# Greensock JS for Rails This is a Ruby gem for adding the free version of the great [Greensock JavaScript tweening engine](http://www.greensock.com/gsap-js/) to Rails, so that you can animate the hell out of your RESTful app :) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/greensock-rails.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/greensock-rails) ## What this gem contains Please note that this gem only contains the free version of Greensock - no premium plugins are included. For more information about **Club Greensock and premium plugins** please visit [https://greensock.com/club/](https://greensock.com/club/) ## greensock-rails on RubyGems [https://rubygems.org/gems/greensock-rails](https://rubygems.org/gems/greensock-rails) ## Installation **Using the command line:** $ gem install 'greensock-rails' **In the Gemfile:** gem 'greensock-rails' ## Usage The gem is using the uncompressed GSAP files, so that you can debug your code in development mode and let the [Rails assets pipeline](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/) to handle the minification, compression etc. **To include the required GSAP files in your application, simply require them in `application.js`:** //= require 'greensock/TweenLite' //= require 'greensock/easing/EasePack' **To include the GSAP jQuery plugin in your application, use:** //= require 'greensock/jquery.gsap.js' ## Versioning The versioning of the gem follows the original versioning of GSAP. Minor updates to the gem will increment the minor version counter whilst maintaining the original versioning: `greensock-rails-1.11.4.X = gsap-js-1.11.4` ## Contributing Feel free to open an issue if you find anything that can be improved around the Ruby gem's code. Please do not open an issue if there is a bug in GSAP itself. Any bugs of the Greensock code should be reported directly to the [Greensock team](https://github.com/greensock/GreenSock-JS/issues). ## Copyright
Greensock Logo Copyright © 2017, GreenSock. All rights reserved.
Rob P | Freelance interaction designer and developer Copyright © 2017 The greensock-rails gem was created and has been maintained by [Rob Pataki](https://robertpataki.com) since 2014.