# # Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat, Inc. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA require 'specs/spec_helper' describe "instances" do it_should_behave_like "all resources" it "should allow retrieval of all instances" do DeltaCloud.new( API_NAME, API_PASSWORD, API_URL ) do |client| instances = client.instances instances.should_not be_empty instances.each do |instance| instance.uri.should_not be_nil instance.uri.should be_a( String ) instance.owner_id.should_not be_nil instance.owner_id.should be_a( String ) instance.image.should_not be_nil instance.image.should be_a( DeltaCloud::API::Image ) instance.hardware_profile.should_not be_nil instance.hardware_profile.should be_a( DeltaCloud::API::HardwareProfile ) instance.state.should_not be_nil instance.state.should be_a( String ) instance.public_addresses.should_not be_nil instance.public_addresses.should_not be_empty instance.public_addresses.should be_a( Array ) instance.private_addresses.should_not be_nil instance.private_addresses.should_not be_empty instance.private_addresses.should be_a( Array ) end end end it "should allow navigation from instance to image" do DeltaCloud.new( API_NAME, API_PASSWORD, API_URL ) do |client| instances = client.instances instances.should_not be_empty instance = instances.first instance.image.should_not be_nil instance.image.description.should_not be_nil instance.image.description.should be_a(String) end end it "should allow retrieval of a single instance" do DeltaCloud.new( API_NAME, API_PASSWORD, API_URL ) do |client| instance = client.instance( "inst0" ) instance.should_not be_nil instance.name.should_not be_nil instance.name.should eql( 'Mock Instance With Profile Change' ) instance.uri.should_not be_nil instance.uri.should be_a( String ) instance.owner_id.should eql( "mockuser" ) instance.public_addresses.first.should eql( "img1.inst0.public.com" ) instance.image.should_not be_nil instance.image.uri.should eql( API_URL + "/images/img1" ) instance.hardware_profile.should_not be_nil instance.hardware_profile.should_not be_nil instance.hardware_profile.uri.should eql( API_URL + "/hardware_profiles/m1-large" ) instance.hardware_profile.memory.value.should eql(10240.0) instance.hardware_profile.storage.value.should eql(850.0) instance.state.should eql( "RUNNING" ) instance.actions.should_not be_nil end end it "should allow creation of new instances with reasonable defaults" do DeltaCloud.new( API_NAME, API_PASSWORD, API_URL ) do |client| instance = client.create_instance( 'img1', :name=>'TestInstance' ) instance.should_not be_nil instance.uri.should match( %r{#{API_URL}/instances/inst[0-9]+} ) instance.id.should match( /inst[0-9]+/ ) instance.name.should eql( 'TestInstance' ) instance.image.id.should eql( 'img1' ) instance.hardware_profile.id.should eql( 'm1-large' ) instance.realm.id.should eql( 'us' ) end end it "should allow creation of new instances with specific realm" do DeltaCloud.new( API_NAME, API_PASSWORD, API_URL ) do |client| instance = client.create_instance( 'img1', :realm=>'eu' ) instance.should_not be_nil instance.uri.should match( %r{#{API_URL}/instances/inst[0-9]+} ) instance.id.should match( /inst[0-9]+/ ) instance.image.id.should eql( 'img1' ) instance.hardware_profile.id.should eql( 'm1-large' ) instance.realm.id.should eql( 'eu' ) end end it "should allow creation of new instances with specific hardware profile" do DeltaCloud.new( API_NAME, API_PASSWORD, API_URL ) do |client| instance = client.create_instance( 'img1', :hardware_profile=>'m1-xlarge' ) instance.should_not be_nil instance.uri.should match( %r{#{API_URL}/instances/inst[0-9]+} ) instance.id.should match( /inst[0-9]+/ ) instance.image.id.should eql( 'img1' ) instance.hardware_profile.id.should eql( 'm1-xlarge' ) instance.realm.id.should eql( 'us' ) end end it "should allow creation of new instances with specific hardware profile overriding memory" do DeltaCloud.new( API_NAME, API_PASSWORD, API_URL ) do |client| hwp = { :id => 'm1-xlarge', :memory => 32768 } instance = client.create_instance( 'img1', :hardware_profile=> hwp ) instance.should_not be_nil instance.uri.should match( %r{#{API_URL}/instances/inst[0-9]+} ) instance.id.should match( /inst[0-9]+/ ) instance.image.id.should eql( 'img1' ) instance.hardware_profile.id.should eql( 'm1-xlarge' ) instance.hardware_profile.memory.value.should eql(12288.0) instance.realm.id.should eql( 'us' ) end end it "should allow creation of new instances with specific realm and hardware profile" do DeltaCloud.new( API_NAME, API_PASSWORD, API_URL ) do |client| instance = client.create_instance( 'img1', :realm=>'eu', :hardware_profile=>'m1-xlarge' ) instance.should_not be_nil instance.uri.should match( %r{#{API_URL}/instances/inst[0-9]+} ) instance.id.should match( /inst[0-9]+/ ) instance.image.id.should eql( 'img1' ) instance.hardware_profile.id.should eql( 'm1-xlarge' ) instance.realm.id.should eql( 'eu' ) end end it "should allow fetching of instances by id" do DeltaCloud.new( API_NAME, API_PASSWORD, API_URL ) do |client| instance = client.instance( 'inst1' ) instance.should_not be_nil instance.uri.should_not be_nil instance.uri.should be_a( String ) end end it "should allow fetching of instances by URI" do DeltaCloud.new( API_NAME, API_PASSWORD, API_URL ) do |client| instance = client.fetch_instance( API_URL + '/instances/inst1' ) instance.should_not be_nil instance.uri.should eql( API_URL + '/instances/inst1' ) instance.id.should eql( 'inst1' ) end end describe "performing actions on instances" do it "should allow actions that are valid" do DeltaCloud.new( API_NAME, API_PASSWORD, API_URL ) do |client| instance = client.instance( 'inst1' ) instance.should_not be_nil instance.state.should eql( "RUNNING" ) instance.uri.should eql( API_URL + '/instances/inst1' ) instance.id.should eql( 'inst1' ) instance.stop! instance = client.instance( 'inst1' ) instance.state.should eql( "STOPPED" ) instance.start! instance = client.instance( 'inst1' ) instance.state.should eql( "RUNNING" ) end end it "should not allow actions that are invalid" do DeltaCloud.new( API_NAME, API_PASSWORD, API_URL ) do |client| instance = client.instance( 'inst1' ) instance.should_not be_nil instance.state.should eql( "RUNNING" ) lambda{instance.start}.should raise_error end end end end