namespace :rubber do # Add in some hooks so that we can insert our own hooks at head/tail of # hook chain - this is needed for making monit stop before everyone else. before "deploy:start", "rubber:pre_start" before "deploy:restart", "rubber:pre_restart" before "deploy:stop", "rubber:pre_stop" on :load do after "deploy:start", "rubber:post_start" after "deploy:restart", "rubber:post_restart" after "deploy:stop", "rubber:post_stop" end task :pre_start do end task :pre_restart do end task :pre_stop do end task :post_start do end task :post_restart do end task :post_stop do end desc <<-DESC Configures the deployed rails application by running the rubber configuration process DESC task :config do opts = {} opts['NO_POST'] = true if ENV['NO_POST'] opts['FILE'] = ENV['FILE'] if ENV['FILE'] opts['RUBBER_ENV'] = RUBBER_ENV # when running deploy:migrations, we need to run config against release_path opts[:deploy_path] = current_release if fetch(:migrate_target, :current).to_sym == :latest run_config(opts) end def run_config(options={}) path = options.delete(:deploy_path) || current_path extra_env = options.keys.inject("") {|all, k| "#{all} #{k}=\"#{options[k]}\""} # Need to do this so we can work with staging instances without having to # checkin instance file between create and bootstrap, as well as during a deploy if fetch(:push_instance_config, false) push_files = [rubber_cfg.instance.file] + rubber_cfg.environment.config_files push_files.each do |file| dest_file = file.sub(/^#{RUBBER_ROOT}\/?/, '') put(, File.join(path, dest_file)) end end # if the user has defined a secret config file, then push it into RUBBER_ROOT/config/rubber secret = rubber_cfg.environment.config_secret if secret && File.exist?(secret) base = rubber_cfg.environment.config_root.sub(/^#{RUBBER_ROOT}\/?/, '') put(, File.join(path, base, File.basename(secret))) end sudo "sh -c 'cd #{path} && #{extra_env} rake rubber:config'" end end