#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'optparse' require 'methadone' require 'howami.rb' class App include Methadone::Main include Methadone::CLILogging include Howami main do # Add args you want: |like,so| # your program code here # You can access CLI options via # the options Hash if options[:auth] Authentication.new.do_interactive_auth else unless Configuration.has_valid_credentials? fatal "You need to authenticate first, please run `howami --auth`" exit 1 end fit_obj = Fitbit.new Howami::cli_run!(fit_obj) end end # supplemental methods here # def do_auth # Howami::Authentication.new.do_interactive_auth # end # Declare command-line interface here # description "one line description of your app" # # Accept flags via: # on("--flag VAL","Some flag") # options[flag] will contain VAL # # Specify switches via: # on("--[no-]switch","Some switch") on("--auth","Authenticate howami to the Fitbit API") # # Or, just call OptionParser methods on opts # # Require an argument # arg :some_arg # # # Make an argument optional # arg :optional_arg, :optional version Howami::VERSION use_log_level_option go! end