HTTP/1.1 200 OK Status: 200 Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8 INV0024 Payment: INV0024: £155.00 received Spectrum Healthcare 2009-07%dT00:00Z 155.0 INV0025 Payment: INV0025: £2,420.00 received The Good Folk 2009-07%dT00:00Z 2420.0 INV0026 Payment: INV0026: £1,000.00 received Spectrum Healthcare 2009-08%dT00:00Z 1000.0 INV0027 Payment: INV0027: £2,275.00 received Economic and Social Research Council 2009-08%dT00:00Z 2275.0 INV0028 Payment: INV0028: £80.00 received The Good Folk 2009-08%dT00:00Z 80.0 INV0029 Payment: INV0029: £1,012.50 received Spectrum Healthcare 2009-09%dT00:00Z 1012.5 INV0031 Payment: INV0031: £70.00 received Economic and Social Research Council 2009-09%dT00:00Z 70.0 INV0032 Payment: INV0032: £1,920.00 received icomplete 2009-09%dT00:00Z 1920.0 INV0033 Payment: INV0033: £3,000.00 received Inbox Digital: Shop Direct NDR Webapp 2009-10%dT00:00Z 3000.0 INV0030 Due: INV0030: £50.00 Oxfordshire PTC 2009-09%dT00:00Z 50.0 INV0034 Due: INV0034: £670.00 The Good Folk 2009-10%dT00:00Z 670.0 INV0035 Due: INV0035: £500.00 ClubBuzz: ClubBuzz application design and development 2009-10%dT00:00Z 500.0