namespace :performance do include Helpers::Path class BenchmarkMeasurement def initialize output @output = output end def param_to_s param case param when Rambling::Trie::Container '' else param.to_s end end def perform times, params = nil params = Array params params << nil unless params.any? params.each do |param| output.print param_to_s(param).ljust 20 measure times, param do |param| yield param end end end private attr_reader :output def measure times, param = nil result = nil measure = Benchmark.measure do times.times do result = yield param end end output.print "#{result}".ljust 10 output.puts measure end end def performance_report= performance_report @performance_report = performance_report end def performance_report @performance_report ||= end def output performance_report.output end def generate_lookups_benchmark filename = nil measure = output trie = Rambling::Trie.create dictionary compressed_trie = Rambling::Trie.create(dictionary).compress! [ trie, compressed_trie ].each do |trie| output.puts "==> #{trie.compressed? ? 'Compressed' : 'Uncompressed'}" words = %w(hi help beautiful impressionism anthropological) output.puts '`word?`' measure.perform 200_000, words do |word| trie.word? word end output.puts '`partial_word?`' measure.perform 200_000, words do |word| trie.partial_word? word end end end def generate_scans_benchmark filename = nil measure = output words = { hi: 1_000, help: 100_000, beautiful: 100_000, impressionism: 200_000, anthropological: 200_000, } trie = Rambling::Trie.create dictionary compressed_trie = Rambling::Trie.create(dictionary).compress! [ trie, compressed_trie ].each do |trie| output.puts "==> #{trie.compressed? ? 'Compressed' : 'Uncompressed'}" output.puts "`scan`" words.each do |word, times| measure.perform times, word.to_s do |word| trie.scan(word).size end end end end namespace :benchmark do namespace :output do desc 'Set task reporting output to file' task file: ['performance:directory'] do path = path 'reports', Rambling::Trie::VERSION, 'benchmark' file = path, 'a+' self.performance_report = file end desc 'Close output stream' task :close do performance_report.finish end end desc 'Output banner' task :banner do performance_report.start 'Benchmark' end desc 'Generate lookups performance benchmark report' task lookups: :banner do generate_lookups_benchmark end desc 'Generate scans performance benchmark report' task scans: :banner do generate_scans_benchmark end desc 'Generate creation performance benchmark report' task creation: :banner do measure = output output.puts '==> Creation' output.puts '`Rambling::Trie.create`' measure.perform 5 do trie = Rambling::Trie.create dictionary nil end end desc 'Generate compression performance benchmark report' task compression: :banner do measure = output output.puts '==> Compression' output.puts '`compress!`' tries = [] 5.times { tries << Rambling::Trie.create(dictionary) } measure.perform 5, tries do |trie| trie.compress! nil end end desc 'Generate all performance benchmark reports' task all: [ :creation, :compression, :lookups, :scans, ] namespace :all do desc "Generate and store performance benchmark report in reports/#{Rambling::Trie::VERSION}" task save: [ 'output:file', :all ] end desc 'Compare ips for different implementations (changes over time)' task :compare do require 'benchmark/ips' Benchmark.ips do |b| hash = { 'thing' => 'gniht' } 'has_key?' do hash.has_key? 'thing' end '[]' do !!hash['thing'] end end end end end current_tasks = Rake.application.top_level_tasks current_tasks << 'performance:benchmark:output:close' Rake.application.instance_variable_set :@top_level_tasks, current_tasks