module Ultrasphinx class Error < ::StandardError #:nodoc: end class ConfigurationError < Error #:nodoc: end class DaemonError < Error #:nodoc: end class UsageError < Error #:nodoc: end # Internal file paths SUBDIR = "config/ultrasphinx" DIR = "#{RAILS_ROOT}/#{SUBDIR}" THIS_DIR = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)) CONF_PATH = "#{DIR}/#{RAILS_ENV}.conf" ENV_BASE_PATH = "#{DIR}/#{RAILS_ENV}.base" GENERIC_BASE_PATH = "#{DIR}/default.base" BASE_PATH = (File.exist?(ENV_BASE_PATH) ? ENV_BASE_PATH : GENERIC_BASE_PATH) raise ConfigurationError, "Please create a '#{SUBDIR}/#{RAILS_ENV}.base' or '#{SUBDIR}/default.base' file in order to use Ultrasphinx in your #{RAILS_ENV} environment." unless File.exist? BASE_PATH # XXX lame # Some miscellaneous constants MAX_INT = 2**32-1 MAX_WORDS = 2**16 # maximum number of stopwords built UNIFIED_INDEX_NAME = "complete" CONFIG_MAP = { # These must be symbols for key mapping against Rails itself :username => 'sql_user', :password => 'sql_pass', :host => 'sql_host', :database => 'sql_db', :port => 'sql_port', :socket => 'sql_sock' } CONNECTION_DEFAULTS = { :host => 'localhost' } mattr_accessor :with_rake def self.load_stored_procedure(name) open("#{THIS_DIR}/postgresql/#{name}.sql").read.gsub(/\s+/, ' ') end SQL_FUNCTIONS = { 'mysql' => { 'group_concat' => "CAST(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT ? SEPARATOR ' ') AS CHAR)", 'range_cast' => "?", 'stored_procedures' => {} }, 'postgresql' => { 'group_concat' => "GROUP_CONCAT(?)", 'range_cast' => "cast(coalesce(?,1) AS integer)", 'stored_procedures' => Hash[*( ['hex_to_int', 'group_concat', 'concat_ws', 'unix_timestamp', 'crc32'].map do |name| [name, load_stored_procedure(name)] end.flatten ) ] } } DEFAULTS = { 'mysql' => %( type = mysql sql_query_pre = SET SESSION group_concat_max_len = 65535 sql_query_pre = SET NAMES utf8 ), 'postgresql' => %( type = pgsql sql_query_pre = ) + SQL_FUNCTIONS['postgresql']['stored_procedures'].values.join(' ') + %( ) } ADAPTER = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.instance_variable_get("@config")[:adapter] rescue 'mysql' # Install the stored procedures SQL_FUNCTIONS[ADAPTER]['stored_procedures'].each do |key, value| ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(value) end # Logger. def self.say msg if with_rake puts msg[0..0].upcase + msg[1..-1] else msg = "** ultrasphinx: #{msg}" if defined? RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.warn msg else STDERR.puts msg end end end # Configuration file parser. def self.options_for(heading, path) section = open(path).read[/^#{heading.gsub('/', '__')}\s*?\{(.*?)\}/m, 1] unless section Ultrasphinx.say "warning; heading #{heading} not found in #{path}; it may be corrupted. " {} else options = section.split("\n").map do |line| line =~ /\s*(.*?)\s*=\s*([^\#]*)/ $1 ? [$1, $2.strip] : [] end Hash[*options.flatten] end end # Introspect on the existing generated conf files INDEXER_SETTINGS = options_for('indexer', BASE_PATH) CLIENT_SETTINGS = options_for('client', BASE_PATH) DAEMON_SETTINGS = options_for('searchd', BASE_PATH) SOURCE_SETTINGS = options_for('source', BASE_PATH) INDEX_SETTINGS = options_for('index', BASE_PATH) # Make sure there's a trailing slash INDEX_SETTINGS['path'] = INDEX_SETTINGS['path'].chomp("/") + "/" DICTIONARY = CLIENT_SETTINGS['dictionary_name'] || 'ap' raise ConfigurationError, "Aspell does not support dictionary names longer than two letters" if DICTIONARY.size > 2 STOPWORDS_PATH = "#{Ultrasphinx::INDEX_SETTINGS['path']}/#{DICTIONARY}-stopwords.txt" MODEL_CONFIGURATION = {} # Complain if the database names go out of sync. def self.verify_database_name if File.exist? CONF_PATH begin if options_for( "source #{MODEL_CONFIGURATION.keys.first.tableize}", CONF_PATH )['sql_db'] != ActiveRecord::Base.connection.instance_variable_get("@config")[:database] say "warning; configured database name is out-of-date" say "please run 'rake ultrasphinx:configure'" end rescue Object end end end end