module Azure module Armrest class Environment # A list of valid keys that can be passed to the constructor VALID_KEYS = %i[ name active_directory_authority active_directory_resource_id gallery_url graph_url graph_api_version key_vault_dns_suffix key_vault_service_resource_id publish_settings_file_url resource_manager_url service_management_url sql_database_dns_suffix storage_suffix traffic_manager_dns_suffix ].freeze # The Environment name attr_reader :name # The authority used to acquire an AD token attr_reader :active_directory_authority # The resource ID used to obtain an AD token attr_reader :active_directory_resource_id # The template gallery endpoint attr_reader :gallery_url # The Active Directory resource ID attr_reader :graph_url # The api-version for Active Directory attr_reader :graph_api_version # The KeyValut service DNS suffix attr_reader :key_vault_dns_suffix # The KeyVault service resource ID attr_reader :key_vault_service_resource_id # The publish settings file URL attr_reader :publish_settings_file_url # The resource management endpoint attr_reader :resource_manager_url # The service management URL attr_reader :service_management_url # The DNS suffix for SQL Server instances attr_reader :sql_database_dns_suffix # The endpoint suffix for storage accounts attr_reader :storage_suffix # The DNS suffix for TrafficManager attr_reader :traffic_manager_dns_suffix # Creates a new Azure::Armrest::Environment object. At a minimum, the # options hash must include the :name, :active_directory_authority and # :active_directory_resource_id. # # Note that there are pre-generated environments already for Public # and US Government environments. # def initialize(options) options.symbolize_keys.each do |key, value| raise ArgumentError, "Invalid key '#{key}'" unless VALID_KEYS.include?(key) instance_variable_set("@#{key}", value) end %i[name active_directory_authority resource_manager_url].each do |key| unless instance_variable_get("@#{key}") raise ArgumentError, "Mandatory argument '#{key}' not set" end end end alias authority_url active_directory_authority alias login_endpoint active_directory_authority alias resource_url resource_manager_url alias gallery_endpoint gallery_url alias graph_endpoint graph_url # Automatically discover and create an Environment given a resource # manager endpoint. The +options+ hash must include an endpoint :url key. # It may also include a :name (recommended), and http proxy options. # def url = options.fetch(:url) name = options[:name] || 'Custom' uri = Addressable::URI.join(url, '/metadata/', 'endpoints') uri.query = "api-version=1.0" response = ArmrestService.send( :rest_get, :url => uri.to_s, :proxy => options[:proxy], :ssl_version => options[:ssl_version], :ssl_verify => options[:ssl_verify] ) endpoint = new( :name => name, :gallery_url => endpoint.gallery_endpoint, :graph_url => endpoint.graph_endpoint, :active_directory_authority => endpoint.authentication.login_endpoint, :active_directory_resource_id => endpoint.authentication.audiences.first, :resource_manager_url => url ) end # Pre-generated environments Public = new( :name => 'Public', :active_directory_authority => '', :active_directory_resource_id => '', :gallery_url => '', :graph_url => '', :graph_api_version => '1.6', :key_vault_dns_suffix => '', :key_vault_service_resource_id => '', :publish_settings_file_url => '', :resource_manager_url => '', :service_management_url => '', :sql_database_dns_suffix => '', :storage_suffix => '', :traffic_manager_dns_suffix => '', ) USGovernment = new( :name => 'US Government', :active_directory_authority => '', :active_directory_resource_id => '', :gallery_url => '', :graph_url => '', :graph_api_version => '1.6', :key_vault_dns_suffix => '', :key_vault_service_resource_id => '', :publish_settings_file_url => '', :resource_manager_url => '', :service_management_url => '', :sql_database_dns_suffix => '', :storage_suffix => '', :traffic_manager_dns_suffix => '', ) Germany = new( :name => 'Germany', :active_directory_authority => '', :active_directory_resource_id => '', :gallery_url => '', :graph_url => '', :graph_api_version => '1.6', :key_vault_dns_suffix => '', :key_vault_service_resource_id => '', :publish_settings_file_url => '', :resource_manager_url => '', :service_management_url => '', :sql_database_dns_suffix => '', :storage_suffix => '', :traffic_manager_dns_suffix => '' ) China = new( :name => 'China', :active_directory_authority => '', :active_directory_resource_id => '', :gallery_url => '', :graph_url => '', :graph_api_version => '1.6', :key_vault_dns_suffix => '', :key_vault_service_resource_id => '', :publish_settings_file_url => '', :resource_manager_url => '', :service_management_url => '', :sql_database_dns_suffix => '', :storage_suffix => '', :traffic_manager_dns_suffix => '' ) end end end