require 'spec_helper' module PaperTrailScrapbook ::RSpec.describe Changes do let(:version) do 2_674_798, item_type: 'Widget', item_id: 4804, event: 'update', whodunnit: '1742', object: ['---', 'id: ', 'amount: ', 'authorization_id: ', 'paid_on: ', 'created_at: ', 'updated_at: ', 'status: active', 'name: ', 'email: ', 'x_address: ', 'notes: ', 'internal_notes: ', 'discount_percent: !ruby/object:BigDecimal 18:0.0', 'order_number: ', 'sponsor_delivery_date: ', 'other_terms: ', 'payment_terms_cd: ', 'payment_due_date: ', 'other_payment_terms: ', 'created_by: ', 'sent: false', 'token: ', 'discounted_amount: '].join("\n"), created_at: Time.current, object_changes: ['---', 'email:', '- ', '-', 'name:', '- ', '- Tim Chambers', 'order_number:', '- ', "- ''", 'notes:', '- ', "- ''", 'internal_notes:', '- ', "- ' '", 'other_terms:', "- ' '", '-', 'payment_terms_cd:', '- ', '- 1', 'other_payment_terms:', '- ', "- ' '", 'sent:', '- false', '- true', 'created_by:', '- ', '- 1742', 'amount:', '- ', '- 29612.0', 'discounted_amount:', '- ', '- !ruby/object:BigDecimal 36:0.29612E5', 'created_at:', '- ', '- &1 2017-06-07 21:37:02.188657104 Z', 'updated_at:', '- ', '- *1', 'id:', '- ', '- 4806', 'status:', '- active', '- issued'].join("\n")) end let(:object) { } let(:subject) { object.change_log } describe '#change_log' do it 'provides a set of update changes' do result = subject expect(result).to match(/discounted amount: 29612.0 added/) expect(result).to match(/• status: active -> issued/) expect(result).to match(/other terms: was \*removed\*/) end it 'filters the proper columns' do result = subject expect(result).not_to match(/created_at:/) expect(result).not_to match(/updated_at:/) expect(result).not_to match(/id:/) end it 'provides a set of create changes' do version.event = 'create' expect(subject).to match(/discounted amount: 29612.0$/) end end end end