$Id: TODO,v 2006/03/09 01:36:19 roscopeco Exp $

XML::XSLT needs a class method that'll let it use a stylesheet that's
already in memory.  Something like: xsl = XML::XSLT.string(stylesheet)

Need version constants to be available for both LIBXML and LIBXSLT

Need a way of changing the IO stream used for printing the output

Should have some way of turning on more debugging that what's there

Need to add the ability to save to a file

Ability to dump the tree instead of the result to a given IO stream (partially completed, iirc)

Ability to dump the registered extension elements and functions to a given IO stream

Ability to turn on and off the DTD loading phase

Ability to increase the maximum depth of applying templates

Some way of specifying that the incoming document is xhtml and not xml

Some way of specifying that the incoming document is SGML docbook

A way of setting parameters (key/value pairs) before the stylesheet gets processed

A way of not telling the XSL engine to not fetch DTDs over a network

A way of specifying the SGML catalogs to use

A way of turning on XInclude processing of the document input