# Slackistrano [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/slackistrano.png)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/slackistrano) [![Code Climate](https://codeclimate.com/github/phallstrom/slackistrano.png)](https://codeclimate.com/github/phallstrom/slackistrano) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/phallstrom/slackistrano.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/phallstrom/slackistrano) Send notifications to [Slack](https://slack.com) about [Capistrano](http://www.capistranorb.com) deployments. ## Requirements - Capistrano >= 3.8.1 - Ruby >= 2.0 - A Slack account ## Installation 1. Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'slackistrano' ``` 2. Execute: ``` $ bundle ``` 3. Require the library in your application's Capfile: ```ruby require 'slackistrano/capistrano' ``` ## Configuration You have two options to notify a channel in Slack when you deploy: 1. Using *Incoming WebHooks* integration, offering more options but requires one of the five free integrations. This option provides more messaging flexibility. 2. Using *Slackbot*, which will not use one of the five free integrations. ### Incoming Webhook 1. Configure your Slack's Incoming Webhook. 2. Add the following to `config/deploy.rb`: ```ruby set :slackistrano, { channel: '#your-channel', webhook: 'your-incoming-webhook-url' } ``` ### Slackbot 1. Configure your Slack's Slackbot (not Bot). 2. Add the following to `config/deploy.rb`: ```ruby set :slackistrano, { channel: '#your-channel', team: 'your-team-name', token: 'your-token' } ``` ### Optional Configuration & Overrides By default Slackistrano will use a default icon and username. These, can be overriden if you are using the default messaging class (ie. have not specified your own). 1. Configure per instructions above. 2. Add the following to `config/deploy.rb`: ```ruby set :slackistrano, { ... username: 'Foobar the Deployer', icon_emoji: ':thumbsup:', # takes precedence over icon_url icon_url: 'https://avatars2.githubusercontent.com/u/16705?v=4&s=40', ... } ``` ### Test your Configuration Test your setup by running the following command. This will post each stage's message to Slack in turn. ``` $ cap production slack:deploy:test ``` ## Usage Deploy your application like normal and you should see messages in the channel you specified. ## Customizing the Messaging You can customize the messaging posted to Slack by providing your own messaging class and overriding several methods. Here is one example: ```ruby if defined?(Slackistrano::Messaging) module Slackistrano class CustomMessaging < Messaging::Base # Send failed message to #ops. Send all other messages to default channels. # The #ops channel must exist prior. def channels_for(action) if action == :failed "#ops" else super end end # Suppress updating message. def payload_for_updating nil end # Suppress reverting message. def payload_for_reverting nil end # Fancy updated message. # See https://api.slack.com/docs/message-attachments def payload_for_updated { attachments: [{ color: 'good', title: 'Integrations Application Deployed :boom::bangbang:', fields: [{ title: 'Environment', value: stage, short: true }, { title: 'Branch', value: branch, short: true }, { title: 'Deployer', value: deployer, short: true }, { title: 'Time', value: elapsed_time, short: true }], fallback: super[:text] }], text: " Application Deployed!" } end # Default reverted message. Alternatively simply do not redefine this # method. def payload_for_reverted super end # Slightly tweaked failed message. # See https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting def payload_for_failed payload = super payload[:text] = "OMG :fire: #{payload[:text]}" payload end # Override the deployer helper to pull the best name available (git, password file, env vars). # See https://github.com/phallstrom/slackistrano/blob/master/lib/slackistrano/messaging/helpers.rb def deployer name = `git config user.name`.strip name = nil if name.empty? name ||= Etc.getpwnam(ENV['USER']).gecos || ENV['USER'] || ENV['USERNAME'] name end end end end ``` The output would look like this: ![Custom Messaging](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/phallstrom/slackistrano/overhaul/images/custom_messaging.jpg) To set this up: 1. Add the above class to your app, for example `lib/custom_messaging.rb`. 2. Require the library after the requiring of Slackistrano in your application's Capfile. ```ruby require_relative 'lib/custom_messaging' ``` 3. Update the `slackistrano` configuration in `config/deploy.rb` and add the `klass` option. ```ruby set :slackistrano, { klass: Slackistrano::CustomMessaging, channel: '#your-channel', webhook: 'your-incoming-webhook-url' } ``` 4. If you come up with something that you think others would enjoy submit it as an issue along with a screenshot of the output from `cap production slack:deploy:test` and I'll add it to the Wiki. ## Disabling posting to Slack You can disable deployment notifications to a specific stage by setting the `:slackistrano` configuration variable to `false` instead of actual settings. ```ruby set :slackistrano, false ``` ## TODO - Notify about incorrect configuration settings. ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request