require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib/morph' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../morph_spec_helper' describe Morph do describe "when writer method that didn't exist before is called with non-nil value" do before :each do remove_morph_methods @quack = 'quack' @morph.noise= @quack @attribute = 'noise' @expected_morph_methods_count = 2 end it_should_behave_like "class with generated accessor methods added" it 'should return assigned value when reader method called' do @morph.noise.should == @quack end it 'should return hash of attributes when morph_attributes called' do @morph.morph_attributes.should == {@attribute.to_sym => @quack} end it 'should generate rails model generator script line, with given model name' do @morphed_class.script_generate {|model_name| 'SomethingDifferent'}.should == "ruby script/destroy rspec_model SomethingDifferent; ruby script/generate rspec_model SomethingDifferent noise:string" end it 'should generate rails model generator script line' do @morphed_class.script_generate.should == "ruby script/destroy rspec_model ExampleMorph; ruby script/generate rspec_model ExampleMorph noise:string" end it 'should generate rails model generator script line' do @morphed_class.script_generate(:generator=>'model').should == "ruby script/destroy model ExampleMorph; ruby script/generate model ExampleMorph noise:string" end end describe "when writer method that didn't exist before is called with nil value" do before :each do remove_morph_methods @morph.noise= nil @attribute = 'noise' end it_should_behave_like "class without generated accessor methods added" end describe "when different writer method called on two different morph classes" do include MorphSpecHelperMethods before :each do initialize_morph initialize_another_morph end it 'should have morph_method return appropriate methods for each class' do @morph.every = 'where' = 'where' @morphed_class.morph_methods.size.should == 2 @another_morphed_class.morph_methods.size.should == 2 @morphed_class.morph_methods.should == ['every','every='] @another_morphed_class.morph_methods.should == ['no','no='] end it 'should call morph_attributes on both objects, when one object has a reference to another' do @morph.every = 'which' @another_morph.way = 'but' @morph.loose = @another_morph attributes = @morph.morph_attributes attributes[:every].should == 'which' attributes[:loose].should == {:way => 'but'} end it 'should call morph_attributes on both objects, when one object has a reference to array of others' do @morph.every = 'which' @another_morph.way = 'but' @morph.loose = [@another_morph] attributes = @morph.morph_attributes attributes[:every].should == 'which' attributes[:loose].should == [{:way => 'but'}] end it 'should call morph_attributes on both objects, when one object has a reference to hash of others' do @morph.every = 'which' @another_morph.way = 'but' @morph.loose = { :honky_tonk => @another_morph} attributes = @morph.morph_attributes attributes[:every].should == 'which' attributes[:loose].should == { :honky_tonk => {:way => 'but'} } end after :each do remove_morph_methods remove_another_morph_methods end end describe "when class definition contains methods and morph is included" do include MorphSpecHelperMethods after :all do remove_morph_methods @morphed_class.class_eval "remove_method :happy" end it 'should not return methods defined in class in morph_methods list' do initialize_morph "class ExampleMorph\n include Morph\n def happy\n 'happy, joy, joy'\n end\n end" morph_methods.should be_empty end end describe "when writer method that didn't exist before is called with blank space attribute value" do before :each do remove_morph_methods @morph.noise= ' ' @attribute = 'noise' end it_should_behave_like "class without generated accessor methods added" end describe 'when morph method used to set attribute value' do before :each do remove_morph_methods @value = '20 Mar 2008' @morph.morph('Reading', @value) @attribute = 'reading' @expected_morph_methods_count = 2 end it_should_behave_like "class with generated accessor methods added" it 'should return assigned value when reader method called' do @morph.reading.should == @value end end describe 'when morph method used to set an attribute value hash' do before :each do remove_morph_methods @attributes = [:drink,:sugars,:milk] @morph.morph :drink => 'tea', :sugars => 2, :milk => 'yes please' @expected_morph_methods_count = 6 end it_should_behave_like "class with generated accessor methods added" it 'should return assigned value when reader method called' do @morph.drink.should == 'tea' @morph.sugars.should == 2 @morph.milk.should == 'yes please' end it 'should generate rails model generator script line' do @morphed_class.script_generate.should == "ruby script/destroy rspec_model ExampleMorph; ruby script/generate rspec_model ExampleMorph drink:string milk:string sugars:string" end it 'should generate rails model generator script line' do @morphed_class.script_generate(:generator=>'model').should == "ruby script/destroy model ExampleMorph; ruby script/generate model ExampleMorph drink:string milk:string sugars:string" end end describe "when morph method used to set unicode attribute name with a value" do before :each do $KCODE = "u" remove_morph_methods @age = 19 @attribute = "年龄" @morph.morph(@attribute, @age) @expected_morph_methods_count = 2 end after :all do $KCODE = "NONE" end it_should_behave_like "class with generated accessor methods added" it 'should return assigned value when reader method called' do @morph.send(@attribute.to_sym) == @age end end describe "when morph method used to set japanese and latin unicode attribute name with a value" do before :each do $KCODE = "u" remove_morph_methods @age = 19 @attribute = "ページビュー_graph" @morph.morph(@attribute, @age) @expected_morph_methods_count = 2 end after :all do $KCODE = "NONE" end it_should_behave_like "class with generated accessor methods added" it 'should return assigned value when reader method called' do @morph.send(@attribute.to_sym) == @age end end describe 'when morph method used to set blank space attribute value' do before :each do remove_morph_methods @morph.morph('Pizza', ' ') @attribute = 'pizza' end it_should_behave_like "class without generated accessor methods added" end describe 'when morph method used to set nil attribute value' do before :each do remove_morph_methods @morph.morph('Pizza', nil) @attribute = 'pizza' end it_should_behave_like "class without generated accessor methods added" end describe "when reader method that didn't exist before is called" do include MorphSpecHelperMethods it 'should raise NoMethodError' do initialize_morph lambda { @morph.noise }.should raise_error(/undefined method `noise'/) end end describe "when reader method called that didn't exist before is a class method" do include MorphSpecHelperMethods it 'should raise NoMethodError' do initialize_morph lambda { }.should raise_error(/undefined method `name'/) end end describe "when writer method called matches a class reader method" do before :each do remove_morph_methods @value = 'Morph' = @value @attribute = 'name' @expected_morph_methods_count = 2 end it_should_behave_like "class with generated accessor methods added" it 'should return assigned value when reader method called' do == @value end end describe "when class= is called" do include MorphSpecHelperMethods before :all do initialize_morph; end after :all do remove_morph_methods; end it 'should throw exception if non nil object is passed' do lambda { @morph.class = 'Red' }.should raise_error(/cannot create accessor methods/) end it 'should throw exception if nil object is passed' do lambda { @morph.class = nil }.should raise_error(/cannot create accessor methods/) end end describe 'when passing block to morph_method_missing' do include MorphSpecHelperMethods before :all do initialize_morph; end after :each do remove_morph_methods; end it 'should class_eval the block' do @morph.morph_method_missing(:chunky, 'bacon') do |base, attribute| base.class_eval "def #{attribute}; 'spinach'; end" end @morph.respond_to?(:chunky).should == true @morph.chunky.should == 'spinach' @morphed_class.class_eval "remove_method :chunky" lambda { @morph.chunky }.should raise_error end it 'should class_eval the block' do @morph.morph_method_missing :chunky, 'bacon' do |base, attribute| base.class_def(attribute) { 'spinach' } end @morph.respond_to?(:chunky).should == true @morph.chunky.should == 'spinach' @morphed_class.class_eval "remove_method :chunky" lambda { @morph.chunky }.should raise_error end end describe "when converting label text to morph method name" do include MorphSpecHelperMethods it 'should upper case to lower case' do check_convert_to_morph_method_name 'CaSe', 'case' end it 'should convert single space to underscorce' do check_convert_to_morph_method_name 'First reading', 'first_reading' end it 'should convert multiple spaces to single underscorce' do check_convert_to_morph_method_name "First reading", 'first_reading' end it 'should convert tabs to single underscorce' do check_convert_to_morph_method_name "First\t\treading", 'first_reading' end it 'should convert new line chars to single underscorce' do check_convert_to_morph_method_name "First\r\nreading", 'first_reading' end it 'should remove leading and trailing whitespace new line chars to single underscorce' do check_convert_to_morph_method_name " \t\r\nFirst reading \t\r\n", 'first_reading' end it 'should remove trailing colon surrounded by whitespace' do check_convert_to_morph_method_name "First reading : ", 'first_reading' end it 'should remove parenthesis' do check_convert_to_morph_method_name 'Nav(GBX)', 'nav_gbx' end it 'should remove *' do check_convert_to_morph_method_name 'Change**', 'change' end it 'should convert % character to the text "percentage"' do check_convert_to_morph_method_name '% Change', 'percentage_change' end it 'should precede leading digit with an underscore character' do check_convert_to_morph_method_name '52w_high', '_52w_high' end it 'should handle unicode name' do check_convert_to_morph_method_name '年龄', '年龄' end end describe 'creating from hash' do it 'should create classes and object instances' do h = { "CompanyDetails"=> { "RegAddress"=> { "AddressLine"=>["ST DAVID'S HOUSE", "WEST WING", "WOOD STREET", "CARDIFF CF10 1ES"]}, "LastFullMemDate"=>"2002-03-25", "xsi:schemaLocation"=>"", "HasBranchInfo"=>"0", "Mortgages"=> { "NumMortSatisfied"=>"0", "MortgageInd"=>"LT300", "NumMortOutstanding"=>"7", "NumMortPartSatisfied"=>"0", "NumMortCharges"=>"7"}, "CompanyCategory"=>"Public Limited Company", "HasAppointments"=>"1", "SICCodes"=> { "SicText"=>"stadiums"}, "Returns"=> { "Overdue"=>"NO", "DocumentAvailable"=>"1", "NextDueDate"=>"2003-04-22", "LastMadeUpDate"=>"2002-03-25" }, "CountryOfOrigin"=>"United Kingdom", "CompanyStatus"=>"Active", "CompanyName"=>"MILLENNIUM STADIUM PLC", "InLiquidation"=>"0", "xmlns:xsi"=>"", "Accounts"=>{ "Overdue"=>"NO", "DocumentAvailable"=>"1", "AccountCategory"=>"FULL", "NextDueDate"=>"2002-11-30", "LastMadeUpDate"=>"2001-04-30", "AccountRefDate"=>"0000-30-04"}, "IncorporationDate"=>"1996-03-25", "CompanyNumber"=>"03176906", "xmlns"=>"", "SearchItems"=> [ { "CompanyDate"=> '', "CompanyIndexStatus"=> '', "DataSet"=>"LIVE", "CompanyName"=>"CANONGROVE LIMITED", "CompanyNumber"=>"SC244777" }, { "CompanyDate"=>"", "CompanyIndexStatus"=>"", "DataSet"=>"LIVE", "CompanyName"=>"CANONHALL ACCOUNTANCY LTD", "CompanyNumber"=>"05110715" } ] } } Object.const_set 'Company', Company.const_set 'House', company_details = Morph.from_hash(h, Company::House) == 'Company::House::CompanyDetails' company_details.class.morph_methods.include?('last_full_mem_date').should be_true company_details.class.morph_methods.include?('accounts').should be_true == 'Company::House::Accounts' company_details.accounts.overdue.should == 'NO' company_details.last_full_mem_date.should == "2002-03-25" company_details.sic_codes.sic_text.should == 'stadiums' company_details.reg_address.address_lines.should == ["ST DAVID'S HOUSE", "WEST WING", "WOOD STREET", "CARDIFF CF10 1ES"] == 'Company::House::SearchItem' company_details.search_items.first.data_set.should == 'LIVE' company_details.search_items.first.company_name.should == 'CANONGROVE LIMITED' # puts company_details.to_yaml end end end