#!/usr/bin/env ruby # encoding: UTF-8 #-- # (c) Copyright 2014 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #++ require 'lorj/version' require 'lorj/compat' # Code introduced to support Ruby 1.8 # This is the lorj base library. # To use it, add require 'lorj' require 'config_layers' # ConfigLayers require 'prc.rb' # PrcLib Base module require 'logging.rb' # class PrcLib::Logging require 'lorj_meta.rb' # PRC::Meta class - Application defaults require 'lorj_defaults.rb' # PRC::Defaults class - Application defaults require 'lorj_config.rb' # Lorj::Config class - require 'lorj_account.rb' # Lorj::Account class - account config require 'core/core_internal' # Lorj Core class private init. functions require 'core/core' # Lorj Core class require 'core/core_object_params' # Lorj Internal core class require 'core/core_model' # Lorj Model class require 'core/core_process' # Lorj core process functions require 'core/core_process_setup' # Lorj core process setup require 'core/core_setup_ask' # Lorj core setup ask functions require 'core/core_setup_encrypt' # Lorj core setup encrypt functions require 'core/core_setup_init' # Lorj core setup init functions require 'core/core_setup_list' # Lorj core setup list functions require 'core/core_controller' # Lorj core controller functions require 'core/core_object_data' # Lorj ObjectData class require 'core/lorj_data' # Lorj Lorj::Data object require 'core/lorj_basedefinition' # Lorj Lorj::BaseDefinition object require 'core/core_import_export' # Import/export functions require 'core/lorj_baseprocess' # Lorj Lorj::BaseProcess object require 'core/lorj_basecontroller' # Lorj Lorj::BaseController object require 'core/lorj_keypath' # Lorj Lorj::BaseDefinition object require 'core/definition' # Lorj Process definition require 'core/definition_internal' # Lorj internal functions require 'core/process' # Lorj Process Module feature # lorj module module Lorj # Internal Lorj function to debug lorj. # # * *Args* : # - +iLevel+ : value between 1 to 5. Setting 5 is the most verbose! # - +sMsg+ : Array of string or symbols. keys tree to follow and check # existence in yVal. # # * *Returns* : # - nothing # # * *Raises* : # No exceptions def self::debug(iLevel, sMsg, *p) if iLevel <= PrcLib.core_level message = format('-%s- %s', iLevel, sMsg) PrcLib.debug(message, *p) end end # Internal PrcError class object derived from RuntimeError. # Internally used with raise. # Used to identify the error origin, while an error is thrown. class PrcError < RuntimeError attr_reader :lorj_message def initialize(message = nil) @lorj_message = message end end slib_forj = File.dirname(__FILE__) PrcLib.lib_path = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(slib_forj), 'lib')) PrcLib.core_level = 0 end