module Effective class BallotsController < ApplicationController layout EffectivePolls.layout[:polls] before_action(:authenticate_user!) if defined?(Devise) include Effective::WizardController resource_scope do poll = Effective::Poll.find(params[:poll_id]) Effective::Ballot.deep.where(poll: poll, user: current_user) end # Enforce one ballot per user. Redirect them to an existing ballot for this poll. before_action(only: [:new, :show]) do poll = Effective::Poll.find(params[:poll_id]) existing = Effective::Ballot.where(poll: poll, user: current_user).where.not(id: resource).first if existing&.completed? flash[:danger] = 'You have already completed a ballot for this poll.' redirect_to(root_path) elsif existing.present? flash[:success] = "You have been redirected to the #{resource_wizard_step_title(existing.next_step)} step." redirect_to effective_polls.poll_ballot_build_path(existing.poll, existing, existing.next_step) end end # Enforce poll availability before_action(only: [:show, :update]) do poll = resource.poll unless poll.available_for?(current_user) flash[:danger] = begin if poll.ended? 'This poll has ended' elsif !poll.started? 'This poll has not yet started' elsif !poll.users.include?(current_user) 'This poll is not available to you' else 'This poll is unavailable' end end redirect_to(root_path) end end private def permitted_params case step when :start params.require(:effective_ballot).permit(:current_step) when :vote params.require(:effective_ballot).permit(:current_step, ballot_responses_attributes: [ :id, :poll_id, :poll_question_id, :date, :email, :number, :long_answer, :short_answer, :upload_file, :poll_question_option_ids, poll_question_option_ids: [] ]) when :submit params.require(:effective_ballot).permit(:current_step) when :complete raise('unexpected post to complete') else raise('unexpected step') end end end end