module Bluepill module Triggers class Flapping < Bluepill::Trigger TRIGGER_STATES = [:starting, :restarting] PARAMS = [:times, :within, :retry_in] attr_accessor *PARAMS attr_reader :timeline def initialize(process, options = {}) options.reverse_merge!(:times => 5, :within => 1, :retry_in => 5) options.each_pair do |name, val| instance_variable_set("@#{name}", val) if PARAMS.include?(name) end @timeline = super end def notify(transition) if TRIGGER_STATES.include?(transition.to_name) self.timeline << self.check_flapping end end def reset! @timeline.clear super end def check_flapping num_occurances = (@timeline.nitems == self.times) # The process has not flapped if we haven't encountered enough incidents return unless num_occurances # Check if the incident happend within the timeframe duration = (@timeline.last - @timeline.first) <= self.within if duration "Flapping detected: retrying in #{self.retry_in} seconds" self.schedule_event(:start, self.retry_in) # this happens in the process' thread so we don't have to worry about concurrency issues with this event self.dispatch!(:unmonitor) @timeline.clear # This will prevent a transition from happening in the process state_machine throw :halt end end end end end