Given(/^I have an app with license finder that depends on an MIT license$/) do @user = @user.create_nonrails_app @user.add_dependency_to_app 'mit_gem', :license => 'MIT' end Given(/^I have an app with license finder that depends on an BSD license$/) do @user = @user.create_nonrails_app @user.add_dependency_to_app 'bsd_gem', :license => 'BSD' end When(/^I whitelist the BSD license$/) do @user.execute_command 'license_finder whitelist add BSD' end When(/^I whitelist the Expat license$/) do @user.execute_command 'license_finder whitelist add Expat' end When(/^I view the whitelisted licenses$/) do @output = @user.execute_command 'license_finder whitelist list' end When(/^I remove Expat from the whitelist$/) do @output = @user.execute_command 'license_finder whitelist remove Expat' end Then(/^I should not see a MIT licensed gem unapproved$/) do @output = @user.execute_command 'license_finder --quiet' @output.should_not include 'mit_gem' end Then(/^I should see Expat in the output$/) do @output.should include 'Expat' end Then(/^I should not see Expat in the output$/) do @output.should_not include 'Expat' end Then(/^I should not see a BSD licensed gem unapproved$/) do @output = @user.execute_command 'license_finder --quiet' @output.should_not include 'bsd_gem' end