require 'tmpdir'
module CloudCrowd
# The AssetStore provides a common API for storing files and returning URLs
# that can access them. At the moment, the files can be saved to either S3, or
# the local filesystem. You shouldn't need to use the AssetStore directly --
# Action's +download+ and +save+ methods use it behind the scenes.
# To implement a new back-end for the AssetStore, you must provide
# save(local_path, save_path), cleanup(job), and optionally,
# a setup method that will be called once at initialization.
class AssetStore
autoload :S3Store, 'cloud_crowd/asset_store/s3_store'
autoload :FilesystemStore, 'cloud_crowd/asset_store/filesystem_store'
# Configure the AssetStore with the specific storage implementation
# specified by 'storage' in config.yml.
case CloudCrowd.config[:storage]
when 's3' then include S3Store
when 'filesystem' then include FilesystemStore
else raise Error::StorageNotFound, "#{CloudCrowd.config[:storage]} is not a valid storage back end"
# Creating the AssetStore ensures that its scratch directory exists.
def initialize
FileUtils.mkdir_p temp_storage_path unless File.exists? temp_storage_path
raise Error::StorageNotWritable, "#{temp_storage_path} is not writable" unless File.writable?(temp_storage_path)
setup if respond_to? :setup
# Get the path to CloudCrowd's temporary local storage. All actions run
# in subdirectories of this.
def temp_storage_path