# shared.rb provides a super easy way to share code between classes or modules # in a simple way. shared code can be at the class and/or instance level and # users deferred evaluation so this is more powerful that the normal ruby # module inclusion facilities on which it is based. # # basic usage: # # # require 'shared' # # Shared 'methods' do # class << self # attr :classname # end # # @classname = name.downcase # # def objectname # self.class.classname + "(#{ object_id })" # end # end # # class C # include Shared('methods') # end # # class B # include Shared('methods') # end # # p C.classname #=> 'c' # p C.new.objectname #=> 'c(1234)' # # p B.classname #=> 'b' # p B.new.objectname #=> 'b(4567)' # unless defined?(Shared) module Shared Shared::VERSION = '1.1.1' unless defined?(Shared::VERSION) def version() Shared::VERSION end def Shared.description 'a clean way to factor class/instance mixins in ruby' end Code = {} def load key key = key_for(key) unless Code.has_key?(key) ::Kernel.load("shared/#{ key }.rb") end end def shared name, options = {}, &block key = key_for name via = (options[:via]||options['via']||:eval).to_s.to_sym if block.nil? Shared.load(key) return Code[key] end m = (Code[key] || Module.new) case via when :eval singleton_class(m) do unless m.respond_to?(:blocks) blocks = [] define_method(:blocks){ blocks } define_method(:included) do |other| blocks.each{|b| other.send(:module_eval, &b)} end define_method(:extend_object) do |other| Shared.singleton_class(other) do m.blocks.each{|b| module_eval &b} end end end end m.blocks << block when :module m.send(:module_eval, &block) end Code[key] ||= m end alias_method 'share', 'shared' alias_method 'for', 'shared' def key_for name name.to_s.strip.downcase end def singleton_class object, &block singleton_class = class << object self end block ? singleton_class.module_eval(&block) : singleton_class end extend self end module Kernel private def Share(*a, &b) if a.empty? and b.nil? ::Shared else Shared.share(*a, &b) end end def Shared(*a, &b) if a.empty? and b.nil? ::Shared else Shared.shared(*a, &b) end end end end