require 'rails_helper' describe 'Requesting Actions routes', :type => :request do let(:rendering_id) { 13 } let(:scope_filters) { nil } before(:each) do allow(ForestLiana::IpWhitelist).to receive(:is_ip_whitelist_retrieved) { true } allow(ForestLiana::IpWhitelist).to receive(:is_ip_valid) { true } Island.create(id: 1, name: 'Corsica') ForestLiana::ScopeManager.invalidate_scope_cache(rendering_id) allow(ForestLiana::ScopeManager).to receive(:get_scope_for_user).and_return(scope_filters) end after(:each) do Island.destroy_all end let(:token) { JWT.encode({ id: 38, email: '', first_name: 'Michael', last_name: 'Kelso', team: 'Operations', rendering_id: rendering_id, exp: + 2.weeks.to_i, permission_level: 'admin' }, ForestLiana.auth_secret, 'HS256') } let(:headers) { { 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', 'Authorization' => "Bearer #{token}" } } describe 'hooks' do island = ForestLiana.apimap.find {|collection| == ForestLiana.name_for(Island)} describe 'call /load' do params = { data: { attributes: { ids: [1], collection_name: 'Island' } } } it 'should respond 200' do post '/forest/actions/my_action/hooks/load', params: JSON.dump(params), headers: headers action = { |action| == 'my_action' }.first foo = { |field| field[:field] == 'foo' }.first expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to eq({'fields' => [foo.merge({:value => nil}).transform_keys { |key| key.to_s.camelize(:lower) }.stringify_keys]}) end it 'should respond 422 with bad params' do post '/forest/actions/my_action/hooks/load', params: {}, headers: headers expect(response.status).to eq(422) end it 'should respond 500 with bad hook result type' do post '/forest/actions/fail_action/hooks/load', params: JSON.dump(params), headers: headers expect(response.status).to eq(500) expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to eq({'error' => 'Error in smart action load hook: hook must return an array of fields'}) end it 'should respond 500 with bad hook result data structure' do post '/forest/actions/cheat_action/hooks/load', params: JSON.dump(params), headers: headers expect(response.status).to eq(500) expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to eq({'error' => 'Error in smart action load hook: hook must return an array of fields'}) end it 'should return the first_name of the user who call the action' do post '/forest/actions/use_user_context/hooks/load', params: JSON.dump(params), headers: headers action = { |action| == 'use_user_context' }.first foo = { |field| field[:field] == 'foo' }.first expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to eq({'fields' => [foo.merge({:value => 'Michael'}).transform_keys { |key| key.to_s.camelize(:lower) }.stringify_keys]}) end end describe 'call /change' do it 'should respond 200' do action = { |action| == 'my_action' }.first foo = { |field| field[:field] == 'foo' }.first updated_foo = foo.clone.merge({:previousValue => nil, :value => 'bar'}) params = { data: { attributes: { ids: [1], fields: [updated_foo], collection_name: 'Island', changed_field: 'foo', is_read_only: true } } } post '/forest/actions/my_action/hooks/change', params: JSON.dump(params), headers: headers expect(response.status).to eq(200) expected = updated_foo.clone.merge({:value => 'baz'}) expected[:widgetEdit] = nil expected.delete(:widget) expected = expected.transform_keys { |key| key.to_s.camelize(:lower) } expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to eq({'fields' => [expected.stringify_keys]}) end it 'should respond 500 with bad params' do post '/forest/actions/my_action/hooks/change', params: JSON.dump({ data: { attributes: { collection_name: 'Island' }}}), headers: headers expect(response.status).to eq(500) expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to eq({'error' => 'Error in smart action change hook: fields params is mandatory'}) end it 'should respond 500 with bad hook result type' do action = { |action| == 'fail_action' }.first foo = { |field| field[:field] == 'foo' }.first updated_foo = foo.clone.merge({:previousValue => nil, :value => 'bar'}) params = { data: { attributes: { ids: [1], fields: [updated_foo], collection_name: 'Island', changed_field: 'foo', is_read_only: true } } } post '/forest/actions/fail_action/hooks/change', params: JSON.dump(params), headers: headers expect(response.status).to eq(500) expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to eq({'error' => 'Error in smart action load hook: hook must return an array of fields'}) end it 'should reset value when enums has changed' do action = { |action| == 'enums_action' }.first foo = { |field| field[:field] == 'foo' }.first enum = { |field| field[:field] == 'enum' }.first updated_foo = foo.clone.merge({:previousValue => nil, :value => 'bar'}) updated_enum = enum.clone.merge({:previousValue => nil, :value => 'a'}) # set value to a p = { data: { attributes: { ids: [1], fields: [updated_foo, updated_enum], collection_name: 'Island', changed_field: 'foo' } } } post '/forest/custom/islands/enums_action/hooks/change', params: JSON.dump(p), headers: headers expect(response.status).to eq(200) expected_enum = updated_enum.clone.merge({ :enums => %w[c d e], :value => nil, :widgetEdit => nil}) expected_enum.delete(:widget) expected_foo = updated_foo.clone.merge({ :widgetEdit => nil}) expected_foo.delete(:widget) expected_enum = expected_enum.transform_keys { |key| key.to_s.camelize(:lower) } expected_foo = expected_foo.transform_keys { |key| key.to_s.camelize(:lower) } expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to eq({'fields' => [expected_foo.stringify_keys, expected_enum.stringify_keys]}) end it 'should not reset value when every enum values are in the enums definition' do action = { |action| == 'multiple_enums_action' }.first foo = { |field| field[:field] == 'foo' }.first multiple_enum = { |field| field[:field] == 'multipleEnum' }.first updated_multiple_enum = multiple_enum.clone.merge({:previousValue => nil, :value => %w[c]}) p = { data: { attributes: { ids: [1], fields: [foo, updated_multiple_enum], collection_name: 'Island', changed_field: 'foo' } } } post '/forest/actions/multiple_enums_action/hooks/change', params: JSON.dump(p), headers: headers expect(response.status).to eq(200) expected_multiple_enum = updated_multiple_enum.clone.merge({ :enums => %w[c d z], :widgetEdit => nil, :value => %w[c]}) expected_multiple_enum.delete(:widget) expected_foo = foo.clone.merge({ :widgetEdit => nil}) expected_foo.delete(:widget) expected_multiple_enum = expected_multiple_enum.transform_keys { |key| key.to_s.camelize(:lower) } expected_foo = expected_foo.transform_keys { |key| key.to_s.camelize(:lower) } expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to eq({'fields' => [expected_foo.stringify_keys, expected_multiple_enum.stringify_keys]}) end it 'should reset value when one of the enum values is not in the enums definition' do action = { |action| == 'multiple_enums_action' }.first foo = { |field| field[:field] == 'foo' }.first multiple_enum = { |field| field[:field] == 'multipleEnum' }.first wrongly_updated_multiple_enum = multiple_enum.clone.merge({:previousValue => nil, :value => %w[a b]}) p = { data: { attributes: { ids: [1], fields: [foo, wrongly_updated_multiple_enum], collection_name: 'Island', changed_field: 'foo' } } } post '/forest/actions/multiple_enums_action/hooks/change', params: JSON.dump(p), headers: headers expect(response.status).to eq(200) expected_multiple_enum = wrongly_updated_multiple_enum.clone.merge({ :enums => %w[c d z], :widgetEdit => nil, :value => nil }) expected_multiple_enum.delete(:widget) expected_foo = foo.clone.merge({ :widgetEdit => nil}) expected_foo.delete(:widget) expected_multiple_enum = expected_multiple_enum.transform_keys { |key| key.to_s.camelize(:lower) } expected_foo = expected_foo.transform_keys { |key| key.to_s.camelize(:lower) } expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to eq({'fields' => [expected_foo.stringify_keys, expected_multiple_enum.stringify_keys]}) end end end describe 'calling the action on development environment' do let(:all_records) { false } let(:params) { { data: { attributes: { collection_name: 'Island', ids: ['1'], all_records: all_records, smart_action_id: 'Island-Test' }, type: 'custom-action-requests' }, timezone: 'Europe/Paris' } } it 'should respond 200 and perform the action' do Rails.cache.delete('forest.has_permission') Rails.cache.delete('forest.users') Rails.cache.write('forest.users', {'1' => { 'id' => 1, 'roleId' => 2, 'rendering_id' => '1' }}) allow_any_instance_of(ForestLiana::Ability::Fetch) .to receive(:get_permissions) .with('/liana/v4/permissions/environment') .and_return(true) post '/forest/actions/test', params: JSON.dump(params), headers: headers expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to eq({'success' => 'You are OK.'}) end end describe 'calling the action' do before(:each) do allow_any_instance_of(ForestLiana::Ability).to receive(:forest_authorize!) { true } end let(:all_records) { false } let(:params) { { data: { attributes: { collection_name: 'Island', ids: ['1'], all_records: all_records, smart_action_id: 'Island-Test' }, type: 'custom-action-requests' }, timezone: 'Europe/Paris' } } describe 'without scopes' do it 'should respond 200 and perform the action' do post '/forest/actions/test', params: JSON.dump(params), headers: headers expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to eq({'success' => 'You are OK.'}) end end describe 'with scopes' do describe 'when record is in scope' do let(:scope_filters) { JSON.generate({ field: 'name', operator: 'equal', value: 'Corsica' }) } it 'should respond 200 and perform the action' do post '/forest/actions/test', params: JSON.dump(params), headers: headers expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to eq({'success' => 'You are OK.'}) end end describe 'when record is out of scope' do let(:scope_filters) { JSON.generate({ field: 'name', operator: 'equal', value: 'RĂ©' }) } it 'should respond 400 and NOT perform the action' do post '/forest/actions/test', params: JSON.dump(params), headers: headers expect(response.status).to eq(400) expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to eq({ 'error' => 'Smart Action: target record not found' }) end describe 'and all_records are targeted' do let(:all_records) { true } it 'should respond 200 and perform the action' do post '/forest/actions/test', params: JSON.dump(params), headers: headers expect(response.status).to eq(200) expect(JSON.parse(response.body)).to eq({'success' => 'You are OK.'}) end end end end end end