module SpatialAdapter module SpatialColumn attr_reader :spatial, :geometry_type, :srid, :with_z, :with_m def initialize(name, default, sql_type = nil, null = true,srid=-1,with_z=false,with_m=false) super(name, default, sql_type, null) @geometry_type = geometry_simplified_type(@sql_type) @srid = srid @with_z = with_z @with_m = with_m end # Redefines type_cast to add support for geometries # alias_method :type_cast_without_spatial, :type_cast def type_cast(value) return nil if value.nil? case type when :geometry then self.class.string_to_geometry(value) else super end end #Redefines type_cast_code to add support for geometries. # #WARNING : Since ActiveRecord keeps only the string values directly returned from the database, it translates from these to the correct types everytime an attribute is read (using the code returned by this method), which is probably ok for simple types, but might be less than efficient for geometries. Also you cannot modify the geometry object returned directly or your change will not be saved. # alias_method :type_cast_code_without_spatial, :type_cast_code def type_cast_code(var_name) case type when :geometry then "#{}.string_to_geometry(#{var_name})" else super end end #Redefines klass to add support for geometries # alias_method :klass_without_spatial, :klass def klass case type when :geometry then GeoRuby::SimpleFeatures::Geometry else super end end private #Redefines the simplified_type method to add behabiour for when a column is of type geometry def simplified_type(field_type) case field_type when /geometry|point|linestring|polygon|multipoint|multilinestring|multipolygon|geometrycollection/i then :geometry else super end end #less simlpified geometric type to be use in migrations def geometry_simplified_type(field_type) case field_type when /^point$/i then :point when /^linestring$/i then :line_string when /^polygon$/i then :polygon when /^geometry$/i then :geometry when /multipoint/i then :multi_point when /multilinestring/i then :multi_line_string when /multipolygon/i then :multi_polygon when /geometrycollection/i then :geometry_collection end end end end