# encoding: UTF-8 # (c) Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # This file describe generic process to create/query/get/delete Cloud objects. # forj_* function are handler, predefined by cloud_data_pref.rb # The process functions communicates with config, object or controler(provider controler) # # 'config' is the configuration system which implements: # - get(key): Get the value to the associated key # [key] is the 'set' equivalent # - set(key, value): Set a value to a key. # [key] = value Is the 'set' equivalent # # 'object' contains Object definition, Object manipulation. It implements: # - query_map(sCloudObj, sQuery): transform Forj Object query request to # a Provider controler query request # The result of this function is usually sent to # the controler query function. # # - get_attr(oObject, key): Read the object key from the object. # # Providers can redefine any kind of handler if needed. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Network/Subnetwork Management # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CloudProcess # Process Query handler def forj_query_network(sCloudObj, sQuery, hParams) # Call Provider query function controller_query(sObjectType, sControlerQuery) end # Process Create handler def forj_get_or_create_network(sCloudObj, hParams) PrcLib.state("Searching for network '%s'" % [hParams[:network_name]]) networks = find_network(sCloudObj, hParams) if networks.length == 0 network = create_network(sCloudObj, hParams) else network = networks[0] end register(network) # Attaching if missing the subnet. # Creates an object subnet, attached to the network. if not hParams[:subnetwork_name] hParams[:subnetwork_name] = 'sub-' + hParams[:network_name] config[:subnetwork_name] = hParams[:subnetwork_name] end #object.Create(:subnetwork) Create(:subnetwork) network end # Process Delete handler def forj_delete_network(sCloudObj, hParams) begin oProvider.delete(sCloudObj, hParams) rescue => e PrcLib.error("%s\n%s" % [e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")]) end end def forj_get_network(sCloudObj, sID, hParams) begin oProvider.get(sCloudObj, sID, hParams) rescue => e PrcLib.error("%s\n%s" % [e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")]) end end # Network Process internal functions # #------------------------------------# # Network creation # It returns: # nil or Provider Object def create_network(sCloudObj, hParams) name = hParams[:network_name] begin PrcLib.state("Creating network '%s'" % [name]) network = controller_create(sCloudObj) PrcLib.info("Network '%s' created" % [network[:name]]) rescue => e PrcLib.fatal(1, "Unable to create network '%s'" % [name, e]) end network end # Search for a network from his name. # Name may be unique in project context, but not in the cloud system # It returns: # nil or Provider Object def find_network(sCloudObj, hParams) begin # retrieve the Provider collection object. sQuery = {:name => hParams[:network_name]} oList = controller_query(sCloudObj, sQuery) query_single(sCloudObj, oList, sQuery, hParams[:network_name]) rescue => e PrcLib.error("%s\n%s" % [e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")]) end end def forj_get_or_create_subnetwork(sCloudObj, hParams) PrcLib.state("Searching for sub-network attached to network '%s'" % [hParams[:network, :name]]) ####################### begin sQuery = { :network_id => hParams[:network, :id] } subnets = controller_query(:subnetwork, sQuery) rescue => e PrcLib.error("%s\n%s" % [e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")]) end if subnets case subnets.length() when 0 PrcLib.info("No subnet found from '%s' network" % [hParams[:network, :name]]) subnet = ForjLib::Data.new when 1 PrcLib.info("Found '%s' subnet from '%s' network" % [subnets[0, :name], hParams[:network, :name]]) subnet = subnets[0] else PrcLib.warning("Several subnet was found on '%s'. Choosing the first one = '%s'" % [hParams[:network, :name], subnets[0, :name]]) subnet = subnets[0] end end if not subnet or subnets.length == 0 # Create the subnet begin subnet = create_subnet(sCloudObj, hParams) rescue => e PrcLib.error("%s\n%s" % [e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")]) end end register(subnet) subnet end def create_subnet(sCloudObj, hParams) name = hParams[:subnetwork_name] PrcLib.state("Creating subnet '%s'" % [name]) begin subnet = controller_create(sCloudObj) PrcLib.info("Subnet '%s' created." % [subnet[:name]]) rescue => e PrcLib.fatal(1, "Unable to create '%s' subnet." % name, e) end subnet end def delete_subnet() oNetworkConnect = get_cloudObj(:network_connection) oSubNetwork = get_cloudObj(:subnetwork) PrcLib.state("Deleting subnet '%s'" % [oSubNetwork.name]) begin provider_delete_subnetwork(oNetworkConnect, oSubNetwork) oNetworkConnect.subnets.get(oSubNetwork.id).destroy rescue => e PrcLib.error("%s\n%s" % [e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")]) end end end # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Router management # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CloudProcess # Process Create handler def forj_get_or_create_router(sCloudObj, hParams) oSubNetwork = hParams[:subnetwork] if not hParams[:router_name] config[:router_name] = 'router-%s' % hParams[:network, :name] hParams[:router_name] = config[:router_name] end router_name = hParams[:router_name] router_port = get_router_interface_attached(:port, hParams) if not router_port or router_port.empty? # Trying to get router router = get_router(router_name) router = create_router(router_name) if not router or router.empty? create_router_interface(oSubNetwork, router) if router and not router.empty? else sQuery = {:id => router_port[:device_id]} routers = controller_query(:router, sQuery) case routers.length() when 1 PrcLib.info("Found router '%s' attached to the network '%s'." % [ routers[0, :name], hParams[:network, :name] ]) router = routers[0] else PrcLib.warning("Unable to find the router id '%s'" % [ router_port[:device_id]]) router = ForjLib::Data.new end end router end def forj_update_router(sCloudObj, hParams) controller_update(sCloudObj) ################################ #routers[0].external_gateway_info = { 'network_id' => external_network.id } #routers[0].save end # Router Process internal functions # #------------------------------------# def get_router(name) PrcLib.state("Searching for router '%s'" % [name] ) begin routers = controller_query(:router, {:name => name}) case routers.length() when 1 routers[0] else PrcLib.info("Router '%s' not found." % [ name ] ) ForjLib::Data.new end rescue => e PrcLib.error("%s\n%s" % [e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")]) end end def create_router(router_name, oExternalNetwork = nil) begin if oExternalNetwork sExtNet = get_data(oExternalNetwork, :name) PrcLib.state("Creating router '%s' attached to the external Network '%s'" % [router_name, sExtNet]) config[:external_gateway_id] = get_data(oExternalNetwork, :id) else PrcLib.state("Creating router '%s' without external Network" % [router_name]) end router = controller_create(:router) if oExternalNetwork PrcLib.info("Router '%s' created and attached to the external Network '%s'." % [router_name, sExtNet]) else PrcLib.info("Router '%s' created without external Network." % [router_name]) end rescue => e raise ForjError.new(), "Unable to create '%s' router\n%s" % [router_name, e.message] end router end def delete_router(oNetworkConnect, oRouter) PrcLib.state("Deleting router '%s'" % [router.name]) begin ################# provider_delete_router(oNetworkConnect, oRouter) # oNetworkConnect.routers.get(router.id).destroy rescue => e PrcLib.error("Unable to delete '%s' router ID" % router_id, e) end end # TODO: Move router interface management to hpcloud controller. # Router interface to connect to the network def create_router_interface(oSubnet, oRouter) PrcLib.state("Attaching subnet '%s' to router '%s'" % [oSubnet[:name], oRouter[:name]]) begin controller_create(:router_interface) ################# #provider_add_interface() # oRouter.add_interface(oSubnet.id, nil) rescue => e PrcLib.error("%s\n%s" % [e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")]) end end def delete_router_interface(oSubnet, oRouter) PrcLib.state("Removing subnet '%s' from router '%s'" % [oSubnet.name, oRouter.name]) subnet_id = oSubnet.id begin ################# oRouter.remove_interface(subnet_id) rescue => e PrcLib.error("%s\n%s" % [e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")]) end end def get_router_interface_attached(sCloudObj, hParams) oNetwork = hParams[:network] PrcLib.state("Searching for router port attached to the network '%s'" % [hParams[:network, :name]] ) begin # Searching for router port attached ################# sQuery = {:network_id => hParams[:network, :id], :device_owner => 'network:router_interface'} ports = controller_query(sCloudObj, sQuery) case ports.length() when 0 PrcLib.info("No router port attached to the network '%s'" % [hParams[:network, :name] ]) ForjLib::Data.new else PrcLib.info("Found a router port attached to the network '%s' " % [hParams[:network, :name] ] ) ports[0] end rescue => e PrcLib.error("%s\n%s" % [e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")]) end end # Gateway management def get_gateway(oNetworkConnect, name) return nil if not name or not oNetworkConnect PrcLib.state("Getting gateway '%s'" % [name]) networks = oNetworkConnect begin netty = networks.get(name) rescue => e PrcLib.error("%s\n%s" % [e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")]) end PrcLib.state("Found gateway '%s'" % [name]) if netty PrcLib.state("Unable to find gateway '%s'" % [name]) if not netty return netty end def query_external_network(hParams) PrcLib.state("Identifying External gateway") begin # Searching for router port attached ################# sQuery = { :router_external => true } networks = controller_query(:network, sQuery) case networks.length() when 0 PrcLib.info("No external network") ForjLib::Data.new when 1 PrcLib.info("Found external network '%s'." % [networks[0, :name] ] ) networks[0] else PrcLib.warn("Found several external networks. Selecting the first one '%s'" % [networks[0, :name]] ) networks[0] end rescue => e PrcLib.error("%s\n%s" % [e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")]) end end end # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # SecurityGroups management # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CloudProcess # Process Create handler def forj_get_or_create_sg(sCloudObj, hParams) sSGName = hParams[:security_group] PrcLib.state("Searching for security group '%s'" % [sSGName] ) security_group = forj_query_sg(sCloudObj, {:name => sSGName}, hParams) security_group = create_security_group(sCloudObj, hParams) if not security_group register(security_group) PrcLib.info('Configuring Security Group \'%s\'' % [sSGName]) ports = config.get(:ports) ports.each do |port| port = port.to_s if port.class != String if not (/^\d+(-\d+)?$/ =~ port) PrcLib.error("Port '%s' is not valid. Must be or -" % [port]) else mPortFound = /^(\d+)(-(\d+))?$/.match(port) portmin = mPortFound[1] portmax = (mPortFound[3]) ? (mPortFound[3]) : (portmin) # Need to set runtime data to get or if missing create the required rule. config[:dir] = :IN config[:proto] = 'tcp' config[:port_min] = portmin.to_i config[:port_max] = portmax.to_i config[:addr_map] = '' #object.Create(:rule) Create(:rule) end end security_group end # Process Delete handler def forj_delete_sg(oFC, security_group) oSSLError=SSLErrorMgt.new begin sec_group = get_security_group(oFC, security_group) oFC.oNetwork.security_groups.get(sec_group.id).destroy rescue => e if not oSSLError.ErrorDetected(e.message,e.backtrace, e) retry end end end # Process Query handler def forj_query_sg(sCloudObj, sQuery, hParams) oSSLError=SSLErrorMgt.new begin sgroups = controller_query(sCloudObj, sQuery) rescue => e if not oSSLError.ErrorDetected(e.message,e.backtrace, e) retry end PrcLib.fatal(1, "Unable to get list of security groups.", e) end case sgroups.length() when 0 PrcLib.info("No security group '%s' found" % [ hParams[:security_group] ] ) nil when 1 PrcLib.info("Found security group '%s'" % [sgroups[0, :name]]) sgroups[0] end end # SecurityGroups Process internal functions # #-------------------------------------------# def create_security_group(sCloudObj, hParams) PrcLib.state("Creating security group '%s'" % hParams[:security_group]) begin sg = controller_create(sCloudObj) PrcLib.info("Security group '%s' created." % sg[:name]) rescue => e PrcLib.error("%s\n%s" % [e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")]) end sg end # Rules handler # #---------------# # Process Delete handler def forj_delete_security_group_rule(sCloudObj, hParams) oSSLError=SSLErrorMgt.new begin controller_delete(sCloudObj) rescue => e if not oSSLError.ErrorDetected(e.message,e.backtrace, e) retry end end end # Process Query handler def forj_query_rule(sCloudObj, sQuery, hParams) sRule = '%s %s:%s - %s to %s' % [ hParams[:dir], hParams[:rule_proto], hParams[:port_min], hParams[:port_max], hParams[:addr_map] ] PrcLib.state("Searching for rule '%s'" % [ sRule ]) oSSLError = SSLErrorMgt.new begin sInfo = { :items => [:dir, :rule_proto, :port_min, :port_max, :addr_map], :items_form => '%s %s:%s - %s to %s' } oList = controller_query(sCloudObj, sQuery) query_single(sCloudObj, oList, sQuery, sRule, sInfo) rescue => e if not oSSLError.ErrorDetected(e.message,e.backtrace, e) retry end end end # Process Create handler def forj_get_or_create_rule(sCloudObj, hParams) sQuery = { :dir => hParams[:dir], :proto => hParams[:proto], :port_min => hParams[:port_min], :port_max => hParams[:port_max], :addr_map => hParams[:addr_map], :sg_id => hParams[:sg_id] } rules = forj_query_rule(sCloudObj, sQuery, hParams) if rules.length == 0 create_rule(sCloudObj, hParams) else rules[0] end end # Rules internal # #----------------# def create_rule(sCloudObj, hParams) sRule = '%s %s:%s - %s to %s' % [ hParams[:dir], hParams[:rule_proto], hParams[:port_min], hParams[:port_max], hParams[:addr_map] ] PrcLib.state("Creating rule '%s'" % [sRule]) oSSLError=SSLErrorMgt.new begin rule = controller_create(sCloudObj) PrcLib.info("Rule '%s' created." % [sRule]) rescue StandardError => e if not oSSLError.ErrorDetected(e.message,e.backtrace, e) retry end PrcLib.error 'error creating the rule for port %s' % [sRule] end rule end end # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # External network process attached to a network # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CloudProcess def forj_get_or_create_ext_net(sCloudObj, hParams) PrcLib.state("Checking router '%s' gateway" % hParams[:router, :name]) oRouter = hParams[:router] sRouterName = hParams[:router, :name] sNetworkId = hParams[:router, :gateway_network_id] if sNetworkId external_network = forj_query_external_network(sCloudObj, {:id => sNetworkId}, hParams) PrcLib.info("Router '%s' is attached to the external gateway '%s'." % [ sRouterName, external_network[:name] ] ) else PrcLib.info("Router '%s' needs to be attached to an external gateway." % [ sRouterName ] ) PrcLib.state("Attaching") external_network = forj_query_external_network(:network, {}, hParams) if not external_network.empty? oRouter[:gateway_network_id] = external_network[:id] forj_update_router(:router, hParams) PrcLib.info("Router '%s' attached to the external network '%s'." % [ sRouterName, external_network[:name] ]) else PrcLib.fatal(1, "Unable to attach router '%s' to an external gateway. Required for boxes to get internet access. " % [ get_data(:router, :name) ] ) end end # Need to keep the :network object as :external_network object type. external_network.type = sCloudObj external_network end def forj_query_external_network(sCloudObj, sQuery, hParams) PrcLib.state("Identifying External gateway") begin # Searching for external network networks = controller_query(:network, sQuery.merge({ :external => true })) case networks.length() when 0 PrcLib.info("No external network") nil when 1 PrcLib.info("Found external network '%s'." % [networks[0, :name] ]) networks[0] else PrcLib.warning("Found several external networks. Selecting the first one '%s'" % [networks[0, :name]]) networks[0] end rescue => e PrcLib.error("%s\n%s" % [e.message, e.backtrace.join("\n")]) end end end # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Internet network process # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CloudProcess end