name: Attachment description: Displays a link to download an attachment and metadata about the file body: | This component shows a link to a document that is attached to GOV.UK content along with a thumbnail and relevant file data. It is intended to be rendered in Govspeak and as an attachment 'preview' in Content Publisher. It is not as rich in features as the [attachment rendering][Whitehall] provided by Whitehall, it lacks support for multiple languages, CSV previews and publication fields [Whitehall]: shared_accessibility_criteria: - link accessibility_criteria: | The thumbnail image, and the link wrapping it, must not focusable or shown to screenreaders. examples: default: data: attachment: title: "Department for Transport information asset register" url: filename: department-for-transport-information-asset-register.csv content_type: text/csv file_size: 20000 with_number_of_pages: data: attachment: title: "Department for Transport, temporary snow ploughs: guidance note" url: filename: temporary-snow-ploughs.pdf content_type: application/pdf file_size: 20000 number_of_pages: 7 opendocument: data: attachment: title: "BEIS Information Asset Register" url: filename: BEIS_Information_Asset_Register_.ods content_type: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet file_size: 20000 help_text_disabled: data: attachment: title: "Attitudes in Iraq: June 2005 wave 1" url: filename: 20130110_Iraq_wave01.txt content_type: text/plain file_size: 108515 hide_opendocument_metadata: true embedded_in_govspeak: description: | This component can be embedded in Govspeak with the `[Attachment:]` code. embed: | <%= render "govuk_publishing_components/components/govspeak" do %>
Some text.
<%= component %> <% end %> data: attachment: title: "BEIS Information Asset Register" url: filename: BEIS_Information_Asset_Register_.ods content_type: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet file_size: 20000 with_contact_email: data: attachment: title: "Department for Transport information asset register" url: filename: department-for-transport-information-asset-register.csv content_type: application/pdf file_size: 20000 alternative_format_contact_email: with_link_to_request_accessible_format_form: data: attachment: title: "Department for Transport information asset register" url: filename: department-for-transport-information-asset-register.csv content_type: application/pdf file_size: 20000 owning_document_content_id: 456_abc attachment_id: 123 alternative_format_contact_email: with_data_attributes: data: attachment: title: "Department for Transport information asset register" url: filename: department-for-transport-information-asset-register.csv content_type: application/pdf file_size: 20000 data_attributes: gtm: "attachment-preview" command_paper_numbered: description: | Command paper, numbered data: attachment: title: "The government financial reporting review" url: filename: department-for-transport-information-asset-register.csv content_type: application/pdf file_size: 20000 number_of_pages: 7 isbn: "978-1-5286-1173-2" unique_reference: "2259" command_paper_number: "67" command_paper_unnumbered: description: | Command paper, unnumbered data: attachment: title: "The government financial reporting review" url: filename: the_government_financial_reporting_review_web.pdf content_type: application/pdf file_size: 20000 number_of_pages: 7 isbn: "978-1-5286-1173-2" unique_reference: "2259" unnumbered_command_paper: true act_paper_numbered: description: | Act paper (House of Commons paper), numbered data: attachment: title: "Budget 2020" url: filename: Budget_2020_Web_Accessible_Complete.pdf content_type: application/pdf file_size: 20000 number_of_pages: 12 isbn: "978-1-913635-01-5" unique_reference: "2942" hoc_paper_number: "121" parliamentary_session: "2019-20" act_paper_unnumbered: description: | Act paper (House of Commons paper), unnumbered data: attachment: title: "Budget 2020" url: filename: Budget_2020_Web_Accessible_Complete.pdf content_type: application/pdf file_size: 20000 number_of_pages: 12 isbn: "978-1-913635-01-5" unique_reference: "2942" unnumbered_hoc_paper: true hide_order_a_copy: description: | With 'Order a copy' hidden data: attachment: title: "Budget 2020" url: filename: Budget_2020_Web_Accessible_Complete.pdf content_type: application/pdf file_size: 20000 number_of_pages: 12 isbn: "978-1-913635-01-5" unique_reference: "2942" unnumbered_hoc_paper: true hide_order_copy_link: true with_custom_heading_level: description: Default is `h2`. data: heading_level: 3 attachment: title: "Department for Transport information asset register" url: filename: department-for-transport-information-asset-register.csv content_type: text/csv file_size: 20000