When /^I visit the first profile$/ do doc = Nokogiri::HTML(response_body) link_text = doc.search('div#profiles ul a').first['href'] visit(link_text) end Then /^I should see a list of graphs$/ do doc = Nokogiri::HTML(response_body) doc.search('div#profile div.graph').size.should > 1 end Then /^I should see a list of profiles$/ do doc = Nokogiri::HTML(response_body) doc.search('div#profiles ul li').size.should > 1 end Then /^I should see a list of profiles sorted alphabetically$/ do doc = Nokogiri::HTML(response_body) profiles = doc.search('div#profiles ul li') profiles.size.should > 1 unsorted = profiles.map { |p| p.text.strip } sorted = profiles.map { |p| p.text.strip }.sort unsorted.should == sorted end