# encoding: utf-8 module Mongoid # :nodoc: module Relations #:nodoc: # This module contains the core macros for defining relations between # documents. They can be either embedded or referenced (relational). module Macros extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do cattr_accessor :embedded class_attribute :relations self.embedded = false self.relations = {} # For backwards compatibility, alias the class method for associations # and embedding as well. Fix in related gems. # # @todo Affected libraries: Machinist class << self alias :associations :relations alias :embedded? :embedded end end # Get the metadata for all the defined relations. # # @note Refactored from using delegate for class load performance. # # @example Get the relations. # model.relations # # @return [ Hash ] The relation metadata. def relations self.class.relations end alias :associations :relations module ClassMethods #:nodoc: # Adds the relation back to the parent document. This macro is # necessary to set the references from the child back to the parent # document. If a child does not define this relation calling # persistence methods on the child object will cause a save to fail. # # @example Define the relation. # # class Person # include Mongoid::Document # embeds_many :addresses # end # # class Address # include Mongoid::Document # embedded_in :person # end # # @param [ Symbol ] name The name of the relation. # @param [ Hash ] options The relation options. # @param [ Proc ] block Optional block for defining extensions. def embedded_in(name, options = {}, &block) characterize(name, Embedded::In, options, &block).tap do |meta| self.embedded = true relate(name, meta) end end # Adds the relation from a parent document to its children. The name # of the relation needs to be a pluralized form of the child class # name. # # @example Define the relation. # # class Person # include Mongoid::Document # embeds_many :addresses # end # # class Address # include Mongoid::Document # embedded_in :person # end # # @param [ Symbol ] name The name of the relation. # @param [ Hash ] options The relation options. # @param [ Proc ] block Optional block for defining extensions. def embeds_many(name, options = {}, &block) characterize(name, Embedded::Many, options, &block).tap do |meta| relate(name, meta) validates_relation(meta) end end # Adds the relation from a parent document to its child. The name # of the relation needs to be a singular form of the child class # name. # # @example Define the relation. # # class Person # include Mongoid::Document # embeds_one :name # end # # class Name # include Mongoid::Document # embedded_in :person # end # # @param [ Symbol ] name The name of the relation. # @param [ Hash ] options The relation options. # @param [ Proc ] block Optional block for defining extensions. def embeds_one(name, options = {}, &block) characterize(name, Embedded::One, options, &block).tap do |meta| relate(name, meta) builder(name, meta).creator(name) validates_relation(meta) end end # Adds a relational association from the child Document to a Document in # another database or collection. # # @example Define the relation. # # class Game # include Mongoid::Document # belongs_to :person # end # # class Person # include Mongoid::Document # has_one :game # end # # @param [ Symbol ] name The name of the relation. # @param [ Hash ] options The relation options. # @param [ Proc ] block Optional block for defining extensions. def belongs_to(name, options = {}, &block) characterize(name, Referenced::In, options, &block).tap do |meta| relate(name, meta) reference(meta) autosave(meta) validates_relation(meta) end end alias :belongs_to_related :belongs_to alias :referenced_in :belongs_to # Adds a relational association from a parent Document to many # Documents in another database or collection. # # @example Define the relation. # # class Person # include Mongoid::Document # has_many :posts # end # # class Game # include Mongoid::Document # belongs_to :person # end # # @param [ Symbol ] name The name of the relation. # @param [ Hash ] options The relation options. # @param [ Proc ] block Optional block for defining extensions. def has_many(name, options = {}, &block) characterize(name, Referenced::Many, options, &block).tap do |meta| relate(name, meta) reference(meta) autosave(meta) validates_relation(meta) end end alias :has_many_related :has_many alias :references_many :has_many # Adds a relational many-to-many association between many of this # Document and many of another Document. # # @example Define the relation. # # class Person # include Mongoid::Document # has_and_belongs_to_many :preferences # end # # class Preference # include Mongoid::Document # has_and_belongs_to_many :people # end # # @param [ Symbol ] name The name of the relation. # @param [ Hash ] options The relation options. # @param [ Proc ] block Optional block for defining extensions. # # @since 2.0.0.rc.1 def has_and_belongs_to_many(name, options = {}, &block) characterize(name, Referenced::ManyToMany, options, &block).tap do |meta| relate(name, meta) reference(meta, Array) autosave(meta) validates_relation(meta) synced(meta) end end alias :references_and_referenced_in_many :has_and_belongs_to_many # Adds a relational association from the child Document to a Document in # another database or collection. # # @example Define the relation. # # class Game # include Mongoid::Document # belongs_to :person # end # # class Person # include Mongoid::Document # has_one :game # end # # @param [ Symbol ] name The name of the relation. # @param [ Hash ] options The relation options. # @param [ Proc ] block Optional block for defining extensions. def has_one(name, options = {}, &block) characterize(name, Referenced::One, options, &block).tap do |meta| relate(name, meta) reference(meta) builder(name, meta).creator(name).autosave(meta) validates_relation(meta) end end alias :has_one_related :has_one alias :references_one :has_one private # Create the metadata for the relation. # # @example Create the metadata. # Person.characterize(:posts, Referenced::Many, {}) # # @param [ Symbol ] name The name of the relation. # @param [ Object ] relation The type of relation. # @param [ Hash ] options The relation options. # @param [ Proc ] block Optional block for defining extensions. # # @return [ Metadata ] The metadata for the relation. def characterize(name, relation, options, &block) Metadata.new({ :relation => relation, :extend => create_extension_module(name, &block), :inverse_class_name => self.name, :name => name }.merge(options)) end # Generate a named extension module suitable for marshaling # # @example Get the module. # Person.create_extension_module(:posts, &block) # # @param [ Symbol ] name The name of the relation. # @param [ Proc ] block Optional block for defining extensions. # # @return [ Module, nil ] The extension or nil. # # @since 2.1.0 def create_extension_module(name, &block) if block extension_module_name = "#{self.to_s.demodulize}#{name.to_s.camelize}RelationExtension" silence_warnings do self.const_set(extension_module_name, Module.new(&block)) end "#{self}::#{extension_module_name}".constantize end end # Defines a field to be used as a foreign key in the relation and # indexes it if defined. # # @example Set up the relational fields and indexes. # Person.reference(metadata) # # @param [ Metadata ] metadata The metadata for the relation. def reference(metadata, type = Object) polymorph(metadata).cascade(metadata) if metadata.relation.stores_foreign_key? key = metadata.foreign_key field( key, :type => type, :identity => true, :metadata => metadata, :default => metadata.foreign_key_default ) index(key, :background => true) if metadata.indexed? end end # Creates a relation for the given name, metadata and relation. It adds # the metadata to the relations hash and has the accessors set up. # # @example Set up the relation and accessors. # Person.relate(:addresses, Metadata) # # @param [ Symbol ] name The name of the relation. # @param [ Metadata ] metadata The metadata for the relation. def relate(name, metadata) self.relations = relations.merge(name.to_s => metadata) getter(name, metadata).setter(name, metadata) end end end end end