require "spec_helper" describe G5Updatable::ClientFeedProcessor do let(:token) { 'a-token' } describe ".new" do let(:params) { {client_uid: passed_uid} } let(:processor) { params } subject(:client_uid) { processor.client_uid } let(:configured_client_uid) { nil } context "when CLIENT_UID is unset" do context "with a passed-in client_uid" do let(:passed_uid) { "passed" } it { should eq("passed") } end context "with no passed-in client_uid" do let(:passed_uid) { nil } it "explodes helpfully" do expect { client_uid }.to raise_error(/client_uid/) end end end context "when CLIENT_UID is set" do before do @old_client_uid = ENV["CLIENT_UID"] ENV["CLIENT_UID"] = "configured" end after { ENV["CLIENT_UID"] = @old_client_uid } context "with a passed-in client_uid" do let(:passed_uid) { "passed" } it { should eq("passed") } end context "with no passed-in client_uid" do let(:passed_uid) { nil } it { should eq("configured") } end end end describe '#load_all_clients' do before do allow(G5Updatable::Fetcher).to receive(:do_with_username_pw_access_token).and_yield(token) stub_request(:get, ''). with(:headers => {'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}). to_return(status: 200, body: fixture('urns.json'), headers: {}) end it 'loads each client' do expect(G5Updatable::ClientFeedProcessor).to receive(:new).with(client_uid: '') expect(G5Updatable::ClientFeedProcessor).to receive(:new).with(client_uid: '') G5Updatable::ClientFeedProcessor.load_all_clients end end describe '#work', integration: true do let(:client_uid) { '' } let(:location_uid) { '' } context 'just client_uid' do subject { client_uid) } before do allow(G5Updatable::Fetcher).to receive(:do_with_username_pw_access_token).and_yield(token) stub_request(:get, "#{client_uid}?access_token=#{token}"). with(:headers => {'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}). to_return(status: 200, body: fixture('client-g5-c-1soj8m6e-g5-multifamily.json'), headers: {}) end let(:created_client) { G5Updatable::Client.last } it 'creates a client' do expect { }.to change { G5Updatable::Client.count }.by(1) expect(created_client.urn).to eq('g5-c-1soj8m6e-g5-multifamily') end it 'creates locations' do expect { }.to change { G5Updatable::Location.count }.by(5) expect(created_client.locations.collect(&:urn)).to match_array(%w(g5-cl-1soj9pe2-541-apartments g5-cl-1soja3fn-99-apartments g5-cl-560belmk8-denali g5-cl-i2xqm52t-mockup-design-3 g5-cl-i2gg3rv8-g5-apartments)) end it 'creates amenities' do expect { }.to change { G5Updatable::HubAmenity.count }.by(2) expect(G5Updatable::HubAmenity.all.collect(&:name)).to match_array(['WIFI', 'Power']) expect(G5Updatable::Location.find_by_urn('g5-cl-560belmk8-denali').hub_amenities.collect(&:name)).to match_array(['WIFI', 'Power']) end context 'subsequent update with missing locations' do before do expect(created_client.locations.count).to eq(5) stub_request(:get, "#{client_uid}?access_token=#{token}"). with(:headers => {'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}). to_return(status: 200, body: fixture('client-g5-c-1soj8m6e-g5-multifamily-missing-locations.json'), headers: {}) end it 'removes orphaned locations' do expect { }.to change { created_client.locations.count }.from(5).to(1) end end context 'subsequent update with NO locations' do before do expect(created_client.locations.count).to eq(5) stub_request(:get, "#{client_uid}?access_token=#{token}"). with(:headers => {'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}). to_return(status: 200, body: fixture('client-g5-c-1soj8m6e-g5-multifamily-no-locations.json'), headers: {}) end it 'removes orphaned locations' do expect { }.to change { created_client.locations.count }.from(5).to(0) end end end context 'with client and location uids' do subject { client_uid, location_uid: location_uid) } before do allow(G5Updatable::Fetcher).to receive(:do_with_username_pw_access_token).and_yield(token) stub_request(:get, "#{location_uid}?access_token=#{token}"). with(:headers => {'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}). to_return(status: 200, body: fixture('location-g5-cl-1soj9pe2-541-apartments.json'), headers: {}) end let(:created_location) { G5Updatable::Location.last } it 'creates a location' do expect { }.to change { G5Updatable::Location.count }.by(1) expect(created_location.urn).to eq('g5-cl-1soj9pe2-541-apartments') end end end end