import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"; import DEBUG from "../debug"; /** * Scrim controller wraps an element that creates a whole page layer. * It is intended to be used behind a modal or nav drawer. * * If the Scrim element receives a click event, it automatically triggers "scrim:hide". * * You can show and hide the scrim programmatically by calling show/hide on the controller, e.g. using an outlet. * * If you need to respond to the scrim showing or hiding you should subscribe to "scrim:show" and "scrim:hide". */ export default class ScrimController extends Controller { static values = { open: Boolean, captive: Boolean, zIndex: Number, }; connect() { if (DEBUG) console.debug("scrim:connect"); this.defaultZIndexValue = this.zIndexValue; this.defaultCaptiveValue = this.captiveValue; this.element.scrim = this; } disconnect() { if (DEBUG) console.debug("scrim:disconnect"); delete this.element.scrim; } async show({ captive = this.defaultCaptiveValue, zIndex = this.defaultZIndexValue, top = window.scrollY, animate = true, } = {}) { if (DEBUG) console.debug("scrim:before-show"); // hide the scrim before opening the new one if it's already open if (this.openValue) { await this.hide({ animate }); } // update internal state this.openValue = true; // notify listeners of pending request this.dispatch("show", { bubbles: true }); if (DEBUG) console.debug("scrim:show-start"); // update state, perform style updates this.#show(captive, zIndex, top); if (animate) { // animate opening // this will trigger an animationEnd event via CSS that completes the open this.element.dataset.showAnimating = ""; await new Promise((resolve) => { this.element.addEventListener("animationend", () => resolve(), { once: true, }); }); delete this.element.dataset.showAnimating; } if (DEBUG) console.debug("scrim:show-end"); } async hide({ animate = true } = {}) { if (!this.openValue || this.element.dataset.hideAnimating) return; if (DEBUG) console.debug("scrim:before-hide"); // notify listeners of pending request this.dispatch("hide", { bubbles: true }); if (DEBUG) console.debug("scrim:hide-start"); if (animate) { // set animation state // this will trigger an animationEnd event via CSS that completes the hide this.element.dataset.hideAnimating = ""; await new Promise((resolve) => { this.element.addEventListener("animationend", () => resolve(), { once: true, }); }); delete this.element.dataset.hideAnimating; } this.#hide(); this.openValue = false; if (DEBUG) console.debug("scrim:hide-end"); } dismiss(event) { if (DEBUG) console.debug("scrim:dismiss"); if (!this.captiveValue) this.dispatch("dismiss", { bubbles: true }); } escape(event) { if ( event.key === "Escape" && !this.captiveValue && !event.defaultPrevented ) { this.dispatch("dismiss", { bubbles: true }); } } /** * Clips body to viewport size and sets the z-index */ #show(captive, zIndex, top) { this.captiveValue = captive; this.zIndexValue = zIndex; this.scrollY = top; this.previousPosition =; this.previousTop =; = this.zIndexValue; = `-${top}px`; = "fixed"; } /** * Unclips body from viewport size and unsets the z-index */ #hide() { this.captiveValue = this.defaultCaptiveValue; this.zIndexValue = this.defaultZIndexValue; resetStyle(this.element, "z-index", null); resetStyle(document.body, "position", null); resetStyle(document.body, "top", null); window.scrollTo({ left: 0, top: this.scrollY, behavior: "instant" }); delete this.scrollY; delete this.previousPosition; delete this.previousTop; } } function resetStyle(element, property, previousValue) { if (previousValue) {, previousValue); } else {; } }