module ActionController module Acts #:nodoc: module MuckContentHandler #:nodoc: def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods) end module ClassMethods def acts_as_muck_content_handler rescue_from ActionController::RoutingError, :with => :handle_content_request include ActionController::Acts::MuckContentHandler::InstanceMethods end end # All the methods available to a record that has had acts_as_muck_content specified. module InstanceMethods protected # Renders content, shows 404 or redirects to new content as appropriate def handle_content_request if !request.format.html? # If the the request is html we can bail. render :nothing => true, :status => 404 return end get_content if @content.blank? redirect_to new_content_path(:path => request.path) else return if ensure_current_url render_show_content end end # Renders the show template with the current content. def render_show_content activate_authlogic # HACK authlogic isn't turned on for the application controller so we force it. See @page_title = @content.locale_title(I18n.locale) respond_to do |format| format.html do if @content.layout.blank? render :template => 'contents/show' else render :template => 'contents/show', :layout => @content.layout end end format.xml { render :xml => @content } end end # Checks to see if the content has a better url. If it does a redirect is performed and true is returned. # If not redirect then false is returned. def ensure_current_url # TODO right now in the routes we setup each page to be found via numeric id which triggers has_better_id? # In addition url_for(@content) adds 'contents' to the path. Need to figure out how to generate the uri # when url_for(@content) is called or change to @content.uri and how to take advantage of the slug history which # helps us setup permanent redirects # might be time to add to the docs to setup a default route in routes.rb which maps everything that's not # found to the contents controller. - map.connect '*url', :controller => 'pages', :action => 'show' # this could replace acts_as_muck_content_handler or we could just handle everything via acts_as_muck_content_handler if @content.has_better_id? redirect_to @content, :status => :moved_permanently true else false end end # Tries to find content using parameters from the url def get_content return if @content # in case @content is setup by an overriding method id = params[:id] || Content.id_from_uri(request.path) scope = params[:scope] || Content.scope_from_uri(request.path) @content = Content.find(id, :scope => scope) rescue nil if @content.blank? @contentable = get_parent if @contentable @content = Content.find(params[:id], :scope => Content.contentable_to_scope(@contentable)) rescue nil end end end end end end end