# frozen_string_literal: true
# encoding: UTF-8
# This file is automatically generated. Do not modify it.
# Generated by: oedipus_lex version 2.6.2.
# Source: lib/ruby_lexer.rex
# lexical scanner definition for ruby
# The generated lexer RubyLexer
class RubyLexer
require 'strscan'
# :stopdoc:
IDENT_CHAR = /[a-zA-Z0-9_[:^ascii:]]/
ESC = /\\((?>[0-7]{1,3}|x\h{1,2}|M-[^\\]|(C-|c)[^\\]|u\h{1,4}|u\{\h+(?:\s+\h+)*\}|[^0-7xMCc]))/
SIMPLE_STRING = /((#{ESC}|\#(#{ESC}|[^\{\#\@\$\"\\])|[^\"\\\#])*)/o
SSTRING = /((\\.|[^\'])*)/
INT_DEC = /[+]?(?:(?:[1-9][\d_]*|0)(?!\.\d)(ri|r|i)?\b|0d[0-9_]+)(ri|r|i)?/i
INT_HEX = /[+]?0x[a-f0-9_]+(ri|r|i)?/i
INT_BIN = /[+]?0b[01_]+(ri|r|i)?/i
INT_OCT = /[+]?0o?[0-7_]+(ri|r|i)?|0o(ri|r|i)?/i
FLOAT = /[+]?\d[\d_]*\.[\d_]+(e[+-]?[\d_]+)?(?:(ri|r|i)\b)?|[+]?[\d_]+e[+-]?[\d_]+(?:(ri|r|i)\b)?/i
INT_DEC2 = /[+]?\d[0-9_]*(?![e])((ri|r|i)\b)?/i
NUM_BAD = /[+]?0[xbd]\b/i
INT_OCT_BAD = /[+]?0o?[0-7_]*[89]/i
FLOAT_BAD = /[+]?\d[\d_]*_(e|\.)/i
# :startdoc:
# :stopdoc:
class LexerError < StandardError ; end
class ScanError < LexerError ; end
# :startdoc:
# The current line number.
attr_accessor :lineno
# The file name / path
attr_accessor :filename
# The StringScanner for this lexer.
attr_accessor :ss
# The current lexical state.
attr_accessor :state
alias :match :ss
# The match groups for the current scan.
def matches
m = (1..9).map { |i| ss[i] }
m.pop until m[-1] or m.empty?
# Yields on the current action.
def action
# The previous position. Only available if the :column option is on.
attr_accessor :old_pos
# The position of the start of the current line. Only available if the
# :column option is on.
attr_accessor :start_of_current_line_pos
# The current column, starting at 0. Only available if the
# :column option is on.
def column
old_pos - start_of_current_line_pos
# The current scanner class. Must be overridden in subclasses.
def scanner_class
end unless instance_methods(false).map(&:to_s).include?("scanner_class")
# Parse the given string.
def parse str
self.ss = scanner_class.new str
self.lineno = 1
self.start_of_current_line_pos = 0
self.state ||= nil
# Read in and parse the file at +path+.
def parse_file path
self.filename = path
open path do |f|
parse f.read
# The current location in the parse.
def location
(filename || ""),
# Lex the next token.
def next_token
return process_string_or_heredoc if lex_strterm
self.cmd_state = self.command_start
self.command_start = false
self.space_seen = false # TODO: rename token_seen?
self.last_state = lex_state
token = nil
until ss.eos? or token do
if ss.check(/\n/) then
self.lineno += 1
# line starts 1 position after the newline
self.start_of_current_line_pos = ss.pos + 1
self.old_pos = ss.pos
token =
case state
when nil then
when ss.skip(/[\ \t\r\f\v]+/) then
action { self.space_seen = true; next }
when text = ss.scan(/\n|\#/) then
process_newline_or_comment text
when text = ss.scan(/[\]\)\}]/) then
process_brace_close text
when ss.match?(/\!/) then
when is_after_operator? && (text = ss.scan(/\!\@/)) then
action { result EXPR_ARG, TOKENS[text], text }
when text = ss.scan(/\![=~]?/) then
action { result :arg_state, TOKENS[text], text }
end # group /\!/
when ss.match?(/\./) then
when text = ss.scan(/\.\.\.?/) then
process_dots text
when ss.skip(/\.\d/) then
action { rb_compile_error "no . floating literal anymore put 0 before dot" }
when ss.skip(/\./) then
action { self.lex_state = EXPR_BEG; result EXPR_DOT, :tDOT, "." }
end # group /\./
when text = ss.scan(/\(/) then
process_paren text
when text = ss.scan(/\,/) then
action { result EXPR_PAR, TOKENS[text], text }
when ss.match?(/=/) then
when text = ss.scan(/\=\=\=|\=\=|\=~|\=>|\=(?!begin\b)/) then
action { result arg_state, TOKENS[text], text }
when bol? && (text = ss.scan(/\=begin(?=\s)/)) then
process_begin text
when text = ss.scan(/\=(?=begin\b)/) then
action { result arg_state, TOKENS[text], text }
end # group /=/
when ruby22_label? && (text = ss.scan(/\"#{SIMPLE_STRING}\":/o)) then
process_label text
when text = ss.scan(/\"(#{SIMPLE_STRING})\"/o) then
process_simple_string text
when text = ss.scan(/\"/) then
action { string STR_DQUOTE, '"'; result nil, :tSTRING_BEG, text }
when text = ss.scan(/\@\@?\d/) then
action { rb_compile_error "`#{text}` is not allowed as a variable name" }
when text = ss.scan(/\@\@?#{IDENT_CHAR}+/o) then
process_ivar text
when ss.match?(/:/) then
when not_end? && (text = ss.scan(/:([a-zA-Z_]#{IDENT_CHAR}*(?:[?]|[!](?!=)|=(?==>)|=(?![=>]))?)/o)) then
process_symbol text
when not_end? && (text = ss.scan(/\:\"(#{SIMPLE_STRING})\"/o)) then
process_symbol text
when not_end? && (text = ss.scan(/\:\'(#{SSTRING})\'/o)) then
process_symbol text
when text = ss.scan(/\:\:/) then
process_colon2 text
when text = ss.scan(/\:/) then
process_colon1 text
end # group /:/
when text = ss.scan(/->/) then
action { result EXPR_ENDFN, :tLAMBDA, text }
when text = ss.scan(/[+-]/) then
process_plus_minus text
when ss.match?(/[+\d]/) then
when ss.skip(/#{NUM_BAD}/o) then
action { rb_compile_error "Invalid numeric format" }
when ss.skip(/#{INT_DEC}/o) then
action { int_with_base 10 }
when ss.skip(/#{INT_HEX}/o) then
action { int_with_base 16 }
when ss.skip(/#{INT_BIN}/o) then
action { int_with_base 2 }
when ss.skip(/#{INT_OCT_BAD}/o) then
action { rb_compile_error "Illegal octal digit." }
when ss.skip(/#{INT_OCT}/o) then
action { int_with_base 8 }
when ss.skip(/#{FLOAT_BAD}/o) then
action { rb_compile_error "Trailing '_' in number." }
when text = ss.scan(/#{FLOAT}/o) then
process_float text
when ss.skip(/#{INT_DEC2}/o) then
action { int_with_base 10 }
when ss.skip(/[0-9]/) then
action { rb_compile_error "Bad number format" }
end # group /[+\d]/
when text = ss.scan(/\[/) then
process_square_bracket text
when was_label? && (text = ss.scan(/\'#{SSTRING}\':?/o)) then
process_label_or_string text
when text = ss.scan(/\'/) then
action { string STR_SQUOTE, "'"; result nil, :tSTRING_BEG, text }
when ss.match?(/\|/) then
when ss.skip(/\|\|\=/) then
action { result EXPR_BEG, :tOP_ASGN, "||" }
when ss.skip(/\|\|/) then
action { result EXPR_BEG, :tOROP, "||" }
when ss.skip(/\|\=/) then
action { result EXPR_BEG, :tOP_ASGN, "|" }
when ss.skip(/\|/) then
action { state = is_after_operator? ? EXPR_ARG : EXPR_PAR; result state, :tPIPE, "|" }
end # group /\|/
when text = ss.scan(/\{/) then
process_brace_open text
when ss.match?(/\*/) then
when ss.skip(/\*\*=/) then
action { result EXPR_BEG, :tOP_ASGN, "**" }
when ss.skip(/\*\*/) then
action { result :arg_state, space_vs_beginning(:tDSTAR, :tDSTAR, :tPOW), "**" }
when ss.skip(/\*\=/) then
action { result EXPR_BEG, :tOP_ASGN, "*" }
when ss.skip(/\*/) then
action { result :arg_state, space_vs_beginning(:tSTAR, :tSTAR, :tSTAR2), "*" }
end # group /\*/
when ss.match?(/) then
when ss.skip(/\<\=\>/) then
action { result :arg_state, :tCMP, "<=>" }
when ss.skip(/\<\=/) then
action { result :arg_state, :tLEQ, "<=" }
when ss.skip(/\<\<\=/) then
action { result EXPR_BEG, :tOP_ASGN, "<<" }
when text = ss.scan(/\<\) then
process_lchevron text
when ss.skip(/\) then
action { result :arg_state, :tLT, "<" }
end # group /
when ss.match?(/>/) then
when ss.skip(/\>\=/) then
action { result :arg_state, :tGEQ, ">=" }
when ss.skip(/\>\>=/) then
action { result EXPR_BEG, :tOP_ASGN, ">>" }
when ss.skip(/\>\>/) then
action { result :arg_state, :tRSHFT, ">>" }
when ss.skip(/\>/) then
action { result :arg_state, :tGT, ">" }
end # group />/
when ss.match?(/\`/) then
when expr_fname? && (ss.skip(/\`/)) then
action { result EXPR_END, :tBACK_REF2, "`" }
when expr_dot? && (ss.skip(/\`/)) then
action { result((cmd_state ? EXPR_CMDARG : EXPR_ARG), :tBACK_REF2, "`") }
when ss.skip(/\`/) then
action { string STR_XQUOTE, '`'; result nil, :tXSTRING_BEG, "`" }
end # group /\`/
when text = ss.scan(/\?/) then
process_questionmark text
when ss.match?(/&/) then
when ss.skip(/\&\&\=/) then
action { result EXPR_BEG, :tOP_ASGN, "&&" }
when ss.skip(/\&\&/) then
action { result EXPR_BEG, :tANDOP, "&&" }
when ss.skip(/\&\=/) then
action { result EXPR_BEG, :tOP_ASGN, "&" }
when ss.skip(/\&\./) then
action { result EXPR_DOT, :tLONELY, "&." }
when text = ss.scan(/\&/) then
process_amper text
end # group /&/
when text = ss.scan(/\//) then
process_slash text
when ss.match?(/\^/) then
when ss.skip(/\^=/) then
action { result EXPR_BEG, :tOP_ASGN, "^" }
when ss.skip(/\^/) then
action { result :arg_state, :tCARET, "^" }
end # group /\^/
when ss.skip(/\;/) then
action { self.command_start = true; result EXPR_BEG, :tSEMI, ";" }
when ss.match?(/~/) then
when is_after_operator? && (ss.skip(/\~@/)) then
action { result :arg_state, :tTILDE, "~" }
when ss.skip(/\~/) then
action { result :arg_state, :tTILDE, "~" }
end # group /~/
when ss.match?(/\\/) then
when ss.skip(/\\\r?\n/) then
action { self.lineno += 1; self.space_seen = true; next }
when ss.skip(/\\/) then
action { rb_compile_error "bare backslash only allowed before newline" }
end # group /\\/
when text = ss.scan(/\%/) then
process_percent text
when ss.match?(/\$/) then
when text = ss.scan(/\$_\w+/) then
process_gvar text
when text = ss.scan(/\$_/) then
process_gvar text
when text = ss.scan(/\$[~*$?!@\/\\;,.=:<>\"]|\$-\w?/) then
process_gvar text
when in_fname? && (text = ss.scan(/\$([\&\`\'\+])/)) then
process_gvar text
when text = ss.scan(/\$([\&\`\'\+])/) then
process_backref text
when in_fname? && (text = ss.scan(/\$([1-9]\d*)/)) then
process_gvar text
when text = ss.scan(/\$([1-9]\d*)/) then
process_nthref text
when text = ss.scan(/\$0/) then
process_gvar text
when text = ss.scan(/\$#{IDENT_CHAR}+/) then
process_gvar text
when text = ss.scan(/\$\W/) then
process_gvar_oddity text
end # group /\$/
when text = ss.scan(/\_/) then
process_underscore text
when text = ss.scan(/#{IDENT_CHAR}+/o) then
process_token text
when ss.skip(/\004|\032|\000|\Z/) then
action { [RubyLexer::EOF, RubyLexer::EOF] }
when text = ss.scan(/./) then
action { rb_compile_error "Invalid char #{text.inspect} in expression" }
text = ss.string[ss.pos .. -1]
raise ScanError, "can not match (#{state.inspect}) at #{location}: '#{text}'"
raise ScanError, "undefined state at #{location}: '#{state}'"
end # token = case state
next unless token # allow functions to trigger redo w/ nil
end # while
raise LexerError, "bad lexical result at #{location}: #{token.inspect}" unless
token.nil? || (Array === token && token.size >= 2)
# auto-switch state
self.state = token.last if token && token.first == :state
end # def next_token
end # class