/** * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import * as os from 'os'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import { assert } from '../common/assert.js'; import { BrowserFetcher } from './BrowserFetcher.js'; import { Browser } from '../common/Browser.js'; import { BrowserRunner } from './BrowserRunner.js'; import { promisify } from 'util'; const mkdtempAsync = promisify(fs.mkdtemp); const writeFileAsync = promisify(fs.writeFile); const tmpDir = () => process.env.PUPPETEER_TMP_DIR || os.tmpdir(); /** * @internal */ class ChromeLauncher { constructor(projectRoot, preferredRevision, isPuppeteerCore) { this._projectRoot = projectRoot; this._preferredRevision = preferredRevision; this._isPuppeteerCore = isPuppeteerCore; } async launch(options = {}) { const { ignoreDefaultArgs = false, args = [], dumpio = false, channel = null, executablePath = null, pipe = false, env = process.env, handleSIGINT = true, handleSIGTERM = true, handleSIGHUP = true, ignoreHTTPSErrors = false, defaultViewport = { width: 800, height: 600 }, slowMo = 0, timeout = 30000, waitForInitialPage = true, debuggingPort = null, } = options; const profilePath = path.join(tmpDir(), 'puppeteer_dev_chrome_profile-'); const chromeArguments = []; if (!ignoreDefaultArgs) chromeArguments.push(...this.defaultArgs(options)); else if (Array.isArray(ignoreDefaultArgs)) chromeArguments.push(...this.defaultArgs(options).filter((arg) => !ignoreDefaultArgs.includes(arg))); else chromeArguments.push(...args); let temporaryUserDataDir = null; if (!chromeArguments.some((argument) => argument.startsWith('--remote-debugging-'))) { if (pipe) { assert(debuggingPort === null, 'Browser should be launched with either pipe or debugging port - not both.'); chromeArguments.push('--remote-debugging-pipe'); } else { chromeArguments.push(`--remote-debugging-port=${debuggingPort || 0}`); } } if (!chromeArguments.some((arg) => arg.startsWith('--user-data-dir'))) { temporaryUserDataDir = await mkdtempAsync(profilePath); chromeArguments.push(`--user-data-dir=${temporaryUserDataDir}`); } let chromeExecutable = executablePath; if (channel) { // executablePath is detected by channel, so it should not be specified by user. assert(!executablePath, '`executablePath` must not be specified when `channel` is given.'); chromeExecutable = executablePathForChannel(channel); } else if (!executablePath) { // Use Intel x86 builds on Apple M1 until native macOS arm64 // Chromium builds are available. if (os.platform() !== 'darwin' && os.arch() === 'arm64') { chromeExecutable = '/usr/bin/chromium-browser'; } else { const { missingText, executablePath } = resolveExecutablePath(this); if (missingText) throw new Error(missingText); chromeExecutable = executablePath; } } const usePipe = chromeArguments.includes('--remote-debugging-pipe'); const runner = new BrowserRunner(this.product, chromeExecutable, chromeArguments, temporaryUserDataDir); runner.start({ handleSIGHUP, handleSIGTERM, handleSIGINT, dumpio, env, pipe: usePipe, }); try { const connection = await runner.setupConnection({ usePipe, timeout, slowMo, preferredRevision: this._preferredRevision, }); const browser = await Browser.create(connection, [], ignoreHTTPSErrors, defaultViewport, runner.proc, runner.close.bind(runner)); if (waitForInitialPage) await browser.waitForTarget((t) => t.type() === 'page', { timeout }); return browser; } catch (error) { runner.kill(); throw error; } } defaultArgs(options = {}) { const chromeArguments = [ '--disable-background-networking', '--enable-features=NetworkService,NetworkServiceInProcess', '--disable-background-timer-throttling', '--disable-backgrounding-occluded-windows', '--disable-breakpad', '--disable-client-side-phishing-detection', '--disable-component-extensions-with-background-pages', '--disable-default-apps', '--disable-dev-shm-usage', '--disable-extensions', '--disable-features=Translate', '--disable-hang-monitor', '--disable-ipc-flooding-protection', '--disable-popup-blocking', '--disable-prompt-on-repost', '--disable-renderer-backgrounding', '--disable-sync', '--force-color-profile=srgb', '--metrics-recording-only', '--no-first-run', '--enable-automation', '--password-store=basic', '--use-mock-keychain', // TODO(sadym): remove '--enable-blink-features=IdleDetection' // once IdleDetection is turned on by default. '--enable-blink-features=IdleDetection', '--export-tagged-pdf', ]; const { devtools = false, headless = !devtools, args = [], userDataDir = null, } = options; if (userDataDir) chromeArguments.push(`--user-data-dir=${path.resolve(userDataDir)}`); if (devtools) chromeArguments.push('--auto-open-devtools-for-tabs'); if (headless) { chromeArguments.push('--headless', '--hide-scrollbars', '--mute-audio'); } if (args.every((arg) => arg.startsWith('-'))) chromeArguments.push('about:blank'); chromeArguments.push(...args); return chromeArguments; } executablePath(channel) { if (channel) { return executablePathForChannel(channel); } else { return resolveExecutablePath(this).executablePath; } } get product() { return 'chrome'; } } /** * @internal */ class FirefoxLauncher { constructor(projectRoot, preferredRevision, isPuppeteerCore) { this._projectRoot = projectRoot; this._preferredRevision = preferredRevision; this._isPuppeteerCore = isPuppeteerCore; } async launch(options = {}) { const { ignoreDefaultArgs = false, args = [], dumpio = false, executablePath = null, pipe = false, env = process.env, handleSIGINT = true, handleSIGTERM = true, handleSIGHUP = true, ignoreHTTPSErrors = false, defaultViewport = { width: 800, height: 600 }, slowMo = 0, timeout = 30000, extraPrefsFirefox = {}, waitForInitialPage = true, debuggingPort = null, } = options; const firefoxArguments = []; if (!ignoreDefaultArgs) firefoxArguments.push(...this.defaultArgs(options)); else if (Array.isArray(ignoreDefaultArgs)) firefoxArguments.push(...this.defaultArgs(options).filter((arg) => !ignoreDefaultArgs.includes(arg))); else firefoxArguments.push(...args); if (!firefoxArguments.some((argument) => argument.startsWith('--remote-debugging-'))) { if (pipe) { assert(debuggingPort === null, 'Browser should be launched with either pipe or debugging port - not both.'); } firefoxArguments.push(`--remote-debugging-port=${debuggingPort || 0}`); } let temporaryUserDataDir = null; if (!firefoxArguments.includes('-profile') && !firefoxArguments.includes('--profile')) { temporaryUserDataDir = await this._createProfile(extraPrefsFirefox); firefoxArguments.push('--profile'); firefoxArguments.push(temporaryUserDataDir); } await this._updateRevision(); let firefoxExecutable = executablePath; if (!executablePath) { const { missingText, executablePath } = resolveExecutablePath(this); if (missingText) throw new Error(missingText); firefoxExecutable = executablePath; } const runner = new BrowserRunner(this.product, firefoxExecutable, firefoxArguments, temporaryUserDataDir); runner.start({ handleSIGHUP, handleSIGTERM, handleSIGINT, dumpio, env, pipe, }); try { const connection = await runner.setupConnection({ usePipe: pipe, timeout, slowMo, preferredRevision: this._preferredRevision, }); const browser = await Browser.create(connection, [], ignoreHTTPSErrors, defaultViewport, runner.proc, runner.close.bind(runner)); if (waitForInitialPage) await browser.waitForTarget((t) => t.type() === 'page', { timeout }); return browser; } catch (error) { runner.kill(); throw error; } } executablePath() { return resolveExecutablePath(this).executablePath; } async _updateRevision() { // replace 'latest' placeholder with actual downloaded revision if (this._preferredRevision === 'latest') { const browserFetcher = new BrowserFetcher(this._projectRoot, { product: this.product, }); const localRevisions = await browserFetcher.localRevisions(); if (localRevisions[0]) this._preferredRevision = localRevisions[0]; } } get product() { return 'firefox'; } defaultArgs(options = {}) { const firefoxArguments = ['--no-remote', '--foreground']; if (os.platform().startsWith('win')) { firefoxArguments.push('--wait-for-browser'); } const { devtools = false, headless = !devtools, args = [], userDataDir = null, } = options; if (userDataDir) { firefoxArguments.push('--profile'); firefoxArguments.push(userDataDir); } if (headless) firefoxArguments.push('--headless'); if (devtools) firefoxArguments.push('--devtools'); if (args.every((arg) => arg.startsWith('-'))) firefoxArguments.push('about:blank'); firefoxArguments.push(...args); return firefoxArguments; } async _createProfile(extraPrefs) { const profilePath = await mkdtempAsync(path.join(tmpDir(), 'puppeteer_dev_firefox_profile-')); const prefsJS = []; const userJS = []; const server = 'dummy.test'; const defaultPreferences = { // Make sure Shield doesn't hit the network. 'app.normandy.api_url': '', // Disable Firefox old build background check 'app.update.checkInstallTime': false, // Disable automatically upgrading Firefox 'app.update.disabledForTesting': true, // Increase the APZ content response timeout to 1 minute 'apz.content_response_timeout': 60000, // Prevent various error message on the console // jest-puppeteer asserts that no error message is emitted by the console 'browser.contentblocking.features.standard': '-tp,tpPrivate,cookieBehavior0,-cm,-fp', // Enable the dump function: which sends messages to the system // console // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1543115 'browser.dom.window.dump.enabled': true, // Disable topstories 'browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.feeds.system.topstories': false, // Always display a blank page 'browser.newtabpage.enabled': false, // Background thumbnails in particular cause grief: and disabling // thumbnails in general cannot hurt 'browser.pagethumbnails.capturing_disabled': true, // Disable safebrowsing components. 'browser.safebrowsing.blockedURIs.enabled': false, 'browser.safebrowsing.downloads.enabled': false, 'browser.safebrowsing.malware.enabled': false, 'browser.safebrowsing.passwords.enabled': false, 'browser.safebrowsing.phishing.enabled': false, // Disable updates to search engines. 'browser.search.update': false, // Do not restore the last open set of tabs if the browser has crashed 'browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash': false, // Skip check for default browser on startup 'browser.shell.checkDefaultBrowser': false, // Disable newtabpage 'browser.startup.homepage': 'about:blank', // Do not redirect user when a milstone upgrade of Firefox is detected 'browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone': 'ignore', // Start with a blank page about:blank 'browser.startup.page': 0, // Do not allow background tabs to be zombified on Android: otherwise for // tests that open additional tabs: the test harness tab itself might get // unloaded 'browser.tabs.disableBackgroundZombification': false, // Do not warn when closing all other open tabs 'browser.tabs.warnOnCloseOtherTabs': false, // Do not warn when multiple tabs will be opened 'browser.tabs.warnOnOpen': false, // Disable the UI tour. 'browser.uitour.enabled': false, // Turn off search suggestions in the location bar so as not to trigger // network connections. 'browser.urlbar.suggest.searches': false, // Disable first run splash page on Windows 10 'browser.usedOnWindows10.introURL': '', // Do not warn on quitting Firefox 'browser.warnOnQuit': false, // Defensively disable data reporting systems 'datareporting.healthreport.documentServerURI': `http://${server}/dummy/healthreport/`, 'datareporting.healthreport.logging.consoleEnabled': false, 'datareporting.healthreport.service.enabled': false, 'datareporting.healthreport.service.firstRun': false, 'datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled': false, // Do not show datareporting policy notifications which can interfere with tests 'datareporting.policy.dataSubmissionEnabled': false, 'datareporting.policy.dataSubmissionPolicyBypassNotification': true, // DevTools JSONViewer sometimes fails to load dependencies with its require.js. // This doesn't affect Puppeteer but spams console (Bug 1424372) 'devtools.jsonview.enabled': false, // Disable popup-blocker 'dom.disable_open_during_load': false, // Enable the support for File object creation in the content process // Required for |Page.setFileInputFiles| protocol method. 'dom.file.createInChild': true, // Disable the ProcessHangMonitor 'dom.ipc.reportProcessHangs': false, // Disable slow script dialogues 'dom.max_chrome_script_run_time': 0, 'dom.max_script_run_time': 0, // Only load extensions from the application and user profile // AddonManager.SCOPE_PROFILE + AddonManager.SCOPE_APPLICATION 'extensions.autoDisableScopes': 0, 'extensions.enabledScopes': 5, // Disable metadata caching for installed add-ons by default 'extensions.getAddons.cache.enabled': false, // Disable installing any distribution extensions or add-ons. 'extensions.installDistroAddons': false, // Disabled screenshots extension 'extensions.screenshots.disabled': true, // Turn off extension updates so they do not bother tests 'extensions.update.enabled': false, // Turn off extension updates so they do not bother tests 'extensions.update.notifyUser': false, // Make sure opening about:addons will not hit the network 'extensions.webservice.discoverURL': `http://${server}/dummy/discoveryURL`, // Temporarily force disable BFCache in parent (https://bit.ly/bug-1732263) 'fission.bfcacheInParent': false, // Force all web content to use a single content process 'fission.webContentIsolationStrategy': 0, // Allow the application to have focus even it runs in the background 'focusmanager.testmode': true, // Disable useragent updates 'general.useragent.updates.enabled': false, // Always use network provider for geolocation tests so we bypass the // macOS dialog raised by the corelocation provider 'geo.provider.testing': true, // Do not scan Wifi 'geo.wifi.scan': false, // No hang monitor 'hangmonitor.timeout': 0, // Show chrome errors and warnings in the error console 'javascript.options.showInConsole': true, // Disable download and usage of OpenH264: and Widevine plugins 'media.gmp-manager.updateEnabled': false, // Prevent various error message on the console // jest-puppeteer asserts that no error message is emitted by the console 'network.cookie.cookieBehavior': 0, // Disable experimental feature that is only available in Nightly 'network.cookie.sameSite.laxByDefault': false, // Do not prompt for temporary redirects 'network.http.prompt-temp-redirect': false, // Disable speculative connections so they are not reported as leaking // when they are hanging around 'network.http.speculative-parallel-limit': 0, // Do not automatically switch between offline and online 'network.manage-offline-status': false, // Make sure SNTP requests do not hit the network 'network.sntp.pools': server, // Disable Flash. 'plugin.state.flash': 0, 'privacy.trackingprotection.enabled': false, // Can be removed once Firefox 89 is no longer supported // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1710839 'remote.enabled': true, // Don't do network connections for mitm priming 'security.certerrors.mitm.priming.enabled': false, // Local documents have access to all other local documents, // including directory listings 'security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy': false, // Do not wait for the notification button security delay 'security.notification_enable_delay': 0, // Ensure blocklist updates do not hit the network 'services.settings.server': `http://${server}/dummy/blocklist/`, // Do not automatically fill sign-in forms with known usernames and // passwords 'signon.autofillForms': false, // Disable password capture, so that tests that include forms are not // influenced by the presence of the persistent doorhanger notification 'signon.rememberSignons': false, // Disable first-run welcome page 'startup.homepage_welcome_url': 'about:blank', // Disable first-run welcome page 'startup.homepage_welcome_url.additional': '', // Disable browser animations (tabs, fullscreen, sliding alerts) 'toolkit.cosmeticAnimations.enabled': false, // Prevent starting into safe mode after application crashes 'toolkit.startup.max_resumed_crashes': -1, }; Object.assign(defaultPreferences, extraPrefs); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(defaultPreferences)) userJS.push(`user_pref(${JSON.stringify(key)}, ${JSON.stringify(value)});`); await writeFileAsync(path.join(profilePath, 'user.js'), userJS.join('\n')); await writeFileAsync(path.join(profilePath, 'prefs.js'), prefsJS.join('\n')); return profilePath; } } function executablePathForChannel(channel) { const platform = os.platform(); let chromePath; switch (platform) { case 'win32': switch (channel) { case 'chrome': chromePath = `${process.env.PROGRAMFILES}\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe`; break; case 'chrome-beta': chromePath = `${process.env.PROGRAMFILES}\\Google\\Chrome Beta\\Application\\chrome.exe`; break; case 'chrome-canary': chromePath = `${process.env.PROGRAMFILES}\\Google\\Chrome SxS\\Application\\chrome.exe`; break; case 'chrome-dev': chromePath = `${process.env.PROGRAMFILES}\\Google\\Chrome Dev\\Application\\chrome.exe`; break; } break; case 'darwin': switch (channel) { case 'chrome': chromePath = '/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome'; break; case 'chrome-beta': chromePath = '/Applications/Google Chrome Beta.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome Beta'; break; case 'chrome-canary': chromePath = '/Applications/Google Chrome Canary.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome Canary'; break; case 'chrome-dev': chromePath = '/Applications/Google Chrome Dev.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome Dev'; break; } break; case 'linux': switch (channel) { case 'chrome': chromePath = '/opt/google/chrome/chrome'; break; case 'chrome-beta': chromePath = '/opt/google/chrome-beta/chrome'; break; case 'chrome-dev': chromePath = '/opt/google/chrome-unstable/chrome'; break; } break; } if (!chromePath) { throw new Error(`Unable to detect browser executable path for '${channel}' on ${platform}.`); } // Check if Chrome exists and is accessible. try { fs.accessSync(chromePath); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Could not find Google Chrome executable for channel '${channel}' at '${chromePath}'.`); } return chromePath; } function resolveExecutablePath(launcher) { let downloadPath; // puppeteer-core doesn't take into account PUPPETEER_* env variables. if (!launcher._isPuppeteerCore) { const executablePath = process.env.PUPPETEER_EXECUTABLE_PATH || process.env.npm_config_puppeteer_executable_path || process.env.npm_package_config_puppeteer_executable_path; if (executablePath) { const missingText = !fs.existsSync(executablePath) ? 'Tried to use PUPPETEER_EXECUTABLE_PATH env variable to launch browser but did not find any executable at: ' + executablePath : null; return { executablePath, missingText }; } downloadPath = process.env.PUPPETEER_DOWNLOAD_PATH || process.env.npm_config_puppeteer_download_path || process.env.npm_package_config_puppeteer_download_path; } const browserFetcher = new BrowserFetcher(launcher._projectRoot, { product: launcher.product, path: downloadPath, }); if (!launcher._isPuppeteerCore && launcher.product === 'chrome') { const revision = process.env['PUPPETEER_CHROMIUM_REVISION']; if (revision) { const revisionInfo = browserFetcher.revisionInfo(revision); const missingText = !revisionInfo.local ? 'Tried to use PUPPETEER_CHROMIUM_REVISION env variable to launch browser but did not find executable at: ' + revisionInfo.executablePath : null; return { executablePath: revisionInfo.executablePath, missingText }; } } const revisionInfo = browserFetcher.revisionInfo(launcher._preferredRevision); const firefoxHelp = `Run \`PUPPETEER_PRODUCT=firefox npm install\` to download a supported Firefox browser binary.`; const chromeHelp = `Run \`npm install\` to download the correct Chromium revision (${launcher._preferredRevision}).`; const missingText = !revisionInfo.local ? `Could not find expected browser (${launcher.product}) locally. ${launcher.product === 'chrome' ? chromeHelp : firefoxHelp}` : null; return { executablePath: revisionInfo.executablePath, missingText }; } /** * @internal */ export default function Launcher(projectRoot, preferredRevision, isPuppeteerCore, product) { // puppeteer-core doesn't take into account PUPPETEER_* env variables. if (!product && !isPuppeteerCore) product = process.env.PUPPETEER_PRODUCT || process.env.npm_config_puppeteer_product || process.env.npm_package_config_puppeteer_product; switch (product) { case 'firefox': return new FirefoxLauncher(projectRoot, preferredRevision, isPuppeteerCore); case 'chrome': default: if (typeof product !== 'undefined' && product !== 'chrome') { /* The user gave us an incorrect product name * we'll default to launching Chrome, but log to the console * to let the user know (they've probably typoed). */ console.warn(`Warning: unknown product name ${product}. Falling back to chrome.`); } return new ChromeLauncher(projectRoot, preferredRevision, isPuppeteerCore); } } //# sourceMappingURL=Launcher.js.map