resources in the target.The debuggee is read-only.ZThe version of clr.dll in the target does not match the one mscordacwks.dll was built for.6Symbols are not supplied for modules loaded from disk.lThe application did not supply symbols when it loaded or created this module, or they are not yet available.#A debug component is not installed.^The ICLRDebuggingLibraryProvider callback returned an error or did not provide a valid handle.DThe module at the base address indicated was not recognized as a CLRcThe provided data target does not implement the required interfaces for this version of the runtime<This debugging model is unsupported by the specified runtimeUThe debugger is not designed to support the version of the CLR the debuggee is using.?The version struct has an unrecognized value for wStructVersion9A call into a ReadVirtual implementation returned failureBThe Debugging API doesn't support dereferencing function pointers.>The address provided does not point to a valid managed object.>The GC heap structures are not in a valid state for traversal.FThe specified IL offset or opcode is not supported for this operation.CThe specified action is unsupported by this version of the runtime.LThe debuggee memory space does not have the expected debugging export table.*Failure when calling a data target method.Couldn't find a native image.DThe delegate contains a delegate currently not supported by the API.File is PE32+. File is PE32HThe bound assembly has a version that is lower than that of the request.TThe assembly version has a public key token that does not match that of the request.4The requested image was not found or is unavailable./The provided identity format is not recognized.8A binding for the specified assembly name was not found.4A binding for the specified type name was not found.WCould not use native image because System.Private.CoreLib.dll is missing a native imageMNative image was generated in a different trust level than present at runtime?Native image identity mismatch with respect to its dependencies"Failfast due to an OOM during a GCmGCHeapAffinitizeMask or GCHeapAffinitizeRanges didn't specify any CPUs the current process is affinitized to.?GCHeapAffinitizeRanges configuration string has invalid format.HCannot compile using the PartialNgen flag because no IBC data was found.:The format of a DLL or executable being loaded is invalid.#0#u *H #f0#b10  `He0\ +7N0L0 +70 010  `He mFq̘ m{JGcIՏOw 003k.J0  *H  0~1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation1(0&UMicrosoft Code Signing PCA 20110 201215213145Z 211202213145Z0t1 0 UUS10U Washington10URedmond10U Microsoft Corporation10UMicrosoft Corporation0"0  *H 0 Y\ ۚ#XxH$8cK P'C8?̐'1 {buH]uu# cp>5ԖbvUVԯcz*wtGݠ1-%,@fSגR u VISt8鎥zo|/uGp?bEH/Lo>78S59Y6fT'Y7! 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