@mixin output-isolation($span, $location, $columns, $gutter, $options: false) { @if $options == false { $options: 'right'; } $gutter: find-gutter($gutter); @if $direction == 'ltr' or $direction == 'both' { // Set the CSS direction to ltr $cssdir: 'ltr'; // Find the CSS named direction and opposite direction $dir: named-direction($cssdir); $opp: opposite-direction($dir); width: column-span($span, $location, $columns); margin-#{$dir}: column-span($location - 1, 1, $columns); margin-#{$opp}: -100%; float: $dir; clear: unquote($options); } @if $direction == 'rtl' or $direction == 'both' { // Set the CSS direction to ltr $cssdir: 'rtl'; // Find the CSS named direction and opposite direction $dir: named-direction($cssdir); $opp: opposite-direction($dir); [dir="#{$cssdir}"] & { margin-#{$dir}: column-span($location - 1, 1, $columns) + gutter-span($gutter, $columns); margin-#{$opp}: -100%; float: $dir; clear: unquote($options); } } @include span-shared; } @mixin push-isolation($span, $location, $columns: false, $gutter: false) { @include push-float($span, $location, $columns, $gutter); } @mixin pull-isolation($span, $location, $columns: false, $gutter: false) { @include pull-float($span, $location, $columns, $gutter); }