module Deviant DEFAULTS = { name: nil, redis_url: "redis://localhost:9292", elasticsearch_url: nil, sidekiq: { enabled: false, configure_server: false, configure_client: false } } def self.options @options ||= DEFAULTS.dup end def self.options=(opts) @options = opts end def self.configure(&block) class_eval &block setup! end def self.application(name) options[:name] = name end def self.redis(config) if config.is_a?(Redis) client = config.client options[:redis_url] = "#{client.scheme}://#{}:#{client.port}" else options[:redis_url] = config end end def self.elasticsearch(url) options[:elasticsearch_url] = url end def self.sidekiq(enabled, opts={}) options[:sidekiq][:enabled] = enabled options[:sidekiq][:configure_server] = opts[:configure_server] || false options[:sidekiq][:configure_client] = opts[:configure_client] || false end private # A lot of 3rd party libraries are singletons, so we want to make # sure we don't blow away the main application's config. def self.setup! @client = nil if options[:sidekiq][:enabled] if options[:sidekiq][:configure_client] Sidekiq.configure_client do |config| config.redis = { namespace: options[:name], url: options[:redis_url] } end end if options[:sidekiq][:configure_server] Sidekiq.configure_server do |config| config.redis = { namespace: options[:name], url: options[:redis_url] } end end end if options[:elasticsearch_url] Tire.configure do url Deviant.options[:elasticsearch_url] end end end end